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    We measure the age–velocity relationship from the lag between ionized gas and stellar tangential speeds in ∼500 nearby disc galaxies from MaNGA in Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV). Selected galaxies are kinematically axisymmetric. Velocity lags are asymmetric drift, seen in the Milky Way’s (MW) solar neighbourhood and other Local Group galaxies; their amplitude correlates with stellar population age. The trend is qualitatively consistent in rate ($\dot{\sigma }$) with a simple power-law model where σ ∝ tb that explains the dynamical phase-space stratification in the solar neighbourhood. The model is generalized based on disc dynamical times to other radii and other galaxies. We find in-plane radial stratification parameters σ0,r (dispersion of the youngest populations) in the range of 10–40 km s−1  and 0.2 < br < 0.5 for MaNGA galaxies. Overall, brincreases with galaxy mass, decreases with radius for galaxies above 10.4 dex (M⊙) in stellar mass, but is ∼constant with radius at lower mass. The measurement scatter indicates the stratification model is too simple to capture the complexity seen in the data, unsurprising given the many possible astrophysical processes that may lead to stellar population dynamical stratification. None the less, the data show dynamical stratification is broadly present in the galaxy population, with systematic trends in mass and density. The amplitude of the asymmetric drift signal is larger for the MaNGA sample than the MW, and better represented in the mean by what is observed in the discs of M31 and M33. Either typical discs have higher surface-density or, more likely, are dynamically hotter (hence thicker) than the MW.

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  2. Abstract

    Despite the importance of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in galaxy evolution, accurate AGN identification is often challenging, as common AGN diagnostics can be confused by contributions from star formation and other effects (e.g., Baldwin–Phillips–Terlevich diagrams). However, one promising avenue for identifying AGNs is “coronal emission lines” (“CLs”), which are highly ionized species of gas with ionization potentials ≥100 eV. These CLs may serve as excellent signatures for the strong ionizing continuum of AGNs. To determine if CLs are in fact strong AGN tracers, we assemble and analyze the largest catalog of optical CL galaxies using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) catalog. We detect CL emission in 71 MaNGA galaxies, out of the 10,010 unique galaxies from the final MaNGA catalog, with ≥5σconfidence. In our sample, we measure [Nev]λ3347,λ3427, [Fevii]λ3586,λ3760,λ6086, and [Fex]λ6374 emission and crossmatch the CL galaxies with a catalog of AGNs that were confirmed with broad-line, X-ray, IR, and radio observations. We find that [Nev] emission, compared to [Fevii] and [Fex] emission, is best at identifying high-luminosity AGNs. Moreover, we find that the CL galaxies with the least dust extinction yield the most iron CL detections. We posit that the bulk of the iron CLs are destroyed by dust grains in the galaxies with the highest [Oiii] luminosities in our sample, and that AGNs in the galaxies with low [Oiii] luminosities are possibly too weak to be detected using traditional techniques.

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  3. Abstract

    We present the final data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Reverberation Mapping (RM) project, a precursor to the SDSS-V Black Hole Mapper RM program. This data set includes 11 yr photometric and 7 yr spectroscopic light curves for 849 broad-line quasars over a redshift range of 0.1 <z< 4.5 and a luminosity range ofLbol= 1044−47.5erg s−1, along with spectral and variability measurements. We report 23, 81, 125, and 110 RM lags (relative to optical continuum variability) for broad Hα, Hβ, Mgii, and Civusing the SDSS-RM sample, spanning much of the luminosity and redshift ranges of the sample. Using 30 low-redshift RM active galactic nuclei with dynamical-modeling black hole masses, we derive a new estimate of the average virial factor oflogf=0.62±0.07for the line dispersion measured from the rms spectrum. The intrinsic scatter of individual virial factors is 0.31 ± 0.07 dex, indicating a factor of 2 systematic uncertainty in RM black hole masses. Our lag measurements reveal significantRLrelations for Hβand Mgiiat high redshift, consistent with the latest measurements based on heterogeneous samples. While we are unable to robustly constrain the slope of theRLrelation for Civgiven the limited dynamic range in luminosity, we found substantially larger scatter in Civlags at fixedL1350. Using the SDSS-RM lag sample, we derive improved single-epoch (SE) mass recipes for Hβ, Mgii, and Civ, which are consistent with their respective RM masses as well as between the SE recipes from two different lines, over the luminosity range probed by our sample. The new Hβand Mgiirecipes are approximately unbiased estimators at given RM masses, but there are systematic biases in the Civrecipe. The intrinsic scatter of SE masses around RM masses is ∼0.45 dex for Hβand Mgii, increasing to ∼0.58 dex for Civ.

