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Creators/Authors contains: "Butch, Nicholas P"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Charge, spin and Cooper-pair density waves have now been widely detected in exotic superconductors. Understanding how these density waves emerge — and become suppressed by external parameters — is a key research direction in condensed matter physics. Here we study the temperature and magnetic-field evolution of charge density waves in the rare spin-triplet superconductor candidate UTe2using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy. We reveal that charge modulations composed of three different wave vectors gradually weaken in a spatially inhomogeneous manner, while persisting to surprisingly high temperatures of 10–12 K. We also reveal an unexpected decoupling of the three-component charge density wave state. Our observations match closely to the temperature scale potentially related to short-range magnetic correlations, providing a possible connection between density waves observed by surface probes and intrinsic bulk features. Importantly, charge density wave modulations become suppressed with magnetic field both below and above superconductingTcin a comparable manner. Our work points towards an intimate connection between hidden magnetic correlations and the origin of the unusual charge density waves in UTe2.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 25, 2025
  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
  4. Abstract

    Reentrant superconductivity is an uncommon phenomenon in which the destructive effects of magnetic field on superconductivity are mitigated, allowing a zero-resistance state to survive under conditions that would otherwise destroy it. Typically, the reentrant superconducting region derives from a zero-field parent superconducting phase. Here, we show that in UTe2crystals extreme applied magnetic fields give rise to an unprecedented high-field superconductor that lacks a zero-field antecedent. This high-field orphan superconductivity exists at angles offset between 29oand 42ofrom the crystallographicbtocaxes with applied fields between 37 T and 52 T. The stability of field-induced orphan superconductivity presented in this work defies both empirical precedent and theoretical explanation and demonstrates that high-field superconductivity can exist in an otherwise non-superconducting material.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 20, 2025
  5. Topological defects are singularities in an ordered phase that can have a profound effect on phase transitions and serve as a window into the order parameter. Examples of topological defects include dislocations in charge density waves and vortices in a superconductor or pair density wave, where the latter is a condensate of Cooper pairs with finite momentum. Here we demonstrate the role of topological defects in the magnetic-field-induced disappearance of a charge density wave in the heavy-fermion superconductor UTe2. We reveal pairs of topological defects of the charge density wave with positive and negative phase winding. The pairs are directly correlated with zeros in the charge density wave amplitude and increase in number with increasing magnetic field. A magnetic field generates vortices of the superconducting and pair density wave orders that can create topological defects in the charge density wave and induce the experimentally observed melting of this charge order at the upper critical field. Our work reveals the important role of magnetic-field-generated topological defects in the melting of the charge density wave order parameter in UTe2 and provides support for the existence of a pair density wave order on the surface. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 20, 2025
  6. The intense interest in triplet superconductivity partly stems from theoretical predictions of exotic excitations such as non-Abelian Majorana modes, chiral supercurrents and half-quantum vortices1–4. However, fundamentally new and unexpected states may emerge when triplet superconductivity appears in a strongly correlated system. Here we use scanning tunnelling microscopy to reveal an unusual charge-density-wave (CDW) order in the heavy-fermion triplet superconductor UTe2 (refs. 5–8). Our high-resolution maps reveal a multi-component incommensurate CDW whose intensity gets weaker with increasing field, with the CDW eventually disappearing at the superconducting critical field Hc2. To understand the phenomenology of this unusual CDW, we construct a Ginzburg–Landau theory for a uniform triplet superconductor coexisting with three triplet pair-density-wave states. This theory gives rise to daughter CDWs that would be sensitive to magnetic field owing to their origin in a pair-density-wave state and provides a possible explanation for our data. Our discovery of a CDW state that is sensitive to magnetic fields and strongly intertwined with superconductivity provides important information for understanding the order parameters of UTe2. 
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  7. Abstract

    The temperature dependence of the low-energy magnetic excitations in the spin-triplet superconductor UTe2was measured via inelastic neutron scattering in the normal and superconducting states. These excitations have a peak instensity at 4 meV, follow the Brillouin zone edges near the crystallographic b-axis, obey the paramagnetic structural symmetry, and track the temperature evolution of the heavy fermion bulk magnetic susceptibility. Thus, the imaginary part of the dynamic susceptibility follows the behavior of interband correlations in a hybridized Kondo lattice with an appropriate characteristic energy. These excitations are a lower-dimensional analog of phenomena observed in other Kondo lattice materials, such that their presence is not necessarily due to dominance of ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic correlations. The onset of superconductivity alters the magnetic excitations noticeably on the same energy scales, suggesting that these changes originate from additional electronic structure modification.

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