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Security is an increasing concern for real-time systems (RTS). Over the last decade or so, researchers have demonstrated attacks and defenses aimed at such systems. In this paper, we identify, classify and measure the effectiveness of the security research in this domain. We provide a high-level summary [identification] and a taxonomy [classification] of this existing body of work. Furthermore, we carry out an in-depth analysis [measurement] of scheduler-based security techniques — the most common class of real-time security mechanisms. For this purpose, we developed a common metric, “attacker’s burden”, used to measure the effectiveness of (existing as well as future) scheduler-based real-time security measures.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available February 26, 2025
Timing correctness is crucial in a multi-criticality real-time system, such as an autonomous driving system. It has been recently shown that these systems can be vulnerable to timing inference attacks, mainly due to their predictable behavioral patterns. Existing solutions like schedule randomization cannot protect against such attacks, often limited by the system’s real-time nature. This article presents “ SchedGuard++ ”: a temporal protection framework for Linux-based real-time systems that protects against posterior schedule-based attacks by preventing untrusted tasks from executing during specific time intervals. SchedGuard++ supports multi-core platforms and is implemented using Linux containers and a customized Linux kernel real-time scheduler. We provide schedulability analysis assuming the Logical Execution Time (LET) paradigm, which enforces I/O predictability. The proposed response time analysis takes into account the interference from trusted and untrusted tasks and the impact of the protection mechanism. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system using a realistic radio-controlled rover platform. Not only is “ SchedGuard++ ” able to protect against the posterior schedule-based attacks, but it also ensures that the real-time tasks/containers meet their temporal requirements.more » « less
Scheduler side-channels can leak critical information in real-time systems, thus posing serious threats to many safety-critical applications. The main culprit is the inherent determinism in the runtime timing behavior of such systems, e.g., the (expected) periodic behavior of critical tasks. In this paper, we introduce the notion of "schedule indistinguishability/", inspired by work in differential privacy, that introduces diversity into the schedules of such systems while offering analyzable security guarantees. We achieve this by adding a sufficiently large (controlled) noise to the task schedules in order to break their deterministic execution patterns. An "epsilon-Scheduler" then implements schedule indistinguishability in real-time Linux. We evaluate our system using two real applications: (a) an autonomous rover running on a real hardware platform (Raspberry Pi) and (b) a video streaming application that sends data across large geographic distances. Our results show that the epsilon-Scheduler offers better protection against scheduler side-channel attacks in real-time systems while still maintaining good performance and quality-of-service(QoS) requirements.more » « less
We demonstrate the presence of a novel sched- uler side-channel in preemptive, fixed-priority real-time systems (RTS); examples of such systems can be found in automotive systems, avionic systems, power plants and industrial control systems among others. This side-channel can leak important timing information – the precise points in time when a periodic task will execute in the future. This information can then be used to launch devastating attacks, two of which are demonstrated here (on real hardware platforms). Note that it is not easy to capture this timing information due to runtime variations in the schedules, the presence of multiple other tasks in the system and the typical constraints (e.g., deadlines) in the design of RTS. Our ScheduLeak algorithms demonstrate how to effectively exploit this side-channel. A complete implementation is presented on real operating systems (in Real-time Linux and FreeRTOS). Timing information leaked by ScheduLeak can significantly aid other, more advanced, attacks in better accomplishing their goals.more » « less
Digital Twin (DT) is one of the key enabling technologies for realizing the promise of Smart Manufacturing (SM) and Industry 4.0 to improve production systems operation. Driven by the generation and analysis of high volume data coming from interconnected cyber and physical spaces, DTs are real-time digital images of physical systems, processes or products that help evaluate and improve business performance. This paper proposes a novel DT architecture for the real- time monitoring and evaluation of large-scale SM systems. An application to a manufacturing flow-shop is presented to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed methodology.more » « less
Modern embedded and cyber-physical systems are ubiquitous. Many critical cyber-physical systems have real-time requirements (e.g., avionics, automobiles, power grids, manufacturing systems, industrial control systems, etc.). Recent developments and new functionality require real-time embedded devices to be connected to the Internet. This gives rise to the real-time Internet-of-things (RT-IoT) that promises a better user experience through stronger connectivity and efficient use of next-generation embedded devices. However, RT-IoT are also increasingly becoming targets for cyber-attacks, which is exacerbated by this increased connectivity. This paper gives an introduction to RT-IoT systems, an outlook of current approaches and possible research challenges towards secure RT-IoT frameworks.more » « less
Abstract—Safety violations in programmable logic controllers (PLCs), caused either by faults or attacks, have recently garnered significant attention. However, prior efforts at PLC code vetting suffer from many drawbacks. Static analyses and verification cause significant false positives and cannot reveal specific runtime contexts. Dynamic analyses and symbolic execution, on the other hand, fail due to their inability to handle real-world PLC pro- grams that are event-driven and timing sensitive. In this paper, we propose VETPLC, a temporal context-aware, program analysis- based approach to produce timed event sequences that can be used for automatic safety vetting. To this end, we (a) perform static program analysis to create timed event causality graphs in order to understand causal relations among events in PLC code and (b) mine temporal invariants from data traces collected in Industrial Control System (ICS) testbeds to quantitatively gauge temporal dependencies that are constrained by machine operations. Our VETPLC prototype has been implemented in 15K lines of code. We evaluate it on 10 real-world scenarios from two different ICS settings. Our experiments show that VETPLC outperforms state-of-the-art techniques and can generate event sequences that can be used to automatically detect hidden safety violations.more » « less
Discrete manufacturing systems are complex cyber-physical systems (CPS) and their availability, performance, and quality have a big impact on the economy. Smart manufacturing promises to improve these aspects. One key approach that is being pursued in this context is the creation of centralized software-defined control (SDC) architectures and strategies that use diverse sensors and data sources to make manufacturing more adaptive, resilient, and programmable. In this paper, we present SDCWorks-a modeling and simulation framework for SDC. It consists of the semantic structures for creating models, a baseline controller, and an open source implementation of a discrete event simulator for SDCWorks models. We provide the semantics of such a manufacturing system in terms of a discrete transition system which sets up the platform for future research in a new class of problems in formal verification, synthesis, and monitoring. We illustrate the expressive power of SDCWorks by modeling the realistic SMART manufacturing testbed of University of Michigan. We show how our open source SDCWorks simulator can be used to evaluate relevant metrics (throughput, latency, and load) for example manufacturing systems.more » « less
Safety violations in programmable logic controllers (PLCs), caused either by faults or attacks, have recently garnered significant attention. However, prior efforts at PLC code vetting suffer from many drawbacks. Static analyses and verification cause significant false positives and cannot reveal specific runtime contexts. Dynamic analyses and symbolic execution, on the other hand, fail due to their inability to handle real-world PLC programs that are event-driven and timing sensitive. In this paper, we propose VetPLC, a temporal context-aware, program analysis-based approach to produce timed event sequences that can be used for automatic safety vetting. To this end, we (a) perform static program analysis to create timed event causality graphs in order to understand causal relations among events in PLC code and (b) mine temporal invariants from data traces collected in Industrial Control System (ICS) testbeds to quantitatively gauge temporal dependencies that are constrained by machine operations. Our VetPLC prototype has been implemented in 15K lines of code. We evaluate it on 10 real-world scenarios from two different ICS settings. Our experiments show that VetPLC outperforms state-of-the-art techniques and can generate event sequences that can be used to automatically detect hidden safety violations.more » « less