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  1. The Late Cretaceous to Paleogene Laramide orogen in the North American Cordillera involved deformation >1,000 km from the plate margin that has been attributed to either plate-boundary end loading or basal traction exerted on the upper plate from the subducted Farallon flat slab. Prevailing tectonic models fail to explain the relative absence of Laramide-aged (ca. 90–60 Ma) contractional deformation within the Cordillera hinterland. Based on Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material thermometry and literature data from the restored upper 15–20 km of the Cordilleran crust we reconstruct the Late Cretaceous thermal architecture of the hinterland. Interpolation of compiled temperature data (n = 200) through a vertical crustal column reveals that the hinterland experienced a continuous but regionally elevated, upper-crustal geothermal gradient of >40 °C/km during Laramide orogenesis, consistent with peak metamorphic conditions and synchronous peraluminous granitic plutonism. The hot and partially melted hinterland promoted lower crust mobility and crust-mantle decoupling during flat-slab traction. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Signal processing is of critical importance for various science and technology fields. Analog optical processing can provide an effective solution to perform large-scale and real-time data processing, superior to its digital counterparts, which have the disadvantages of low operation speed and large energy consumption. As an important branch of modern optics, Fourier optics exhibits great potential for analog optical image processing, for instance for edge detection. While these operations have been commonly explored to manipulate the spatial content of an image, mathematical operations that act directly over the angular spectrum of an image have not been pursued. Here, we demonstrate manipulation of the angular spectrum of an image, and in particular its differentiation, using dielectric metasurfaces operating across the whole visible spectrum. We experimentally show that this technique can be used to enhance desired portions of the angular spectrum of an image. Our approach can be extended to develop more general angular spectrum analog meta-processors, and may open opportunities for optical analog data processing and biological imaging.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025
  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 28, 2025
  4. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 10, 2025
  5. Agrawal, Shipra ; Roth, Aaron (Ed.)
    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 3, 2025
  6. Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 15, 2025
  7. The accretion of future allochthonous terranes (e.g., microcontinents or oceanic plateaus) onto the southern margin of Asia occurred repeatedly during the evolution and closure of the Tethyan oceanic realm, but the specific geodynamic processes of this protracted convergence, successive accretion, and subduction zone initiation remain largely unknown. Here, we use numerical models to better understand the dynamics that govern multiple terrane accretions and the polarity of new subduction zone initiation. Our results show that the sediments surrounding the future terranes and the structural complexity of the overriding plate are important factors that affect accretion of multiple plates and guide subduction polarity. Wide (≥400 km) and buoyant terranes with sediments behind them and fast continental plate motions are favorable for multiple unidirectional subduction zone jumps, which are also referred to as subduction zone transference, and successive terrane-accretion events. The jumping times (∼3−20+ m.y.) are mainly determined by the convergence rates and rheology of the overriding complex plate with preceding terrane collisions, which increase with slower convergence rates and/or a greater number of preceding terrane collisions. Our work provides new insights into the key geodynamic conditions governing multiple subduction zone jumps induced by successive accretion and discusses Tethyan evolution at a macro level. More than 50 m.y. after India-Asia collision, subduction has yet to initiate along the southern Indian plate, which may be the joint result of slower plate convergence and partitioned deformation across southern Asia.

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