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Abstract Plant–soil feedback (PSF) is an important mechanism determining plant community dynamics and structure. Understanding the geographic patterns and drivers of PSF is essential for understanding the mechanisms underlying geographic plant diversity patterns. We compiled a large dataset containing 5969 observations of PSF from 202 studies to demonstrate the global patterns and drivers of PSF for woody and non‐woody species. Overall, PSF was negative on average and was influenced by plant attributes and environmental settings. Woody species PSFs did not vary with latitude, but non‐woody PSFs were more negative at higher latitudes. PSF was consistently more positive with increasing aridity for both woody and non‐woody species, likely due to increased mutualistic microbes relative to soil‐borne pathogens. These findings were consistent between field and greenhouse experiments, suggesting that PSF variation can be driven by soil legacies from climates. Our findings call for caution to use PSF as an explanation of the latitudinal diversity gradient and highlight that aridity can influence plant community dynamics and structure across broad scales through mediating plant–soil microbe interactions.
Hu, Shuijin (Ed.)Abstract Aims Linkages formed through aquatic–terrestrial subsidies can play an important role in structuring communities and mediating ecosystem functions. Aquatic–terrestrial subsidies may be especially important in nutrient-poor ecosystems, such as the freshwater sand dunes surrounding Lake Michigan. Adult midges emerge from Lake Michigan in the spring, swarm to mate and die. Their carcasses form mounds at the base of plants, where they may increase plant productivity through their nutrient inputs. However, the effect of aquatic–terrestrial subsidies on plant productivity could depend on other biotic interactions. In particular, soil microbes might play a key role in facilitating the conversion of nutrients to plant-available forms or competing for the nutrients with plants. Methods In a greenhouse experiment, we tested how carcasses from lake emergent midges (Chironomidae) and soil microbes independently and interactively influenced the performance of a common dune grass, Calamovilfa longifolia. To determine whether midges influenced abiotic soil properties, we measured how midge additions influenced soil nutrients and soil moisture. Important Findings Midges greatly increased plant biomass, while soil microbes influenced the magnitude of this effect. In the absence of soil microbes plant biomass was seven times greater with midges than without midges. However, in the presence of soil microbes, plant biomass was only three times greater. The effect of midges might be driven by their nutrient inputs into the soil, as midges contained 100 times more N, 10 times more P and 150 times more K than dune soils did. Our results suggest that soil microbes may be competing with plants for these nutrients. In sum, we found that midges can be an important aquatic–terrestrial subsidy that produces strong, positive effects on plant productivity along the shorelines of Lake Michigan, but that the impact of aquatic–terrestrial subsidies must be considered within the context of the complex interactions that take place within ecological communities.more » « less
null (Ed.)Interactions between plants and microbes have important influences on evolutionary processes, population dynamics, community structure, and ecosystem function. We review the literature to document how climate change may disrupt these ecological interactions and develop a conceptual framework to integrate the pathways of plant-microbe responses to climate over different scales in space and time. We then create a blueprint to aid generalization that categorizes climate effects into changes in the context dependency of plant-microbe pairs, temporal mismatches and altered feedbacks over time, or spatial mismatches that accompany species range shifts. We pair a new graphical model of how plant-microbe interactions influence resistance to climate change with a statistical approach to predictthe consequences of increasing variability in climate. Finally, we suggest pathways through which plant-microbe interactions can affect resilience during recovery from climate disruption. Throughout, we take a forward-looking perspective, highlighting knowledge gaps and directions for future research.more » « less
Abstract Feedbacks between plants and soil microbial communities can play an important role in structuring plant communities. However, little is known about how soil legacies caused by environmental disturbances such as drought and extreme precipitation events may affect plant–soil feedback or whether plant–soil feedback operates within species as it does between species. If soil legacies alter plant–soil feedback among genotypes within a plant species, then soil legacies may alter the diversity within plant populations. We conducted a fully factorial pairwise plant–soil feedback experiment to test how precipitation legacies influenced intraspecific plant–soil feedbacks among three genotypes of a dominant grass species,
Panicum virgatum .Panicum virgatum experienced negative intraspecific plant–soil feedback, i.e., genotypes generally performed worse on soil from the same genotype than different genotypes. Soil precipitation legacies reversed the rank order of the strength of negative feedback among the genotypes. Feedback is often positively correlated with plant relative abundance. Therefore, our results suggest that soil precipitation legacies may alter the genotypic composition ofP. virgatum populations, favoring genotypes that develop less negative feedback. Changes in intraspecific diversity will likely further affect community structure and ecosystem functioning, and may constrain the ability of populations to respond to future changes in climate.