Transcriptome data are frequently used to investigate coral bleaching; however, the factors controlling gene expression in natural populations of these species are poorly understood. We studied two corals,
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Abstract Montipora capitata andPocillopora acuta , that inhabit the sheltered Kāne'ohe Bay, Hawai'i.M. capitata colonies in the bay are outbreeding diploids, whereasP. acuta is a mixture of clonal diploids and triploids. Populations were sampled from six reefs and subjected to either control (no stress), thermal stress, pH stress, or combined pH and thermal stress treatments. RNA‐seq data were generated to test two competing hypotheses: (1) gene expression is largely independent of genotype, reflecting a shared treatment‐driven response (TDE) or, (2) genotype dominates gene expression, regardless of treatment (GDE). Our results strongly support the GDE model, even under severe stress. We suggest that post‐transcriptional processes (e.g., control of translation, protein turnover) modify the signal from the transcriptome, and may underlie the observed differences in coral bleaching sensitivity via the downstream proteome and metabolome.Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025 -
The algal endosymbiont
Durusdinium trenchii enhances the resilience of coral reefs under thermal stress.D. trenchii can live freely or in endosymbiosis, and the analysis of genetic markers suggests that this species has undergone whole-genome duplication (WGD). However, the evolutionary mechanisms that underpin the thermotolerance of this species are largely unknown. Here, we present genome assemblies for twoD. trenchii isolates, confirm WGD in these taxa, and examine how selection has shaped the duplicated genome regions using gene expression data. We assess how the free-living versus endosymbiotic lifestyles have contributed to the retention and divergence of duplicated genes, and how these processes have enhanced the thermotolerance ofD. trenchii . Our combined results suggest that lifestyle is the driver of post-WGD evolution inD. trenchii , with the free-living phase being the most important, followed by endosymbiosis. Adaptations to both lifestyles likely enabledD. trenchii to provide enhanced thermal stress protection to the host coral.Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 19, 2025 -
The photosynthetic symbionts of corals sustain biodiverse reefs in nutrient-poor, tropical waters. Recent genomic data illuminate the evolution of coral symbionts under genome size constraints and suggest that retention of the facultative lifestyle, widespread among these algae, confers a selective advantage when compared with a strict symbiotic existence. We posit that the coral symbiosis is analogous to a 'bioreactor' that selects winner genotypes and allows them to rise to high numbers in a sheltered habitat prior to release by the coral host. Our observations lead to a novel hypothesis, the 'stepping-stone model', which predicts that local adaptation under both the symbiotic and free-living stages, in a stepwise fashion, accelerates coral alga diversity and the origin of endemic strains and species.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
Abstract Dinoflagellates in the family Symbiodiniaceae are taxonomically diverse, predominantly symbiotic lineages that are well-known for their association with corals. The ancestor of these taxa is believed to have been free-living. The establishment of symbiosis (i.e. symbiogenesis) is hypothesized to have occurred multiple times during Symbiodiniaceae evolution, but its impact on genome evolution of these taxa is largely unknown. Among Symbiodiniaceae, the genus Effrenium is a free-living lineage that is phylogenetically positioned between two robustly supported groups of genera within which symbiotic taxa have emerged. The apparent lack of symbiogenesis in Effrenium suggests that the ancestral features of Symbiodiniaceae may have been retained in this lineage. Here, we present de novo assembled genomes (1.2–1.9 Gbp in size) and transcriptome data from three isolates of Effrenium voratum and conduct a comparative analysis that includes 16 Symbiodiniaceae taxa and the other dinoflagellates. Surprisingly, we find that genome reduction, which is often associated with a symbiotic lifestyle, predates the origin of Symbiodiniaceae. The free-living lifestyle distinguishes Effrenium from symbiotic Symbiodiniaceae vis-à-vis their longer introns, more-extensive mRNA editing, fewer (~30%) lineage-specific gene sets, and lower (~10%) level of pseudogenization. These results demonstrate how genome reduction and the adaptation to distinct lifestyles intersect to drive diversification and genome evolution of Symbiodiniaceae.
Abstract Dinoflagellates are a diverse group of phytoplankton, ranging from harmful bloom-forming microalgae to photosymbionts of coral reefs. Genome-scale data from dinoflagellates reveal atypical genomic features, extensive genomic divergence, and lineage-specific innovation of gene functions. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), known to regulate gene expression in eukaryotes, are largely unexplored in dinoflagellates. Here, using high-quality genome and transcriptome data, we identified 48039 polyadenylated lncRNAs in three dinoflagellate species: the coral symbionts Cladocopium proliferum and Durusdinium trenchii, and the bloom-forming species, Prorocentrum cordatum. These lncRNAs have fewer introns and lower G+C content than protein-coding sequences; 37 768 (78.6%) are unique with respect to sequence similarity. We classified all lncRNAs based on conserved motifs (k-mers) into distinct clusters, following properties of protein-binding and/or subcellular localisation. Interestingly, 3708 (7.7%) lncRNAs are differentially expressed under heat stress, algal lifestyle, and/or growth phase, and share co-expression patterns with protein-coding genes. Based on inferred triplex interactions between lncRNA and putative promoter regions, we identified 19 460 putative gene targets for 3721 lncRNAs; 907 genes exhibit differential expression under heat stress. These results reveal, for the first time, the diversity of lncRNAs in dinoflagellates and how lncRNAs may regulate gene expression as a heat-stress response in these ecologically important microbes.
