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Title: First Simultaneous Measurement of Differential Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Cross Sections on Argon for Final States with and without Protons Using MicroBooNE Data

We report the first double-differential neutrino-argon cross section measurement made simultaneously for final states with and without protons for the inclusive muon neutrino charged-current interaction channel. The proton kinematics of this channel are further explored with a differential cross section measurement as a function of the leading proton’s kinetic energy that extends across the detection threshold. These measurements use data collected with the MicroBooNE detector from6.4×1020protons on target from the Fermilab booster neutrino beam with a mean neutrino energy of∼0.8  GeV. Extensive data-driven model validation utilizing the conditional constraint formalism is employed. This motivates enlarging the uncertainties with an empirical reweighting approach to minimize the possibility of extracting biased cross section results. The extracted nominal flux-averaged cross sections are compared to widely used event generator predictions revealing severe mismodeling of final states without protons for muon neutrino charged-current interactions, possibly from insufficient treatment of final state interactions. These measurements provide a wealth of new information useful for improving event generators which will enhance the sensitivity of precision measurements in neutrino experiments.

Published by the American Physical Society2024 
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2209601 2047665
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Physical Review Letters
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National Science Foundation
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    <supplementary-material><permissions><copyright-statement>© 2024 CERN, for the CMS Collaboration</copyright-statement><copyright-year>2024</copyright-year><copyright-holder>CERN</copyright-holder></permissions></supplementary-material></sec> </div> <a href='#' class='show open-abstract' style='margin-left:10px;'>more »</a> <a href='#' class='hide close-abstract' style='margin-left:10px;'>« less</a> </div><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="article item document" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="item-info"> <div class="title"> <a href="" itemprop="url"> <span class='span-link' itemprop="name">Nonresonant central exclusive production of charged-hadron pairs in proton-proton collisions at s=13  TeV</span> </a> </div> <div> <strong> <a class="misc external-link" href="" target="_blank" title="Link to document DOI">  <span class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></span></a> </strong> </div> <div class="metadata"> <span class="authors"> <span class="author" itemprop="author">Hayrapetyan, A</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Tumasyan, A</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Adam, W</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Andrejkovic, J W</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Bergauer, T</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Chatterjee, S</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Damanakis, K</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Dragicevic, M</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Hussain, P S</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Jeitler, M</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author">et al</span></span> <span class="year">( <time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2024-06-01">June 2024</time> , Physical Review D) </span> </div> <div style="cursor: pointer;-webkit-line-clamp: 5;" class="abstract" itemprop="description"> <p>The central exclusive production of charged-hadron pairs in<math display='inline'><mi>p</mi><mi>p</mi></math>collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV is examined, based on data collected in a special high-<math display='inline'><msup><mi>β</mi><mo>*</mo></msup></math>run