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Samples for the analysis of dissolved nutrients were collected during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) from the water column, sea ice cores and from special events/locations (e.g., leads, melt ponds, brine, incubation experiments). Samples for dissolved inorganic nutrients (NO3 +NO2 , NO2 , PO4 , Si(OH)4, NH4 ) were analysed onboard during PS122 legs 1 to 3, with duplicate samples collected from CTD casts for later analysis of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP). From leg 4, all samples collected were stored frozen at -20°C for later analysis. Analyses of stored samples were carried out at the AWI Nutrient Facility between January and March 2021. Nutrient analyses onboard and on land were carried out using a Seal Analytical AA3 continuous flow autoanalyser, controlled by the AACE software version 7.09. Best practice procedures for the measurement of nutrients were adopted following GO-SHIP recommendations (Hydes et al., 2010; Becker et al., 2019). Descriptions of sample collection and handling can be found in the various cruise reports (Haas & Rabe, 2023; Kanzow & Damm, 2023; Rex & Metfies, 2023; Rex & Nicolaus, 2023; Rex & Shupe, 2023). Here we provide data from the water column, obtained from the analysis of discrete samples collected from CTD-Rosette casts from Polarstern ( and Ocean City ( Data from sea ice cores and special events are presented elsewhere. Data from sea ice cores and special events are presented elsewhere. For reference, here we included data from CTD-BTL files associated with nutrient samples. These data are presented by Tippenhauer et al. (2023) Polarstern CTD and Tippenhauer et al. (2023) Ocean City CTD.more » « less
Samples for the analysis of dissolved nutrients were collected during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) from the water column, sea ice cores and from special events/locations (e.g., leads, melt ponds, brine, incubation experiments). Samples for dissolved inorganic nutrients (NO3 +NO2 , NO2 , PO4 , Si(OH)4, NH4 ) were analysed onboard during PS122 legs 1 to 3, with duplicate samples collected from CTD casts for later analysis of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP). From leg 4, all samples collected were stored frozen at -20°C for later analysis. Analyses of stored samples were carried out at the AWI Nutrient Facility between January and March 2021. Nutrient analyses onboard and on land were carried out using a Seal Analytical AA3 continuous flow autoanalyser, controlled by the AACE software version 7.09. Best practice procedures for the measurement of nutrients were adopted following GO-SHIP recommendations (Hydes et al., 2010; Becker et al., 2019). Descriptions of sample collection and handling can be found in the various cruise reports (Haas & Rabe, 2023; Kanzow & Damm, 2023; Rex & Metfies, 2023; Rex & Nicolaus, 2023; Rex & Shupe, 2023). Here we provide data from the water column, obtained from the analysis of discrete samples collected from CTD-Rosette casts from Polarstern ( and Ocean City ( Data from sea ice cores and special events are presented elsewhere. Data from sea ice cores and special events are presented elsewhere. For reference, here we included data from CTD-BTL files associated with nutrient samples. These data are presented by Tippenhauer et al. (2023) Polarstern CTD and Tippenhauer et al. (2023) Ocean City CTD.more » « less
The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC, 2019–2020), a year-long drift with the Arctic sea ice, has provided the scientific community with an unprecedented, multidisciplinary dataset from the Eurasian Arctic Ocean, covering high atmosphere to deep ocean across all seasons. However, the heterogeneity of data and the superposition of spatial and temporal variability, intrinsic to a drift campaign, complicate the interpretation of observations. In this study, we have compiled a quality-controlled physical hydrographic dataset with best spatio-temporal coverage and derived core parameters, including the mixed layer depth, heat fluxes over key layers, and friction velocity. We provide a comprehensive and accessible overview of the ocean conditions encountered along the MOSAiC drift, discuss their interdisciplinary implications, and compare common ocean climatologies to these new data. Our results indicate that, for the most part, ocean variability was dominated by regional rather than seasonal signals, carrying potentially strong implications for ocean biogeochemistry, ecology, sea ice, and even atmospheric conditions. Near-surface ocean properties were strongly influenced by the relative position of sampling, within or outside the river-water influenced Transpolar Drift, and seasonal warming and meltwater input. Ventilation down to the Atlantic Water layer in the Nansen Basin allowed for a stronger connectivity between subsurface heat and the sea ice and surface ocean via elevated upward heat fluxes. The Yermak Plateau and Fram Strait regions were characterized by heterogeneous water mass distributions, energetic ocean currents, and stronger lateral gradients in surface water properties in frontal regions. Together with the presented results and core parameters, we offer context for interdisciplinary research, fostering an improved understanding of the complex, coupled Arctic System.more » « less
