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Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
We develop a quantitative large deviations theory for random hypergraphs, which rests on tensor decomposition and counting lemmas under a novel family of cut-type norms. As our main application, we obtain sharp asymptotics for joint upper and lower tails of homomorphism counts in the r-uniform Erdo ̋s–Rényi hypergraph for any fixed r≥2, generalizing and improving on previous results for the Erdo ̋s–Rényi graph (r=2). The theory is sufficiently quantitative to allow the density of the hypergraph to vanish at a polynomial rate, and additionally yields tail asymptotics for other nonlinear functionals, such as induced homomorphism counts.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
Abstract Consider $$(X_{i}(t))$$ ( X i ( t ) ) solving a system of N stochastic differential equations interacting through a random matrix $${\mathbf {J}} = (J_{ij})$$ J = ( J ij ) with independent (not necessarily identically distributed) random coefficients. We show that the trajectories of averaged observables of $$(X_i(t))$$ ( X i ( t ) ) , initialized from some $$\mu $$ μ independent of $${\mathbf {J}}$$ J , are universal, i.e., only depend on the choice of the distribution $$\mathbf {J}$$ J through its first and second moments (assuming e.g., sub-exponential tails). We take a general combinatorial approach to proving universality for dynamical systems with random coefficients, combining a stochastic Taylor expansion with a moment matching-type argument. Concrete settings for which our results imply universality include aging in the spherical SK spin glass, and Langevin dynamics and gradient flows for symmetric and asymmetric Hopfield networks.more » « less
Abstract Consider the upper tail probability that the homomorphism count of a fixed graph
H within a large sparse random graphG n exceeds its expected value by a fixed factor. Going beyond the Erdős–Rényi model, we establish here explicit, sharp upper tail decay rates for sparse random d n ‐regular graphs (providedH has a regular 2‐core), and for sparse uniform random graphs. We further deal with joint upper tail probabilities for homomorphism counts of multiple graphs(extending the known results for ), and for inhomogeneous graph ensembles (such as the stochastic block model), we bound the upper tail probability by a variational problem analogous to the one that determines its decay rate in the case of sparse Erdős–Rényi graphs.