of the LHC. The nonresonant continuum processes are studied with the invariant mass of the centrally produced two-pion system in the resonance-free region,<math display='inline'><msub><mi>m</mi><mrow><msup><mi>Ï€</mi><mo>+</mo></msup><msup><mi>Ï€</mi><mo>−</mo></msup></mrow></msub><mo><</mo><mn>0.7</mn></math>or<math display='inline'><msub><mi>m</mi><mrow><msup><mi>Ï€</mi><mo>+</mo></msup><msup><mi>Ï€</mi><mo>−</mo></msup></mrow></msub><mo>></mo><mn>1.8</mn><mtext> </mtext><mtext> </mtext><mi>GeV</mi></math>. Differential cross sections as functions of the azimuthal angle between the surviving protons, squared exchanged four-momenta, and<math display='inline'><msub><mi>m</mi><mrow><msup><mi>Ï€</mi><mo>+</mo></msup><msup><mi>Ï€</mi><mo>−</mo></msup></mrow></msub></math>are measured in a wide region of scattered proton transverse momenta, between 0.2 and 0.8 GeV, and for pion rapidities<math display='inline'><mrow><mo stretchy='false'>|</mo><mi>y</mi><mo stretchy='false'>|</mo></mrow><mo><</mo><mn>2</mn></math>. A rich structure of interactions related to double-pomeron exchange is observed. A parabolic minimum in the distribution of the two-proton azimuthal angle is observed for the first time. It can be interpreted as an effect of additional pomeron exchanges between the protons from the interference between the bare and the rescattered amplitudes. After model tuning, various physical quantities are determined that are related to the pomeron cross section, proton-pomeron and meson-pomeron form factors, pomeron trajectory and intercept, and coefficients of diffractive eigenstates of the proton.</p> <sec><title/><supplementary-material><permissions><copyright-statement>© 2024 CERN, for the CMS and TOTEMs Collaboration</copyright-statement><copyright-year>2024</copyright-year><copyright-holder>CERN</copyright-holder></permissions></supplementary-material></sec> </div> <a href='#' class='show open-abstract' style='margin-left:10px;'>more »</a> <a href='#' class='hide close-abstract' style='margin-left:10px;'>« less</a> </div><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </li> </ol> <div class="push_top"></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div id="citation-sidebar"> <ul class="nav nav-list" id="citation-fulltext-sidebar" style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Georgia Regular;"> <li style="font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size:13px;">Free Publicly Accessible Full Text</li> <li class="small"> This content will become publicly available on July 1, 2025</li> <li class="divider"></li> <li style="font-weight: bold;font-size:13px;">Journal Article:</li> <li style="word-break:break-all" class="small"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Document DOI URL" class="external-link" data-ostiid="10556458" style="word-wrap: break-word;">  <span class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></span></a></li> </ul> <div class="hidden-print"> <ul class="nav nav-list clearfix" id="sidebar-feedback" style="margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; clear: both;"> <li style="position: relative;"> <div class="feedback-container"> <div style="font-family: Georgia Regular; font-size: 14px; color: #313b52; padding:20px;"> Have feedback or suggestions for a way to improve these results?<br/> <span style="text-decoration: underline;"> <script type="text/javascript" defer>/* <![CDATA[ */ user = "feedback"; site = ""; subject = "?subject=Comments or Suggestions"; content = "<span class='fa fa-envelope'></span><span class='span-link' style='padding-left:5px'>Let us know</span>"; id = ""; document.write('<a itemprop="'+ id +'" href="mailto:' + user + '@' + site + subject + '">' + (content != '' ? 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Retrieved from <em>Physical Review Letters</em> 133.4 Web. