Type Ia supernovae arise from thermonuclear explosions of white dwarfs accreting from a binary companion. Following the explosion, the surviving donor star leaves at roughly its orbital velocity. The discovery of the runaway helium subdwarf star US 708, and seven hypervelocity stars from Gaia data, all with spatial velocities ≳900 km s−1, strongly support a scenario in which the donor is a low-mass helium star or a white dwarf. Motivated by these discoveries, we perform three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations with the
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Abstract Athena++ code, modeling the hydrodynamical interaction between a helium star or helium white dwarf and the supernova ejecta. We find that ≈0.01–0.02M ⊙of donor material is stripped, and explain the location of the stripped material within the expanding supernova ejecta. We continue the postexplosion evolution of the shocked donor stars with theMESA code. As a result of entropy deposition, they remain luminous and expanded for ≈105–106yr. We show that the postexplosion properties of our helium white dwarf donor agree reasonably with one of the best-studied hypervelocity stars, D6-2. -
Abstract RCB stars are
L ≈ 104L ⊙solar-mass objects that can exhibit large periods of extinction from dust ejection episodes. Many exhibit semi-regular pulsations in the range of 30–50 days with semi-amplitudes of 0.05–0.3 mag. Space-based photometry has discovered that solar-like oscillations are ubiquitous in hydrogen-dominated stars that have substantial outer convective envelopes, so we explore the hypothesis that the pulsations in RCB stars and the closely related dustless hydrogen-deficient carbon (dLHdC) stars, which have large convective outer envelopes of nearly pure helium, have a similar origin. Through stellar modeling and pulsation calculations, we find that the observed periods and amplitudes of these pulsations follows the well-measured phenomenology of their H-rich brethren. In particular, we show that the observed modes are likely of angular ordersl = 0, 1, and 2 and predominantly of an acoustic nature (i.e.,p -modes with low radial order). The modes with largest amplitude are near the acoustic cutoff frequency appropriately rescaled to the helium-dominated envelope, and the observed amplitudes are consistent with that seen in high-luminosity (L > 103L ⊙) H-rich giants. We also find that forT eff≳ 5400 K, an hydrogen-deficient carbon stellar model exhibits a radiative layer between two outer convective zones, creating ag -mode cavity that supports much longer period (≈100 days) oscillations. Our initial work was focused primarily on the adiabatic modes, but we expect that subsequent space-based observations of these targets (e.g., with TESS or Plato) are likely to lead to a larger set of detected frequencies that would allow for a deeper study of the interiors of these rare stars. -
Abstract We carry out three-dimensional computations of the accretion rate onto an object (of size
R sinkand massm ) as it moves through a uniform medium at a subsonic speedv ∞. The object is treated as a fully absorbing boundary (e.g., a black hole). In contrast to early conjectures, we show that for an accretor with in a gaseous medium with adiabatic indexγ = 5/3, the accretion rate is independent of Mach number and is determined only bym and the gas entropy. Our numerical simulations are conducted using two different numerical schemes via the Athena++ and Arepo hydrodynamics solvers, which reach nearly identical steady-state solutions. We find that pressure gradients generated by the isentropic compression of the flow near the accretor are sufficient to suspend much of the surrounding gas in a near-hydrostatic equilibrium, just as predicted from the spherical Bondi–Hoyle calculation. Indeed, the accretion rates for steady flow match the Bondi–Hoyle rate, and are indicative of isentropic flow for subsonic motion where no shocks occur. We also find that the accretion drag may be predicted using the Safronov number, Θ =R A /R sink, and is much less than the dynamical friction for sufficiently small accretors (R sink≪R A ). -
ABSTRACT Stars and planets move supersonically in a gaseous medium during planetary engulfment, stellar interactions, and within protoplanetary discs. For a nearly uniform medium, the relevant parameters are the Mach number and the size of the body, R, relative to its accretion radius, RA. Over many decades, numerical and analytical work has characterized the flow, the drag on the body, and the possible suite of instabilities. Only a limited amount of work has treated the stellar boundary as it is in many of these astrophysical settings, a hard sphere at R. Thus, we present new 3D athena++ hydrodynamic calculations for a large range of parameters. For RA ≪ R, the results are as expected for pure hydrodynamics with minimal impact from gravity, which we verify by comparing to experimental wind tunnel data in air. When RA ≈ R, a hydrostatically supported separation bubble forms behind the gravitating body, exerting significant pressure on the sphere and driving a recompression shock, which intersects with the bow shock. For RA ≫ R, the bubble transitions into an isentropic, spherically symmetric halo, as seen in earlier works. These two distinct regimes of flow morphology may be treated separately in terms of their shock stand-off distance and drag coefficients. Most importantly for astrophysical applications, we propose a new formula for the dynamical friction, which depends on the ratio of the shock stand-off distance to RA. That exploration also reveals the minimum size of the simulation domain needed to accurately capture the deflection of incoming streamlines due to gravity.
