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Creators/Authors contains: "Chen, Hang"

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  1. Abstract

    Hydrologic modeling has been a useful approach for analyzing water partitioning in catchment systems. It will play an essential role in studying the responses of watersheds under projected climate changes. Numerous studies have shown it is critical to include subsurface heterogeneity in the hydrologic modeling to correctly simulate various water fluxes and processes in the hydrologic system. In this study, we test the idea of incorporating geophysics‐obtained subsurface critical zone (CZ) structures in the hydrologic modeling of a mountainous headwater catchment. The CZ structure is extracted from a three‐dimensional seismic velocity model developed from a series of two‐dimensional velocity sections inverted from seismic travel time measurements. Comparing different subsurface models shows that geophysics‐informed hydrologic modeling better fits the field observations, including streamflow discharge and soil moisture measurements. The results also show that this new hydrologic modeling approach could quantify many key hydrologic fluxes in the catchment, including streamflow, deep infiltration, and subsurface water storage. Estimations of these fluxes from numerical simulations generally have low uncertainties and are consistent with estimations from other methods. In particular, it is straightforward to calculate many hydraulic fluxes or states that may not be measured directly in the field or separated from field observations. Examples include quickflow/subsurface lateral flow, soil/rock moisture, and deep infiltration. Thus, this study provides a useful approach for studying the hydraulic fluxes and processes in the deep subsurface (e.g., weathered bedrock), which needs to be better represented in many earth system models.

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  2. This dataset contains the codes and data used in the manuscript “Influence of Subsurface Critical Zone Structure on Hydrological Partitioning in Mountainous Headwater Catchments” submitted to Geophysical Research Letters. The software requirement are summarized in requirement.txt; hydrologic modeling input data are in the folder TLnewtest2sfb2; the observation data used in the simulation are indicated as comments in the python scripts. Note that the hydrologic modeling was run in HPC (Linux system) with parallel computing. Below are the abstract of the manuscript: “Headwater catchments play a vital role in regional water supply and ecohydrology, and a quantitative understanding of the hydrological partitioning in these catchments is critically needed, particularly under a changing climate. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of subsurface critical zone (CZ) structure in modulating the partitioning of precipitation in mountainous catchments; however, few existing studies have explicitly taken into account the 3D subsurface CZ structure. In this study, we designed realistic synthetic catchment models based on seismic velocity-estimated 3D subsurface CZ structures. Integrated hydrologic modeling is then used to study the effect of the shape of the weathered bedrock bottom on various hydrologic fluxes and storages in mountainous headwater catchments. Numerical results show that the shape of the weathered bedrock bottom not only affects the magnitude but also the peak time of both streamflow and subsurface dynamic storage.” 
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  3. This is for the paper Geophysics-informed hydrologic modeling of a mountain headwater catchment for studying hydrological partitioning in the critical zone. Also check the description in 
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  4. Abstract Van der Waals (vdW) material Fe 5 GeTe 2 , with its long-range ferromagnetic ordering near room temperature, has significant potential to become an enabling platform for implementing novel spintronic and quantum devices. To pave the way for applications, it is crucial to determine the magnetic properties when the thickness of Fe 5 GeTe 2 reaches the few-layers regime. However, this is highly challenging due to the need for a characterization technique that is local, highly sensitive, artifact-free, and operational with minimal fabrication. Prior studies have indicated that Curie temperature T C can reach up to close to room temperature for exfoliated Fe 5 GeTe 2 flakes, as measured via electrical transport; there is a need to validate these results with a measurement that reveals magnetism more directly. In this work, we investigate the magnetic properties of exfoliated thin flakes of vdW magnet Fe 5 GeTe 2 via quantum magnetic imaging technique based on nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond. Through imaging the stray fields, we confirm room-temperature magnetic order in Fe 5 GeTe 2 thin flakes with thickness down to 7 units cell. The stray field patterns and their response to magnetizing fields with different polarities is consistent with previously reported perpendicular easy-axis anisotropy. Furthermore, we perform imaging at different temperatures and determine the Curie temperature of the flakes at ≈300 K. These results provide the basis for realizing a room-temperature monolayer ferromagnet with Fe 5 GeTe 2 . This work also demonstrates that the imaging technique enables rapid screening of multiple flakes simultaneously as well as time-resolved imaging for monitoring time-dependent magnetic behaviors, thereby paving the way towards high throughput characterization of potential two-dimensional (2D) magnets near room temperature and providing critical insights into the evolution of domain behaviors in 2D magnets due to degradation. 
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  5. null (Ed.)