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  1. Abstract

    The astrophysical origin of stellar-mass black hole (BH) mergers discovered through gravitational waves (GWs) is widely debated. Mergers in the disks of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) represent promising environments for at least a fraction of these events, with possible observational clues in the GW data. An additional clue to unveil AGN merger environments is provided by possible electromagnetic emission from postmerger accreting BHs. Associated with BH mergers in AGN disks, emission from shocks emerging around jets launched by accreting merger remnants is expected. Here we compute the properties of the emission produced during breakout and the subsequent adiabatic expansion phase of the shocks, and we then apply this model to optical flares suggested to be possibly associated with GW events. We find that the majority of the reported flares can be explained by breakout and shock cooling emission. If the optical flares are produced by shock cooling emission, they would display moderate color evolution, possibly color variations among different events, and a positive correlation between delay time and flare duration and would be preceded by breakout emission in X-rays. If the breakout emission dominates the observed lightcurve, we predict the color to be distributed in a narrow range in the optical band and the delay time from GW to electromagnetic emission to be longer than ∼2 days. Hence, further explorations of delay time distributions, flare color evolution, and associated X-ray emission will be useful to test the proposed emission model for the observed flares.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 23, 2025

    Gravitational waves from neutron star mergers have long been considered a promising way to measure the Hubble constant, H0, which describes the local expansion rate of the Universe. While black hole mergers are more abundantly observed, their expected lack of electromagnetic emission and poor gravitational-wave localization make them less well suited for measuring H0. Black hole mergers within the discs of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) could be an exception. Accretion from the AGN disc may produce an electromagnetic signal, pointing observers to the host galaxy. Alternatively, the low number density of AGNs could help identify the host galaxy of $1{\!-\!}5~{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ of mergers. Here we show that black hole mergers in AGN discs may be a sensitive way to determine H0 with gravitational waves. If 1 per cent (10 per cent) of LIGO’s observations occur in AGN discs with identified host galaxies, we could measure H0 with 12 per cent (4 per cent) uncertainty in five years, possibly comparable to the sensitivity of neutron star mergers and set to considerably improve current gravitational wave measurements.

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    Precursors have been observed seconds to minutes before some short gamma-ray bursts. While the precursor origins remain unknown, one explanation relies on the resonance of neutron star pulsational modes with the tidal forces during the inspiral phase of a compact binary merger. In this paper, we present a model for short gamma-ray burst precursors that relies on tidally resonant neutron star oceans. In this scenario, the onset of tidal resonance in the crust–ocean interface mode ignites the precursor flare, possibly through the interaction between the excited neutron star ocean and the surface magnetic fields. From just the precursor total energy, the time before the main event, and a detected quasi-periodic oscillation frequency, we may constrain the binary parameters and neutron star ocean properties. Our model can immediately distinguish neutron star–black hole mergers from binary neutron star mergers without gravitational wave detection. We apply our model to GRB 211211A, the recently detected long duration short gamma-ray burst with a quasi-periodic precursor, and explore the parameters of this system. The precursor of GRB 211211A is consistent with a tidally resonant neutron star ocean explanation that requires an extreme mass ratio neutron star–black hole merger and a high-mass neutron star. While difficult to reconcile with the main gamma-ray burst and associated kilonova, our results constrain the possible precursor mechanisms in this system. A systematic study of short gamma-ray burst precursors with the model presented here can test precursor origin and probe the possible connection between gamma-ray bursts and neutron star–black hole mergers.

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  4. Abstract The origin of stellar-mass black hole mergers discovered through gravitational waves is being widely debated. Mergers in the disks of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) represent a promising source of origin, with possible observational clues in the gravitational-wave data. Beyond gravitational waves, a unique signature of AGN-assisted mergers is electromagnetic emission from the accreting black holes. Here we show that jets launched by accreting black holes merging in an AGN disk can be detected as peculiar transients by infrared, optical, and X-ray observatories. We further show that this emission mechanism can explain the possible associations between gravitational-wave events and the optical transient ZTF 19abanrhr and the proposed gamma-ray counterparts GW150914-GBM and LVT151012-GBM. We demonstrate how these associations, if genuine, can be used to reconstruct the properties of these events’ environments. Searching for infrared and X-ray counterparts to similar electromagnetic transients in the future, once host galaxies are localized by optical observations, could provide a smoking-gun signature of the mergers’ AGN origin. 
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  5. Abstract Stellar-mass black holes (BHs) are predicted to be embedded in the disks of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) due to gravitational drag and in situ star formation. However, clear evidence for AGN disk-embedded BHs is currently lacking. Here, as possible electromagnetic signatures of these BHs, we investigate breakout emission from shocks emerging around Blandford–Znajek jets launched from accreting BHs in AGN disks. We assume that most of the highly super-Eddington flow reaches the BH and produces a strong jet, and the jet produces feedback that shuts off accretion and thus leads to episodic flaring. These assumptions, while poorly understood at present, yield observable consequences that can probe the presence of AGN-embedded BHs as well as the accretion process itself. They predict a breakout emission characterized by luminous thermal emission in the X-ray bands and bright broadband nonthermal emission from the infrared to the gamma-ray bands. The flare duration depends on the BH’s distance r from the central supermassive BH, varying between 10 3 –10 6 s for r ∼ 0.01–1 pc. This emission can be discovered by current and future infrared, optical, and X-ray wide-field surveys and monitoring campaigns of nearby AGNs. 
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  6. Abstract

    The multimessenger detection of GW170817 showed that binary neutron star (BNS) mergers are progenitors of (at least some) short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), and that short GRB jets (and their afterglows) can have structures (and observational properties) more complex than predicted by the standard top-hat jet scenario. Indeed, the emission from the structured jet launched in GW170817 peaked in the radio band (centimeter wavelengths) at ≈100 days since merger—a timescale much longer than the typical time span of radio follow-up observations of short GRBs. Moreover, radio searches for a potential late-time radio flare from the fast tail of the neutron-rich debris that powered the kilonova associated with GW170817 (AT 2017gfo) have extended to even longer timescales (years after the merger). In light of this, here we present the results of an observational campaign targeting a sample of seven, years-old GRBs in the Swift/BAT sample with no redshift measurements and no promptly identified X-ray counterpart. Our goal is to assess whether this sample of short GRBs could harbor nearby BNS mergers, searching for the late-time radio emission expected from their ejecta. We found one radio candidate counterpart for one of the GRBs in our sample, GRB 111126A, though an origin related to emission from star formation or from an active galactic nucleus in its host galaxy cannot be excluded without further observations.

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