Abstract We present results from a systematic infrared (IR) census of R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars in the Milky Way, using data from the Palomar Gattini IR (PGIR) survey. RCB stars are dusty, erratic variable stars presumably formed from the merger of a He-core and a CO-core white dwarf (WD). PGIR is a 30 cm
J -band telescope with a 25 deg2camera that surveys 18,000 deg2of the northern sky (δ > −28°) at a cadence of 2 days. Using PGIRJ- band lightcurves for ∼60 million stars together with mid-IR colors from WISE, we selected a sample of 530 candidate RCB stars. We obtained near-IR spectra for these candidates and identified 53 RCB stars in our sample. Accounting for our selection criteria, we find that there are a total of RCB stars in the Milky Way. Assuming typical RCB lifetimes, this corresponds to an RCB formation rate of 0.8–5 × 10−3yr−1, consistent with observational and theoretical estimates of the He-CO WD merger rate. We searched for quasi-periodic pulsations in the PGIR lightcurves of RCB stars and present pulsation periods for 16 RCB stars. We also examined high-cadenced TESS lightcurves for RCB and the chemically similar, but dustless hydrogen-deficient carbon (dLHdC) stars. We find that dLHdC stars show variations on timescales shorter than RCB stars, suggesting that they may have lower masses than RCB stars. Finally, we identified 3 new spectroscopically confirmed and 12 candidate Galactic DY Per type stars—believed to be colder cousins of RCB star—doubling the sample of Galactic DY Per type stars. -
ABSTRACT Although stellar radii from asteroseismic scaling relations agree at the per cent level with independent estimates for main sequence and most first-ascent red giant branch (RGB) stars, the scaling relations over-predict radii at the tens of per cent level for the most luminous stars ($R \gtrsim 30 \, \mathrm{R}_{\odot }$). These evolved stars have significantly superadiabatic envelopes, and the extent of these regions increase with increasing radius. However, adiabaticity is assumed in the theoretical derivation of the scaling relations as well as in corrections to the large frequency separation. Here, we show that a part of the scaling relation radius inflation may arise from this assumption of adiabaticity. With a new reduction of Kepler asteroseismic data, we find that scaling relation radii and Gaia radii agree to within at least 2 per cent for stars with $R \lesssim 30\, \mathrm{R}_{\odot }$, when treated under the adiabatic assumption. The accuracy of scaling relation radii for stars with $50\, \mathrm{R}_{\odot }\lesssim R \lesssim 100\, \mathrm{R}_{\odot }$, however, is not better than $10~{{\ \rm per \, cent}}-15~{{\ \rm per \, cent}}$ using adiabatic large frequency separation corrections. We find that up to one third of this disagreement for stars with $R \approx 100\, \mathrm{R}_{\odot }$ could be caused by the adiabatic assumption, and that this adiabatic error increases with radius to reach 10 per cent at the tip of the RGB. We demonstrate that, unlike the solar case, the superadiabatic gradient remains large very deep in luminous stars. A large fraction of the acoustic cavity is also in the optically thin atmosphere. The observed discrepancies may therefore reflect the simplified treatment of convection and atmospheres.
ABSTRACT Blue large-amplitude pulsators (BLAPs) make up a rare class of hot pulsating stars with effective temperatures of ≈30 000 K and surface gravities of 4.0–5.0 dex (cgs). The evolutionary origin and current status of BLAPs is not well understood, largely based on a lack of spectroscopic observations and no available mass constraints. However, several theoretical models have been proposed that reproduce their observed properties, including studies that identify them as pulsating helium-core pre-white dwarfs (He-core pre-WDs). We present here follow-up high-speed photometry and phase-resolved spectroscopy of one of the original 14 BLAPs, OGLE-BLAP-009, discovered during the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. We aim to explore its pulsation characteristics and determine stellar properties such as mass and radius in order to test the consistency of these results with He-core pre-WD models. Using the mean atmospheric parameters found using spectroscopy, we fit a spectral energy distribution to obtain a preliminary estimate of the radius, luminosity, and mass by making use of the Gaia parallax. We then compare the consistency of these results to He-core pre-WD models generated using Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics, with predicted pulsation periods implemented using gyre. We find that our mass constraints are in agreement with a low-mass He-core pre-WD of ≈0.30 M⊙.
