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Creators/Authors contains: "Behera, Makhes K"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
  2. Thin-film transparent heaters (TFTHs) are gaining popularity in optoelectronics and a variety of domestic applications, including smart windows, car defrosters, and other devices. The deposition and characterization of TFTHs made of gallium-doped zinc oxide (GZO) are presented in this work. GZO thin films were deposited via pulsed laser deposition on glass substrates with varying oxygen partial pressures from 0 to 10 mTorr during deposition. The samples demonstrated very low sheet resistance values between 5 and 17 Ω/sq from 0 to 10 mTorr, respectively. UV/vis transmission spectra revealed that TFTHs have a high optical transparency above 80%. GZO-based TFTHs demonstrated a consistent and repeatable joule heating effect, with temperatures reaching 76 °C with a low input voltage of 10 V. This research could guide the future use of GZO as a transparent conducting oxide material for many potential cost-effective applications from low-powered electronics to lightweight and wearable devices.

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  3. A series of different high κ dielectrics such as HfO2, ZrO2, and Al2O3 thin films were studied as an alternative material for the possible replacement of traditional SiO2. These large areas, as well as conformal dielectrics thin films, were grown by the atomic layer deposition technique on a p-type silicon substrate at two different deposition temperatures (150 and 250 °C). Atomic force microscopic study reveals that the surface of the films is very smooth with a measured rms surface roughness value of less than 0.4 nm in some films. After the deposition of the high κ layer, a top metal electrode was deposited onto it to fabricate metal oxide semiconductor capacitor (MOSCAP) structures. The I–V curve reveals that the sample growth at high temperatures exhibits a high resistance value and lower leakage current densities. Frequency-dependent (100 kHz to 1 MHz) C–V characteristics of the MOSCAPs were studied steadily. Furthermore, we have prepared a metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor device with Al-doped ZnO as a channel material, and the electrical characteristic of the device was studied. The effect of growth temperature on the structure, surface morphology, crystallinity, capacitance, and dielectric properties of the high κ dielectrics was thoroughly analyzed through several measurement techniques, such as XRD, atomic force microscopy, semiconductor parameter analysis, and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy.

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