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Creators/Authors contains: "Bailey, Reynold"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 20, 2025
  2. Algorithms for the estimation of gaze direction from mobile and video-based eye trackers typically involve tracking a feature of the eye that moves through the eye camera image in a way that covaries with the shifting gaze direction, such as the center or boundaries of the pupil. Tracking these features using traditional computer vision techniques can be difficult due to partial occlusion and environmental reflections. Although recent efforts to use machine learning (ML) for pupil tracking have demonstrated superior results when evaluated using standard measures of segmentation performance, little is known of how these networks may affect the quality of the final gaze estimate. This work provides an objective assessment of the impact of several contemporary ML-based methods for eye feature tracking when the subsequent gaze estimate is produced using either feature-based or model-based methods. Metrics include the accuracy and precision of the gaze estimate, as well as drop-out rate. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 17, 2025
  3. Eye image segmentation is a critical step in eye tracking that has great influence over the final gaze estimate. Segmentation models trained using supervised machine learning can excel at this task, their effectiveness is determined by the degree of overlap between the narrow distributions of image properties defined by the target dataset and highly specific training datasets, of which there are few. Attempts to broaden the distribution of existing eye image datasets through the inclusion of synthetic eye images have found that a model trained on synthetic images will often fail to generalize back to real-world eye images. In remedy, we use dimensionality-reduction techniques to measure the overlap between the target eye images and synthetic training data, and to prune the training dataset in a manner that maximizes distribution overlap. We demonstrate that our methods result in robust, improved performance when tackling the discrepancy between simulation and real-world data samples.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 17, 2025
  4. Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 14, 2025
  5. The active inference framework (AIF) is a promising new computational framework grounded in contemporary neuroscience that can produce human-like behavior through reward-based learning. In this study, we test the ability for the AIF to capture the role of anticipation in the visual guidance of action in humans through the systematic investigation of a visual-motor task that has been well-explored—that of intercepting a target moving over a ground plane. Previous research demonstrated that humans performing this task resorted to anticipatory changes in speed intended to compensate for semi-predictable changes in target speed later in the approach. To capture this behavior, our proposed “neural” AIF agent uses artificial neural networks to select actions on the basis of a very short term prediction of the information about the task environment that these actions would reveal along with a long-term estimate of the resulting cumulative expected free energy. Systematic variation revealed that anticipatory behavior emerged only when required by limitations on the agent's movement capabilities, and only when the agent was able to estimate accumulated free energy over sufficiently long durations into the future. In addition, we present a novel formulation of the prior mapping function that maps a multi-dimensional world-state to a uni-dimensional distribution of free-energy/reward. Together, these results demonstrate the use of AIF as a plausible model of anticipatory visually guided behavior in humans. 
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