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.041801. </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div></li> <li class="links-format"><a href="#cite-apa" data-toggle="modal">APA</a> <div id="cite-apa" class="modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="cite-apa_label" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <strong id="cite-apa_label">Cite: APA Format</strong> </div> <div class="modal-body">Abratenko, P, Alterkait, O, Andrade_Aldana, D, Arellano, L, Asaadi, J, Ashkenazi, A, Balasubramanian, S, Baller, B, Barr, G, Barrow, D, Barrow, J, Basque, V, Benevides_Rodrigues, O, Berkman, S, Bhanderi, A, Bhat, A, Bhattacharya, M, Bishai, M, Blake, A, Bogart, B, Bolton, T, Book, J Y, Brunetti, M B, Camilleri, L, Cao, Y, Caratelli, D, Cavanna, F, Cerati, G, Chappell, A, Chen, Y, Conrad, J M, Convery, M, Cooper-Troendle, L, Crespo-Anadón, J I, Cross, R, Del_Tutto, M, Dennis, S R, Detje, P, Devitt, A, Diurba, R, Djurcic, Z, Dorrill, R, Duffy, K, Dytman, S, Eberly, B, Englezos, P, Ereditato, A, Evans, J J, Fine, R, Finnerud, O G, Foreman, W, Fleming, B T, Franco, D, Furmanski, A P, Gao, F, Garcia-Gamez, D, Gardiner, S, Ge, G, Gollapinni, S, Gramellini, E, Green, P, Greenlee, H, Gu, L, Gu, W, Guenette, R, Guzowski, P, Hagaman, L, Hen, O, Hilgenberg, C, Horton-Smith, G A, Imani, Z, Irwin, B, Ismail, M S, James, C, Ji, X, Jo, J H, Johnson, R A, Jwa, Y-J, Kalra, D, Kamp, N, Karagiorgi, G, Ketchum, W, Kirby, M, Kobilarcik, T, Kreslo, I, Leibovitch, M B, Lepetic, I, Li, J-Y, Li, K, Li, Y, Lin, K, Littlejohn, B R, Liu, H, Louis, W C, Luo, X, Mariani, C, Marsden, D, Marshall, J, Martinez, N, Martinez_Caicedo, D A, Martynenko, S, Mastbaum, A, Mawby, I, McConkey, N, Meddage, V, Micallef, J, Miller, K, Mogan, A, Mohayai, T, Mooney, M, Moor, A F, Moore, C D, Mora_Lepin, L, Moudgalya, M M, Mulleriababu, S, Naples, D, Navrer-Agasson, A, Nayak, N, Nebot-Guinot, M, Nowak, J, Oza, N, Palamara, O, Pallat, N, Paolone, V, Papadopoulou, A, Papavassiliou, V, Parkinson, H B, Pate, S F, Patel, N, Pavlovic, Z, Piasetzky, E, Pophale, I, Qian, X, Raaf, J L, Radeka, V, Rafique, A, Reggiani-Guzzo, M, Ren, L, Rochester, L, Rodriguez_Rondon, J, Rosenberg, M, Ross-Lonergan, M, Rudolf_von_Rohr, C, Safa, I, Scanavini, G, Schmitz, D W, Schukraft, A, Seligman, W, Shaevitz, M H, Sharankova, R, Shi, J, Snider, E L, Soderberg, M, Söldner-Rembold, S, Spitz, J, Stancari, M, John, J St, Strauss, T, Szelc, A M, Tang, W, Taniuchi, N, Terao, K, Thorpe, C, Torbunov, D, Totani, D, Toups, M, Tsai, Y-T, Tyler, J, Uchida, M A, Usher, T, Viren, B, Weber, M, Wei, H, White, A J, Wolbers, S, Wongjirad, T, Wospakrik, M, Wresilo, K, Wu, W, Yandel, E, Yang, T, Yates, L E, Yu, H W, Zeller, G P, Zennamo, J, & Zhang, C. <em>First Simultaneous Measurement of Differential Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Cross Sections on Argon for Final States with and without Protons Using MicroBooNE Data</em>. <em>Physical Review Letters</em>, <em>133</em> (4). 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"First Simultaneous Measurement of Differential Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Cross Sections on Argon for Final States with and without Protons Using MicroBooNE Data". <em>Physical Review Letters</em> 133 (4). Country unknown/Code not available: APS. <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>. </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div></li> <li class="links-format"><a href="#cite-bib" data-toggle="modal">BibTeX</a> <div id="cite-bib" class="modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="cite-bib_label" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <strong id="cite-bib_label">Cite: BibTeX Format</strong> </div> <div class="modal-body"> @article{osti_10556458,<br/> place = {Country unknown/Code not available}, title = {First Simultaneous Measurement of Differential Muon-Neutrino Charged-Current Cross Sections on Argon for Final States with and without Protons Using MicroBooNE Data}, url = {}, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.041801}, abstractNote = {We report the first double-differential neutrino-argon cross section measurement made simultaneously for final states with and without protons for the inclusive muon neutrino charged-current interaction channel. The proton kinematics of this channel are further explored with a differential cross section measurement as a function of the leading proton’s