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null (Ed.)Summary High-dimensional statistical inference with general estimating equations is challenging and remains little explored. We study two problems in the area: confidence set estimation for multiple components of the model parameters, and model specifications tests. First, we propose to construct a new set of estimating equations such that the impact from estimating the high-dimensional nuisance parameters becomes asymptotically negligible. The new construction enables us to estimate a valid confidence region by empirical likelihood ratio. Second, we propose a test statistic as the maximum of the marginal empirical likelihood ratios to quantify data evidence against the model specification. Our theory establishes the validity of the proposed empirical likelihood approaches, accommodating over-identification and exponentially growing data dimensionality. Numerical studies demonstrate promising performance and potential practical benefits of the new methods.more » « less
Summary The paper considers estimating a parameter β that defines an estimating function U(y, x, β) for an outcome variable y and its covariate x when the outcome is missing in some of the observations. We assume that, in addition to the outcome and the covariate, a surrogate outcome is available in every observation. The efficiency of existing estimators for β depends critically on correctly specifying the conditional expectation of U given the surrogate and the covariate. When the conditional expectation is not correctly specified, which is the most likely scenario in practice, the efficiency of estimation can be severely compromised even if the propensity function (of missingness) is correctly specified. We propose an estimator that is robust against the choice of the conditional expectation via an empirical likelihood. We demonstrate that the estimator proposed achieves a gain in efficiency whether the conditional score is correctly specified or not. When the conditional score is correctly specified, the estimator reaches the semiparametric variance bound within the class of estimating functions that are generated by U. The practical performance of the estimator is evaluated by using simulation and a data set that is based on the 1996 US presidential election.