Abstract The detonation of an overlying helium layer on a 0.8–1.1
M ⊙carbon–oxygen (CO) white dwarf (WD) can detonate the CO WD and create a thermonuclear supernova (SN). Many authors have recently shown that when the mass of the He layer is low (≲0.03M ⊙), the ashes from its detonation minimally impact the spectra and light curve from the CO detonation, allowing the explosion to appear remarkably similar to Type Ia SNe. These new insights motivate our investigation of dynamical He shell burning and our search for a binary scenario that stably accumulates thermally unstable He shells in the 0.01–0.08M ⊙range, thick enough to detonate, but also often thin enough for minimal impact on the observables. We first show that our improved nonadiabatic evolution of convective He shell burning in this range of shell mass leads to conditions ripe for a He detonation. We also find that a stable mass transfer scenario with a high-entropy He WD donor of mass 0.15–0.25M ⊙yields the He shell masses needed to achieve the double detonations. This scenario also predicts that the surviving He donor leaves with a spatial velocity consistent with the unusual runaway object, D6-2. We find that hot He WD donors originate in common-envelope events when a 1.3–2.0M ⊙star fills its Roche lobe at the base of the red giant branch at orbital periods of 1–10 days with the CO WD. -
Abstract About ten percent of Sun-like (1–2
M ⊙) stars will engulf a 1–10M Jplanet as they expand during the red giant branch (RGB) or asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase of their evolution. Once engulfed, these planets experience a strong drag force in the star’s convective envelope and spiral inward, depositing energy and angular momentum. For these mass ratios, the inspiral takes ∼10–102yr (∼102–103orbits); the planet undergoes tidal disruption at a radius of ∼1R ⊙. We use the Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA ) software instrument to track the stellar response to the energy deposition while simultaneously evolving the planetary orbit. For RGB stars, as well as AGB stars withM p≲ 5M Jplanets, the star responds quasi-statically but still brightens measurably on a timescale of years. In addition, asteroseismic indicators, such as the frequency spacing or rotational splitting, differ before and after engulfment. For AGB stars, engulfment of anM p≳ 5M Jplanet drives supersonic expansion of the envelope, causing a bright, red, dusty eruption similar to a “luminous red nova.” Based on the peak luminosity, color, duration, and expected rate of these events, we suggest that engulfment events on the AGB could be a significant fraction of low-luminosity red novae in the Galaxy. We do not find conditions where the envelope is ejected prior to the planet’s tidal disruption, complicating the interpretation of short-period giant planets orbiting white dwarfs as survivors of common envelope evolution. -
Abstract Observations indicate that turbulent motions are present on most massive star surfaces. Starting from the observed phenomena of spectral lines with widths that are much larger than their thermal broadening (e.g., micro- and macroturbulence), and considering the detection of stochastic low-frequency variability (SLFV) in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite photometry, these stars clearly have large-scale turbulent motions on their surfaces. The cause of this turbulence is debated, with near-surface convection zones, core internal gravity waves, and wind variability being proposed. Our 3D gray radiation hydrodynamic (RHD) models previously characterized the convective dynamics of the surfaces, driven by near-surface convection zones, and provided reasonable matches to the observed SLFV of the most luminous massive stars. We now explore the complex emitting surfaces of these 3D RHD models, which strongly violate the 1D assumption of a plane-parallel atmosphere. By post-processing the gray RHD models with the Monte Carlo radiation transport code Sedona , we synthesize stellar spectra and extract information from the broadening of individual photospheric lines. The use of Sedona enables the calculation of the viewing angle and temporal dependence of spectral absorption line profiles. By combining uncorrelated temporal snapshots together, we compare the turbulent broadening from the 3D RHD models to the thermal broadening of the extended emitting region, showing that our synthesized spectral lines closely resemble the observed macroturbulent broadening from similarly luminous stars. More generally, the new techniques that we have developed will allow for systematic studies of the origins of turbulent velocity broadening from any future 3D simulations.more » « less