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Title: Long‐term climate and hydrologic regimes shape stream invertebrate community responses to a hurricane disturbance

Disturbances can produce a spectrum of short‐ and long‐term ecological consequences that depend on complex interactions of the characteristics of the event, antecedent environmental conditions, and the intrinsic properties of resistance and resilience of the affected biological system.

We used Hurricane Harvey's impact on coastal rivers of Texas to examine the roles of storm‐related changes in hydrology and long‐term precipitation regime on the response of stream invertebrate communities to hurricane disturbance.

We detected declines in richness, diversity and total abundance following the storm, but responses were strongly tied to direct and indirect effects of long‐term aridity and short‐term changes in stream hydrology. The amount of rainfall a site received drove both flood duration and flood magnitude across sites, but lower annual rainfall amounts (i.e. aridity) increased flood magnitude and decreased flood duration. Across all sites, flood duration was positively related to the time it took for invertebrate communities to return to a long‐term baseline and flood magnitude drove larger invertebrate community responses (i.e. changes in diversity and total abundance). However, invertebrate response per unit flood magnitude was lower in sub‐humid sites, potentially because of differences in refuge availability or ecological‐evolutionary interactions. Interestingly, sub‐humid streams had temporary large peaks in invertebrate total abundance and diversity following recovery period that may be indicative of the larger organic matter pulses expected in these systems because of their comparatively well‐developed riparian vegetation.

Our findings show that hydrology and long‐term precipitation regime predictably affected invertebrate community responses and, thus, our work underscores the important influence of local climate to ecosystem sensitivity to disturbances.

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Award ID(s):
2003292 2039228 2128281 1761677 1927645 2037696 1903760
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
British Ecological Society
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Animal Ecology
Page Range / eLocation ID:
823 to 835
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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