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Creators/Authors contains: "Damron, Hunter"

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  1. IEEE (Ed.)
    This paper addresses the robustness problem of visual-inertial state estimation for underwater operations. Underwater robots operating in a challenging environment are required to know their pose at all times. All vision-based localization schemes are prone to failure due to poor visibility conditions, color loss, and lack of features. The proposed approach utilizes a model of the robot's kinematics together with proprioceptive sensors to maintain the pose estimate during visual-inertial odometry (VIO) failures. Furthermore, the trajectories from successful VIO and the ones from the model-driven odometry are integrated in a coherent set that maintains a consistent pose at all times. Health-monitoring tracks the VIO process ensuring timely switches between the two estimators. Finally, loop closure is implemented on the overall trajectory. The resulting framework is a robust estimator switching between model-based and visual-inertial odometry (SM/VIO). Experimental results from numerous deployments of the Aqua2 vehicle demonstrate the robustness of our approach over coral reefs and a shipwreck. 
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  2. null (Ed.)
  3. null (Ed.)
  4. Bearing only cooperative localization has been used successfully on aerial and ground vehicles. In this paper we present an extension of the approach to the underwater domain. The focus is on adapting the technique to handle the challenging visibility conditions underwater. Furthermore, data from inertial, magnetic, and depth sensors are utilized to improve the robustness of the estimation. In addition to robotic applications, the presented technique can be used for cave mapping and for marine archeology surveying, both by human divers. Experimental results from different environments, including a fresh water, low visibility, lake in South Carolina; a cavern in Florida; and coral reefs in Barbados during the day and during the night, validate the robustness and the accuracy of the proposed approach. 
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