The integration of multiple ‘omics’ datasets is a promising avenue for answering many important and challenging questions in biology, particularly those relating to complex ecological systems. Whereas, multi-omics was developed using data from model organisms with significant prior knowledge and resources, its application to non-model organisms, such as coral holobionts, is less clear-cut. We explore, in the emerging rice coral model Montipora capitata, the intersection of holobiont transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic, and microbiome amplicon data and investigate how well they correlate under high temperature treatment. Using a typical thermal stress regime, we show that transcriptomic and proteomic data broadly capture the stress response of the coral, whereas the metabolome and microbiome datasets show patterns that likely reflect stochastic and homeostatic processes associated with each sample. These results provide a framework for interpreting multi-omics data generated from non-model systems, particularly those with complex biotic interactions among microbial partners.more » « less
Dinoflagellates in the order Suessiales include the family Symbiodiniaceae, which have essential roles as photosymbionts in corals, and their cold-adapted sister group,
Polarella glacialis . These diverse taxa exhibit extensive genomic divergence, although their genomes are relatively small (haploid size < 3 Gbp) when compared with most other free-living dinoflagellates. Different strains of Symbiodiniaceae form symbiosis with distinct hosts and exhibit different regimes of gene expression, but intraspecific whole-genome divergence is poorly understood. Focusing on three Symbiodiniaceae species (the free-livingEffrenium voratum and the symbioticSymbiodinium microadriaticum andDurusdinium trenchii ) and the free-living outgroupP. glacialis , for which whole-genome data from multiple isolates are available, we assessed intraspecific genomic divergence with respect to sequence and structure. Our analysis, based on alignment and alignment-free methods, revealed a greater extent of intraspecific sequence divergence in Symbiodiniaceae than inP. glacialis . Our results underscore the role of gene duplication in generating functional innovation, with a greater prevalence of tandemly duplicated single-exon genes observed in the genomes of free-living species than in symbionts. These results demonstrate the remarkable intraspecific genomic divergence in dinoflagellates under the constraint of reduced genome sizes, shaped by genetic duplications and symbiogenesis events during the diversification of Symbiodiniaceae. -
Lavrov, Dennis (Ed.)
Abstract Standing genetic variation is a major driver of fitness and resilience and therefore of fundamental importance for threatened species such as stony corals. We analyzed RNA-seq data generated from 132 Montipora capitata and 119 Pocillopora acuta coral colonies collected from Kāneʻohe Bay, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi. Our goals were to determine the extent of colony genetic variation and to study reproductive strategies in these two sympatric species. Surprisingly, we found that 63% of the P. acuta colonies were triploid, with putative independent origins of the different triploid clades. These corals have spread primarily via asexual reproduction and are descended from a small number of genotypes, whose diploid ancestor invaded the bay. In contrast, all M. capitata colonies are diploid and outbreeding, with almost all colonies genetically distinct. Only two cases of asexual reproduction, likely via fragmentation, were identified in this species. We report two distinct strategies in sympatric coral species that inhabit the largest sheltered body of water in the main Hawaiian Islands. These data highlight divergence in reproductive behavior and genome biology, both of which contribute to coral resilience and persistence.
Abstract The photosynthetic amoeba,
Paulinella provides a recent (ca. 120 Mya) example of primary plastid endosymbiosis. Given the extensive data demonstrating host lineage‐driven endosymbiont integration, we analysed nuclear genome and transcriptome data to investigate mechanisms that may have evolved inPaulinella micropora KR01 (hereinafter, KR01) to maintain photosynthetic function in the novel organelle, the chromatophore. The chromatophore is of α‐cyanobacterial provenance and has undergone massive gene loss due to Muller's ratchet, but still retains genes that encode the ancestral α‐carboxysome and the shell carbonic anhydrase, two critical components of the biophysical CO2concentrating mechanism (CCM) in cyanobacteria. We identified KR01 nuclear genes potentially involved in the CCM that arose via duplication and divergence and are upregulated in response to high light and downregulated under elevated CO2. We speculate that these genes may comprise a novel CO2delivery system (i.e., a biochemical CCM) to promote the turnover of the RuBisCO carboxylation reaction and counteract photorespiration. We posit that KR01 has an inefficient photorespiratory system that cannot fully recycle the C2product of RuBisCO oxygenation back to the Calvin‐Benson cycle. Nonetheless, both these systems appear to be sufficient to allowPaulinella to persist in environments dominated by faster‐growing phototrophs. -
Corals form symbiotic relationships with dinoflagellate algae of the family Symbiodiniaceae, bacteria, and other microbes. Central to that relationship is the regulation of nutrition flux between the animal host and the photosynthetic Symbiodiniaceae that it is reliant on for the majority of metabolic needs. Nitrogen availability controls the growth and density of Symbiodiniaceae within coral tissues and has been proposed to play a role in host derived symbiosis regulation. Warming ocean temperatures and subsequent increases in dissolved organic carbon can potentially increase nitrogen fixation and lead to bleaching. We investigated the importance of nitrogen metabolism in vivo with LC-MS based stable isotope tracing using nubbins from three species of Hawaiian coral, the more heat tolerant Montipora capitata and Porites compressa and the more heat sensitive Pocillopora acuta , that were collected from reefs in Kāne’ohe Bay, O’ahu. In addition to 15 N incorporation into nucleotides, amino acids, and urea cycle metabolites, we also observed significant isotopic labeling in dipeptides, supporting their previous identification as major heat stress response metabolites. Surprisingly, the dipeptides are highly enriched in 15 N compared to free amino acids, which are the biosynthetic precursors for dipeptides. This suggests that there is a high turnover of dipeptide pools and distinct biosynthetic mechanisms that separately mediate amino acid and dipeptide production. These preliminary data show that nitrogen assimilation in the coral holobiont is likely compartmentalized, with rapid assimilation and quick dipeptide turnover occurring in one region of the holobiont and slow turnover of other nitrogen containing metabolites in other region(s).more » « less