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  1. In the minimum constraint removal problem, we are given a set of overlapping geometric objects as obstacles in the plane, and we want to find the minimum number of obstacles that must be removed to reach a target point t from the source point s by an obstacle-free path. The problem is known to be intractable and no sub-linear approximations are known even for simple obstacles such as rectangles and disks. The main result of our paper is an approximation framework that gives an O(√nα(n))-approximation for polygonal obstacles, where α(n) denotes the inverse Ackermann’s function. For pseudodisks and rectilinear polygons, the same technique achieves an O(√n)-approximation. The technique also gives O (√n)-approximation for the minimum color path problem in graphs. We also present some inapproximability results for the geometric constraint removal problem. 
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