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Stack unwinding is a well-established approach for handling panics in Rust programs. However, its feasibility on resource- constrained embedded systems has been unclear due to the associated overhead and complexity. This paper presents our experience of implementing stack unwinding and panic recovery within a Rust-based soft real-time embedded oper- ating system. We describe several novel optimizations that help achieve adequate performance for a ying drone with a CPU overhead of 2.6% and a storage overhead of 26.0% to recover from panics in application tasks and interrupt handlers.more » « less
We present POD, a smartphone that flies, as a new way to achieve hands-free, eyes-up mobile computing. Unlike existing drone-carried user interfaces, POD features a smartphone-sized display and the computing and sensing power of a modern smartphone. We share our experience in prototyping POD, discuss the technical challenges facing it, and describe early results toward addressing them.more » « less