This metadata links to 16S and 18S rRNA amplicon data (raw sequence reads, NCBI Accession PRJNA895866) for seawater, sea ice, meltwater, and experimental samples from the Central Arctic Ocean collected during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition in which the RV (Research Vessel) Polarstern was tethered to drifting sea ice from October 2019 to September 2020. Seawater samples were collected from the water column using a CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) rosette or underway seawater tap during legs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the expedition. Sea ice samples were collected via coring (FYI (first-year ice), SYI (second-year ice)) or scooped with a saw and/or sieve (new ice formation) during legs 1, 3, 4, and 5 of the expedition. Summer meltwater was from surface layers within leads or melt ponds and was collected using pump systems during legs 4 and 5 of the expedition. Experimental samples were filtered and processed post nutrient addition, stable isotope, or elevated methane incubations to pair community structure with biogeochemical measurements. Original data published with the National Center for Biotechnology Information: ; Please contact data creators before use.more » « less
This dataset contains water column oxygen measurements from multi-day bottle incubations collected in the Central Arctic Ocean during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition – in which the RV (Research Vessel) Polarstern was tethered to sea ice, drifting across the Central Arctic Ocean from October 2019 to September 2020. Water was collected from various depths in the water column for whole seawater respiration rates via oxygen evolution incubations during legs 1, 3, 4, and 5 of the expedition. Incubations took place in a 1 ºC (celsius) cold room onboard Polarstern. Due to temperature stability and bubble formation issues, most measurements were compromised and data has been flagged accordingly during quality checks.more » « less
Abstract The Arctic is warming faster than anywhere else on Earth, prompting glacial melt, permafrost thaw, and sea ice decline. These severe consequences induce feedbacks that contribute to amplified warming, affecting weather and climate globally. Aerosols and clouds play a critical role in regulating radiation reaching the Arctic surface. However, the magnitude of their effects is not adequately quantified, especially in the central Arctic where they impact the energy balance over the sea ice. Specifically, aerosols called ice nucleating particles (INPs) remain understudied yet are necessary for cloud ice production and subsequent changes in cloud lifetime, radiative effects, and precipitation. Here, we report observations of INPs in the central Arctic over a full year, spanning the entire sea ice growth and decline cycle. Further, these observations are size-resolved, affording valuable information on INP sources. Our results reveal a strong seasonality of INPs, with lower concentrations in the winter and spring controlled by transport from lower latitudes, to enhanced concentrations of INPs during the summer melt, likely from marine biological production in local open waters. This comprehensive characterization of INPs will ultimately help inform cloud parameterizations in models of all scales.more » « less
Leads play an important role in the exchange of heat, gases, vapour, and particles between seawater and the atmosphere in ice-covered polar oceans. In summer, these processes can be modified significantly by the formation of a meltwater layer at the surface, yet we know little about the dynamics of meltwater layer formation and persistence. During the drift campaign of the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC), we examined how variation in lead width, re-freezing, and mixing events affected the vertical structure of lead waters during late summer in the central Arctic. At the beginning of the 4-week survey period, a meltwater layer occupied the surface 0.8 m of the lead, and temperature and salinity showed strong vertical gradients. Stable oxygen isotopes indicate that the meltwater consisted mainly of sea ice meltwater rather than snow meltwater. During the first half of the survey period (before freezing), the meltwater layer thickness decreased rapidly as lead width increased and stretched the layer horizontally. During the latter half of the survey period (after freezing of the lead surface), stratification weakened and the meltwater layer became thinner before disappearing completely due to surface ice formation and mixing processes. Removal of meltwater during surface ice formation explained about 43% of the reduction in thickness of the meltwater layer. The remaining approximate 57% could be explained by mixing within the water column initiated by disturbance of the lower boundary of the meltwater layer through wind-induced ice floe drift. These results indicate that rapid, dynamic changes to lead water structure can have potentially significant effects on the exchange of physical and biogeochemical components throughout the atmosphere–lead–underlying seawater system.
