During the past decade, metasurfaces have shown great potential to complement standard optics, providing novel pathways to control the phase, amplitude, and polarization of electromagnetic waves utilizing arrays of subwavelength resonators. We present dynamic surface wave (SW) switching at terahertz frequencies utilizing a mechanically reconfigurable metasurface. Our metasurface is based on a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) consisting of an array of micro-cantilever structures, enabling dynamic tuning between a plane wave (PW) and a SW for normal incidence terahertz radiation. This is realized using line-by-line voltage control of the cantilever displacements to achieve full-span (
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Averitt, Richard_D (2)
Chen, Chunxu (2)
Huang, Yuwei (2)
Kaj, Kelson (2)
Zhang, Xin (2)
Zhao, Xiaoguang (2)
Hammock, Ian (1)
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(submitted - in Review for IEEE ICASSP-2024) (0)
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) phase control. Full-wave electromagnetic simulations and terahertz time-domain spectroscopy agree with coupled mode theory, which was employed to design the metasurface device. A conversion efficiency of nearly 60% has been achieved upon switching between the PW and SW configurations. Moreover, a nearly 100 GHz working bandwidth is demonstrated. The MEMS-based control modality we demonstrate can be used for numerous applications, including but not limited to terahertz multifunctional metasurface devices for spatial light modulation, dynamic beam steering, focusing, and beam combining, which are crucial for future “beyond 5G” communication systems. -
Zhao, Xiaoguang ; Chen, Chunxu ; Kaj, Kelson ; Hammock, Ian ; Huang, Yuwei ; Averitt, Richard_D ; Zhang, Xin ( , Optica)
The concept of “bound states in the continuum” (BIC) describes an idealized physical system exhibiting zero radiative loss composed, for example, of an infinitely extended array of resonators. In principle, vanishing of radiative losses enables an infinitely high-quality factor and corresponding infinite lifetime of the resonance. As such, BIC inspired metasurfaces and photonic designs aim to achieve superior performance in various applications including sensing and lasing. We describe an analytical model based on temporal coupled mode theory to realize an “accidental” (i.e., parameter-tuned) Friedrich–Wintgen BIC. Further, we experimentally verify this model with measurements of quasi-BICs in a metallic terahertz metasurface (MS) and the corresponding complementary metasurface (CMS) using terahertz time domain spectroscopy. For the MS and CMS structures, quality factors of
are achieved, limited by non-radiative intrinsic loss in the materials. Our results reveal that Babinet’s principle qualitatively holds for the MS and CMS quasi-BIC structures. In addition, ultra-high electric and magnetic field enhancement MS and CMS structures, respectively, are presented.