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    We compare stellar mass surface density, metallicity, age, and line-of-sight velocity dispersion profiles in massive ($M_*\ge 10^{10.5}\, \mathrm{M_\odot }$) present-day early-type galaxies (ETGs) from the MaNGA survey with simulated galaxies from the TNG100 simulation of the IllustrisTNG suite. We find an excellent agreement between the stellar mass surface density profiles of MaNGA and TNG100 ETGs, both in shape and normalization. Moreover, TNG100 reproduces the shapes of the profiles of stellar metallicity and age, as well as the normalization of velocity dispersion distributions of MaNGA ETGs. We generally also find good agreement when comparing the stellar profiles of central and satellite galaxies between MaNGA and TNG100. An exception is the velocity dispersion profiles of very massive ($M_*\gtrsim 10^{11.5}\, \mathrm{M_\odot }$) central galaxies, which, on average, are significantly higher in TNG100 than in MaNGA ($\approx 50\, \mathrm{km\, s^{-1}}$). We study the radial profiles of in situ and ex situ stars in TNG100 and discuss the extent to which each population contributes to the observed MaNGA profiles. Our analysis lends significant support to the idea that high-mass ($M_*\gtrsim 10^{11}\, \mathrm{M_\odot }$) ETGs in the present-day Universe are the result of a merger-driven evolution marked by major mergers that tend to homogenize the stellar populations of the progenitors in the merger remnant.

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  5. Geyl, Roland ; Navarro, Ramón (Ed.)
  6. Abstract

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey MaNGA program has now obtained integral field spectroscopy for over 10,000 galaxies in the nearby universe. We use the final MaNGA data release DR17 to study the correlation between ionized gas velocity dispersion and galactic star formation rate, finding a tight correlation in whichσHαfrom galactic Hiiregions increases significantly from ∼18–30 km s−1, broadly in keeping with previous studies. In contrast,σHαfrom diffuse ionized gas increases more rapidly from 20–60 km s−1. Using the statistical power of MaNGA, we investigate these correlations in greater detail using multiple emission lines and determine that the observed correlation ofσHαwith local star formation rate surface density is driven primarily by the global relation of increasing velocity dispersion at higher total star formation rate, as are apparent correlations with stellar mass. Assuming Hiiregion models consistent with our finding thatσ[OIII]<σHα<σ[O I], we estimate the velocity dispersion of the molecular gas in which the individual Hiiregions are embedded, finding valuesσMol= 5–30 km s−1consistent with ALMA observations in a similar mass range. Finally, we use variations in the relation with inclination and disk azimuthal angle to constrain the velocity dispersion ellipsoid of the ionized gasσz/σr= 0.84 ± 0.03 andσϕ/σr= 0.91 ± 0.03, similar to that of young stars in the Galactic disk. Our results are most consistent with the theoretical models in which turbulence in modern galactic disks is driven primarily by star formation feedback.

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  7. Abstract We present 150 MHz, 1.4 GHz, and 3 GHz radio imaging (LoTSS, FIRST, and VLASS) and spatially resolved ionized gas characteristics (SDSS IV-MaNGA) for 140 local ( z < 0.1) early-type red geyser galaxies. These galaxies have a low star formation activity (with a star formation rate, SFR, ∼ 0.01 M ⊙ yr −1 ), but show unique extended patterns in spatially resolved emission-line maps that have been interpreted as large-scale ionized winds driven by active galactic nuclei (AGN). In this work, we confirm that red geysers host low-luminosity radio sources ( L 1.4GHz ∼ 10 22 WHz −1 ). Out of 42 radio-detected red geysers, 32 are spatially resolved in LoTSS and FIRST, with radio sizes varying between ∼5–25 kpc. Three sources have radio sizes exceeding 40 kpc. A majority display a compact radio morphology and are consistent with either low-power compact radio sources (FR0 galaxies) or radio-quiet quasars. They may be powered by small-scale AGN-driven jets that remain unresolved at the current 5″ resolution of radio data. The extended radio sources, not belonging to the “compact” morphological class, exhibit steeper spectra with a median spectral index of −0.67, indicating the dominance of lobed components. The red geysers hosting extended radio sources also have the lowest specific SFRs, suggesting they either have a greater impact on the surrounding interstellar medium or are found in more massive halos on average. The degree of alignment of the ionized wind cone and the extended radio features are either 0° or 90°, indicating possible interaction between the interstellar medium and the central radio AGN. 
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  8. null (Ed.)
  9. Abstract

    We present, for the first time, the relationship between local stellar mass surface density, Σ*, and N/O derived from SDSS-IV MaNGA data, using a sample of 792,765 high signal-to-noise ratio star-forming spaxels. Using a combination of phenomenological modeling and partial correlation analysis, we find that Σ*alone is insufficient to predict the N/O in MaNGA spaxels and that there is an additional dependence on the local star formation rate surface density, ΣSFR. This effect is a factor of 3 stronger than the dependence of 12+log(O/H) on ΣSFR. Surprisingly, we find that the local N/O scaling relations also depend on the total galaxy stellar mass at fixed Σ*and the galaxy size at fixed stellar mass. We find that more compact galaxies are more nitrogen rich, even when Σ*and ΣSFRare controlled for. We show that ∼50% of the variance of N/O is explained by the total stellar mass and size. Thus, the evolution of nitrogen in galaxies is set by more than just local effects and does not simply track the buildup of oxygen in galaxies. The precise form of the N/O–O/H relation is therefore sensitive to the sample of galaxies from which it is derived. This result casts doubt on the universal applicability of nitrogen-based strong-line metallicity indicators derived in the local universe.

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  10. null (Ed.)