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Creators/Authors contains: "Bunce, Michael"

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  1. Abstract

    Mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) are tropical reefs found at depths of ~30–150 m, below the region most heavily impacted by heat stress and other disturbances. Hence, MCEs may serve as potential refugia for threatened shallow reefs, but they also harbour depth‐endemic fauna distinct from shallow reefs. Previous studies have characterized biodiversity patterns along depth gradients, but focussed primarily on conspicuous taxa (fishes, corals, etc.). Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding offers a more holistic approach to assess biodiversity patterns across the tree of life. Here, we use three metabarcoding assays targeting fishes (16S rRNA), eukaryotes (18S rDNA) and metazoans (COI) to assess biodiversity change from the surface to ~90 m depth across 15‐m intervals at three sites within the Hawaiian Archipelago. We observed significant community differences between most depth zones, with distinct zonation centred at 45–60 m for eukaryotes and metazoans, but not for fishes. This finding may be attributable to the higher mobility of reef fishes, although methodological limitations are likely a contributing factor. The possibility for MCEs to serve as refugia is not excluded for fishes, but invertebrate communities >45 m are distinct, indicating limited connectivity for the majority of reef fauna. This study provides a new approach for surveying biodiversity on MCEs, revealing patterns in a much broader context than the limited‐taxon studies that comprise the bulk of our present knowledge.

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  2. Summer warming is driving a greening trend across the Arctic, with the potential for large-scale amplification of climate change due to vegetation-related feedbacks [Pearson et al.,Nat. Clim. Chang.(3), 673–677 (2013)]. Because observational records are sparse and temporally limited, past episodes of Arctic warming can help elucidate the magnitude of vegetation response to temperature change. The Last Interglacial ([LIG], 129,000 to 116,000 y ago) was the most recent episode of Arctic warming on par with predicted 21st century temperature change [Otto-Bliesner et al.,Philos. Trans. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci.(371), 20130097 (2013) and Post et al.,Sci.Adv. (5), eaaw9883 (2019)]. However, high-latitude terrestrial records from this period are rare, so LIG vegetation distributions are incompletely known. Pollen-based vegetation reconstructions can be biased by long-distance pollen transport, further obscuring the paleoenvironmental record. Here, we present a LIG vegetation record based on ancient DNA in lake sediment and compare it with fossil pollen. Comprehensive plant community reconstructions through the last and current interglacial (the Holocene) on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada, reveal coherent climate-driven community shifts across both interglacials. Peak LIG warmth featured a ∼400-km northward range shift of dwarf birch, a key woody shrub that is again expanding northward. Greening of the High Arctic—documented here by multiple proxies—likely represented a strong positive feedback on high-latitude LIG warming. Authenticated ancient DNA from this lake sediment also extends the useful preservation window for the technique and highlights the utility of combining traditional and molecular approaches for gleaning paleoenvironmental insights to better anticipate a warmer future.

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  3. Abstract

    Arctic shrubification is an observable consequence of climate change, already resulting in ecological shifts and global‐scale climate feedbacks including changes in land surface albedo and enhanced evapotranspiration. However, the rate at which shrubs can colonize previously glaciated terrain in a warming world is largely unknown. Reconstructions of past vegetation dynamics in conjunction with climate records can provide critical insights into shrubification rates and controls on plant migration, but paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on pollen may be biased by the influx of exotic pollen to tundra settings. Here, we reconstruct past plant communities using sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA), which has a more local source area than pollen. We additionally reconstruct past temperature variability using bacterial cell membrane lipids (branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers) and an aquatic productivity indicator (biogenic silica) to evaluate the relative timing of postglacial ecological and climate changes at a lake on southern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. ThesedaDNA record tightly constrains the colonization of dwarf birch (Betula, a thermophilous shrub) to 5.9 ± 0.1 ka, ~3 ka after local deglaciation as determined by cosmogenic10Be moraine dating and >2 ka later thanBetulapollen is recorded in nearby lake sediment. We then assess the paleovegetation history within the context of summer temperature and find that paleotemperatures were highest prior to 6.3 ka, followed by cooling in the centuries precedingBetulaestablishment. Together, these molecular proxies reveal thatBetulacolonization lagged peak summer temperatures, suggesting that inefficient dispersal, rather than climate, may have limited Arctic shrub migration in this region. In addition, these data suggest that pollen‐based climate reconstructions from high latitudes, which rely heavily on the presence and abundance of pollen from thermophilous taxa likeBetula, can be compromised by both exotic pollen fluxes and vegetation migration lags.

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  4. null (Ed.)