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The frequency-dependent nature of hearing loss poses many challenges for hearing aid design. In order to compensate for a hearing aid user’s unique hearing loss pattern, an input signal often needs to be separated into frequency bands, or channels, through a process called sub-band decomposition. In this paper, we present a real-time filter bank for hearing aids. Our filter bank features 10 channels uniformly distributed on the logarithmic scale, located at the standard audiometric frequencies used for the characterization and fitting of hearing aids. We obtained filters with very narrow passbands in the lower frequencies by employing multi-rate signal processing. Our filter bank offers a 9.1× reduction in complexity as compared to conventional signal processing. We implemented our filter bank on Open Speech Platform, an open-source hearing aid, and confirmed real-time operation.more » « less
We propose a new adaptive feedback cancellation (AFC) system in hearing aids (HAs) based on a well-posed optimization criterion that jointly considers both decorrelation of the signals and sparsity of the underlying channel. We show that the least squares criterion on subband errors regularized by a p-norm-like diversity measure can be used to simultaneously decorrelate the speech signals and exploit sparsity of the acoustic feedback path impulse response. Compared with traditional subband adaptive filters that are not appropriate for incorporating sparsity due to shorter sub-filters, our proposed framework is suitable for promoting sparse characteristics, as the update rule utilizing subband information actually operates in the fullband. Simulation results show that the normalized misalignment, added stable gain, and other objective metrics of the AFC are significantly improved by choosing a proper sparsity promoting factor and a suitable number of subbands. More importantly, the results indicate that the benefits of subband decomposition and sparsity promoting are complementary and additive for AFC in HAs.more » « less
We show that a new design criterion, i.e., the least squares on subband errors regularized by a weighted norm, can be used to generalize the proportionate-type normalized subband adaptive filtering (PtNSAF) framework. The new criterion directly penalizes subband errors and includes a sparsity penalty term which is minimized using the damped regularized Newton’s method. The impact of the proposed generalized PtNSAF (GPtNSAF) is studied for the system identification problem via computer simulations. Specifically, we study the effects of using different numbers of subbands and various sparsity penalty terms for quasi-sparse, sparse, and dispersive systems. The results show that the benefit of increasing the number of subbands is larger than promoting sparsity of the estimated filter coefficients when the target system is quasi-sparse or dispersive. On the other hand, for sparse target systems, promoting sparsity becomes more important. More importantly, the two aspects provide complementary and additive benefits to the GPtNSAF for speeding up convergence.more » « less
Acoustic feedback control continues to be a challenging prob- lem due to the emerging form factors in advanced hearing aids (HAs) and hearables. In this paper, we present a novel use of well-known all-pass filters in a network to perform frequency warping that we call “freping.” Freping helps in breaking the Nyquist stability criterion and improves adaptive feedback can- cellation (AFC). Based on informal subjective assessments, dis- tortions due to freping are fairly benign. While common ob- jective metrics like the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) and the hearing-aid speech quality index (HASQI) may not adequately capture distortions due to freping and acoustic feedback artifacts from a perceptual perspective, they are still instructive in assessing the proposed method. We demonstrate quality improvements with freping for a basic AFC (PESQ: 2.56 to 3.52 and HASQI: 0.65 to 0.78) at a gain setting of 20; and an advanced AFC (PESQ: 2.75 to 3.17 and HASQI: 0.66 to 0.73) for a gain of 30. From our investigations, freping provides larger improvement for basic AFC, but still improves overall system performance for many AFC approaches.more » « less