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Title: No difference in reproductive investment or success across urban and rural breeding pairs in an urban-adapted songbird

Species classified as “urban-adapters” are often assumed to thrive in cities because they are commonly found across the urbanization gradient. However, urban-living populations of many urban-adapted species have been found to have lower reproductive success relative to their rural counterparts. Sturnus vulgaris (European Starling) is a common urban-adapted species found across most of the globe. While S. vulgaris have lowered reproductive success in urban areas in their native range, less is known about how urbanization impacts reproduction in their invasive ranges. We tested for differences in reproductive investment and success across urban and rural S. vulgaris populations in Georgia, which is part of their North American invasive range. We found few differences in reproductive output for urban vs. rural S. vulgaris—clutch size, egg mass, egg volume, incubation behavior, provisioning rates, brooding behavior, and nestling wing chord were all similar across S. vulgaris populations from more urban and more rural study sites. Although urban birds produced a higher number of hatchlings and rural birds produced young in higher body condition, neither of these factors influenced reproductive success because the number of fledglings produced were similar for urban and rural breeding S. vulgaris. Overall, S. vulgaris in their invasive range performed similarly well in more urban vs. more rural habitats. Future work should explore whether urbanization affects other components of fitness in starlings (e.g., adult survival).

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National Science Foundation
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