Low-salinity meltwater from Arctic sea ice and its snow cover accumulates and creates under-ice meltwater layers below sea ice. These meltwater layers can result in the formation of new ice layers, or false bottoms, at the interface of this low-salinity meltwater and colder seawater. As part of the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of the Arctic Climate (MOSAiC), we used a combination of sea ice coring, temperature profiles from thermistor strings and underwater multibeam sonar surveys with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to study the areal coverage and temporal evolution of under-ice meltwater layers and false bottoms during the summer melt season from mid-June until late July. ROV surveys indicated that the areal coverage of false bottoms for a part of the MOSAiC Central Observatory (350 by 200 m2) was 21%. Presence of false bottoms reduced bottom ice melt by 7–8% due to the local decrease in the ocean heat flux, which can be described by a thermodynamic model. Under-ice meltwater layer thickness was larger below first-year ice and thinner below thicker second-year ice. We also found that thick ice and ridge keels confined the areas in which under-ice meltwater accumulated, preventing its mixing with underlying seawater. While a thermodynamic model could reproduce false bottom growth and melt, it could not describe the observed bottom melt rates of the ice above false bottoms. We also show that the evolution of under-ice meltwater-layer salinity below first-year ice is linked to brine flushing from the above sea ice and accumulating in the meltwater layer above the false bottom. The results of this study aid in estimating the contribution of under-ice meltwater layers and false bottoms to the mass balance and salt budget for Arctic summer sea ice.
The rapid melt of snow and sea ice during the Arctic summer provides a significant source of low-salinity meltwater to the surface ocean on the local scale. The accumulation of this meltwater on, under, and around sea ice floes can result in relatively thin meltwater layers in the upper ocean. Due to the small-scale nature of these upper-ocean features, typically on the order of 1 m thick or less, they are rarely detected by standard methods, but are nevertheless pervasive and critically important in Arctic summer. Observations during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition in summer 2020 focused on the evolution of such layers and made significant advancements in understanding their role in the coupled Arctic system. Here we provide a review of thin meltwater layers in the Arctic, with emphasis on the new findings from MOSAiC. Both prior and recent observational datasets indicate an intermittent yet long-lasting (weeks to months) meltwater layer in the upper ocean on the order of 0.1 m to 1.0 m in thickness, with a large spatial range. The presence of meltwater layers impacts the physical system by reducing bottom ice melt and allowing new ice formation via false bottom growth. Collectively, the meltwater layer and false bottoms reduce atmosphere-ocean exchanges of momentum, energy, and material. The impacts on the coupled Arctic system are far-reaching, including acting as a barrier for nutrient and gas exchange and impacting ecosystem diversity and productivity.more » « less
This data has been collected and processed as part of the MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) expedition. MOSAiC is a collaborative initiative led by the Alfred Wegener Institute and has received substantial funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, as well as the US National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, NOAA, and NASA. Numerous other international agencies and institutions have also made significant contributions. The primary objective of this program was to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the evolving Arctic over the course of a year. The expedition took place from October 2019 to October 2020 and was conducted aboard the Research Vessel Ice Breaker (RVIB) Polarstern, involving participants from 20 nations. As part of this submission, we are presenting five distinct datasets. Two of these datasets are related to seawater, two pertain to meltwater, and one pertains to sea ice. The "in-situ" datasets provide information on dissolved methane concentrations and isotope ratios, while the "in-vitro" datasets offer insights into potential methane oxidation rate constants. In the case of sea ice, only "in-vitro" data was collected, as discrete measurements were obtained from another research group. These datasets are the result of the project titled "Collaborative Research: Quantifying microbial controls on the annual cycle of methane and oxygen within the ultraoligotrophic Central Arctic during MOSAiC." The aim of this study was to assess the marine methane metabolism during a one-year period in the Central Arctic Ocean. The results have provided insights into the biogeography of methane hotspots, both in terms of production and oxidation.more » « less