kinetic energy that extends across the detection threshold. These measurements use data collected with the MicroBooNE detector from6.4×1020protons on target from the Fermilab booster neutrino beam with a mean neutrino energy of∼0.8  GeV. Extensive data-driven model validation utilizing the conditional constraint formalism is employed. This motivates enlarging the uncertainties with an empirical reweighting approach to minimize the possibility of extracting biased cross section results. The extracted nominal flux-averaged cross sections are compared to widely used event generator predictions revealing severe mismodeling of final states without protons for muon neutrino charged-current interactions, possibly from insufficient treatment of final state interactions. These measurements provide a wealth of new information useful for improving event generators which will enhance the sensitivity of precision measurements in neutrino experiments. Published by the American Physical Society2024}, journal = {Physical Review Letters}, volume = {133}, number = {4}, publisher = {APS}, author = {Abratenko, P and Alterkait, O and Andrade_Aldana, D and Arellano, L and Asaadi, J and Ashkenazi, A and Balasubramanian, S and Baller, B and Barr, G and Barrow, D and Barrow, J and Basque, V and Benevides_Rodrigues, O and Berkman, S and Bhanderi, A and Bhat, A and Bhattacharya, M and Bishai, M and Blake, A and Bogart, B and Bolton, T and Book, J Y and Brunetti, M B and Camilleri, L and Cao, Y and Caratelli, D and Cavanna, F and Cerati, G and Chappell, A and Chen, Y and Conrad, J M and Convery, M and Cooper-Troendle, L and Crespo-Anadón, J I and Cross, R and Del_Tutto, M and Dennis, S R and Detje, P and Devitt, A and Diurba, R and Djurcic, Z and Dorrill, R and Duffy, K and Dytman, S and Eberly, B and Englezos, P and Ereditato, A and Evans, J J and Fine, R and Finnerud, O G and Foreman, W and Fleming, B T and Franco, D and Furmanski, A P and Gao, F and Garcia-Gamez, D and Gardiner, S and Ge, G and Gollapinni, S and Gramellini, E and Green, P and Greenlee, H and Gu, L and Gu, W and Guenette, R and Guzowski, P and Hagaman, L and Hen, O and Hilgenberg, C and Horton-Smith, G A and Imani, Z and Irwin, B and Ismail, M S and James, C and Ji, X and Jo, J H and Johnson, R A and Jwa, Y-J and Kalra, D and Kamp, N and Karagiorgi, G and Ketchum, W and Kirby, M and Kobilarcik, T and Kreslo, I and Leibovitch, M B and Lepetic, I and Li, J-Y and Li, K and Li, Y and Lin, K and Littlejohn, B R and Liu, H and Louis, W C and Luo, X and Mariani, C and Marsden, D and Marshall, J and Martinez, N and Martinez_Caicedo, D A and Martynenko, S and Mastbaum, A and Mawby, I and McConkey, N and Meddage, V and Micallef, J and Miller, K and Mogan, A and Mohayai, T and Mooney, M and Moor, A F and Moore, C D and Mora_Lepin, L and Moudgalya, M M and Mulleriababu, S and Naples, D and Navrer-Agasson, A and Nayak, N and Nebot-Guinot, M and Nowak, J and Oza, N and Palamara, O and Pallat, N and Paolone, V and Papadopoulou, A and Papavassiliou, V and Parkinson, H B and Pate, S F and Patel, N and Pavlovic, Z and Piasetzky, E and Pophale, I and Qian, X and Raaf, J L and Radeka, V and Rafique, A and Reggiani-Guzzo, M and Ren, L and Rochester, L and Rodriguez_Rondon, J and Rosenberg, M and Ross-Lonergan, M and Rudolf_von_Rohr, C and Safa, I and Scanavini, G and Schmitz, D W and Schukraft, A and Seligman, W and Shaevitz, M H and Sharankova, R and Shi, J and Snider, E L and Soderberg, M and Söldner-Rembold, S and Spitz, J and Stancari, M and John, J St and Strauss, T and Szelc, A M and Tang, W and Taniuchi, N and Terao, K and Thorpe, C and Torbunov, D and Totani, D and Toups, M and Tsai, Y-T and Tyler, J and Uchida, M A and Usher, T and Viren, B and Weber, M and Wei, H and White, A J and Wolbers, S and Wongjirad, T and Wospakrik, M and Wresilo, K and Wu, W and Yandel, E and Yang, T and Yates, L E and Yu, H W and Zeller, G P and Zennamo, J and Zhang, C}, }</div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div></li> <li class="divider"></li> </ul> <ul class="nav nav-list" style="font-size: 14px; 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