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Creators/Authors contains: "Archipley, M"

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  1. Abstract

    We present the average rest-frame spectrum of the final catalog of dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) selected from the South Pole Telescope's SPT-SZ survey and measured with Band 3 of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. This work builds on the previous average rest-frame spectrum, given in Spilker et al. (2014) for the first 22 sources, and is comprised of a total of 78 sources, normalized by their respective apparent dust masses. The spectrum spans 1.9 <z< 6.9 and covers rest-frame frequencies of 240–800 GHz. Combining this data with low-JCO observations from the Australia Telescope Compact Array, we detect multiple bright line features from12CO, [Ci], and H2O, as well as fainter molecular transitions from13CO, HCN, HCO+, HNC, CN, H2O+, and CH. We use these detections, along with limits from other molecules, to characterize the typical properties of the interstellar medium (ISM) for these high-redshift DSFGs. We are able to divide the large sample into subsets in order to explore how the average spectrum changes with various galaxy properties, such as effective dust temperature. We find that systems with hotter dust temperatures exhibit differences in the bright12CO emission lines, and contain either warmer and more excited dense gas tracers or larger dense gas reservoirs. These observations will serve as a reference point to studies of the ISM in distant luminous DSFGs (LIR> 1012L), and will inform studies of chemical evolution before the peak epoch of star formation atz= 2–3.

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  2. Abstract

    We present a flare star catalog from 4 yr of nontargeted millimeter-wave survey data from the South Pole Telescope (SPT). The data were taken with the SPT-3G camera and cover a 1500 deg2region of the sky from 20h40m0sto 3h20m0sin right ascension and from −42° to −70° in declination. This region was observed on a nearly daily cadence from 2019 to 2022 and chosen to avoid the plane of the galaxy. A short-duration transient search of this survey yields 111 flaring events from 66 stars, increasing the number of both flaring events and detected flare stars by an order of magnitude from the previous SPT-3G data release. We provide cross-matching to Gaia DR3, as well as matches to X-ray point sources found in the second ROSAT all-sky survey. We have detected flaring stars across the main sequence, from early-type A stars to M dwarfs, as well as a large population of evolved stars. These stars are mostly nearby, spanning 10–1000 pc in distance. Most of the flare spectral indices are constant or gently rising as a function of frequency at 95/150/220 GHz. The timescale of these events can range from minutes to hours, and the peakνLνluminosities range from 1027to 1031erg s−1in the SPT-3G frequency bands.

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  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  4. High-redshift dusty star-forming galaxies with very high star formation rates (500−3000 M ⊙ yr −1 ) are key to understanding the formation of the most extreme galaxies in the early Universe. Characterising the gas reservoir of these systems can reveal the driving factor behind the high star formation. Using molecular gas tracers such as, high- J CO lines, neutral carbon lines, and the dust continuum, we can estimate the gas density and radiation field intensity in their interstellar media. In this paper, we present high resolution (∼0.4″) observations of CO(7−6), [CI](2−1), and dust continuum of three lensed galaxies from the South pole telescope – sub-millimetre galaxies (SPT-SMG) sample at z  ∼ 3 with the Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array. Our sources have high intrinsic star formation rates (> 850 M ⊙ yr −1 ) and rather short depletion timescales (< 100 Myr). Based on the L [CI](2−1) / L CO(7 − 6) and L [CI](2−1) / L IR ratios, our galaxy sample has similar radiation field intensities and gas densities compared to other submillimetre galaxies. We performed visibility-based lens modelling on these objects to reconstruct the kinematics in the source plane. We find that the cold gas masses of the sources are compatible with simple dynamical mass estimates using ULIRG-like values of the CO-H 2 conversion factor α CO , but not Milky Way-like values. We find diverse source kinematics in our sample: SPT0103−45 and SPT2147−50 are likely rotating disks, while SPT2357−51 is possibly a major merger. The analysis presented in the paper could be extended to a larger sample to determine better statistics of morphologies and interstellar medium properties of high- z dusty star-forming galaxies. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT Star-forming galaxies are rich reservoirs of dust, both warm and cold. But the cold dust emission is faint alongside the relatively bright and ubiquitous warm dust emission. Recently, evidence for a very cold dust (VCD) component has also been revealed via millimetre/submillimetre (mm/sub-mm) photometry of some galaxies. This component, despite being the most massive of the three dust components in star-forming galaxies, is by virtue of its very low temperature, faint and hard to detect together with the relatively bright emission from warmer dust. Here, we analyse the dust content of a carefully selected sample of four galaxies detected by IRAS, WISE, and South Pole Telescope (SPT), whose spectral energy distributions (SEDs) were modelled to constrain their potential cold dust content. Low-frequency radio observations using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) were carried out to segregate cold dust emission from non-thermal emission in mm/sub-mm wavebands. We also carried out AstroSat/Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) observations for some galaxies to constrain their SED at shorter wavelengths so as to enforce energy balance for the SED modelling. We constructed their SEDs across a vast wavelength range (extending from UV to radio frequencies) by assembling global photometry from GALEX FUV + NUV, UVIT, Johnson BRI, 2MASS, WISE, IRAC, IRAS, AKARI, ISO PHOT, Planck HFI, SPT, and GMRT. The SEDs were modelled with cigale to estimate their basic properties, in particular to constrain the masses of their total and VCD components. Although the galaxies’ dust masses are dominated by warmer dust, there are hints of VCD in two of the targets, NGC 7496 and NGC 7590. 
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  6. Abstract

    We measure the stacked lensing signal in the direction of galaxy clusters in the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 (DES Y3) redMaPPer sample, using cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature data from SPT-3G, the third-generation CMB camera on the South Pole Telescope (SPT). Here, we estimate the lensing signal using temperature maps constructed from the initial 2 years of data from the SPT-3G 'Main' survey, covering 1500 deg2of the Southern sky. We then use this lensing signal as a proxy for the mean cluster mass of the DES sample. The thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) signal, which can contaminate the lensing signal if not addressed, is isolated and removed from the data before obtaining the mass measurement. In this work, we employ three versions of the redMaPPer catalogue: a Flux-Limited sample containing 8865 clusters, a Volume-Limited sample with 5391 clusters, and a Volume&Redshift-Limited sample with 4450 clusters. For the three samples, we detect the CMB lensing signal at a significance of 12.4σ, 10.5σand 10.2σand find the mean cluster masses to be  M200m= 1.66±0.13 [stat.]± 0.03 [sys.], 1.97±0.18 [stat.]± 0.05 [sys.], and 2.11±0.20 [stat.]± 0.05 [sys.]×1014M, respectively. This is a factor of ∼ 2 improvement relative to the precision of measurements with previous generations of SPT surveys and the most constraining cluster mass measurements using CMB cluster lensing to date. Overall, we find no significant tensions between our results and masses given by redMaPPer mass-richness scaling relations of previous works, which were calibrated using CMB cluster lensing, optical weak lensing, and velocity dispersion measurements from various combinations of DES, SDSS and Planck data. We then divide our sample into 3 redshift and 3 richness bins, finding no significant discrepancies with optical weak-lensing calibrated masses in these bins. We forecast a 5.7% constraint on the mean cluster mass of the DES Y3 sample with the complete SPT-3G surveys when using both temperature and polarization data and including an additional ∼ 1400 deg2of observations from the 'Extended' SPT-3G survey.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
  7. Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 9, 2025
  8. null (Ed.)