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Title: Diffusions interacting through a random matrix: universality via stochastic Taylor expansion
Abstract Consider $$(X_{i}(t))$$ ( X i ( t ) ) solving a system of N stochastic differential equations interacting through a random matrix $${\mathbf {J}} = (J_{ij})$$ J = ( J ij ) with independent (not necessarily identically distributed) random coefficients. We show that the trajectories of averaged observables of $$(X_i(t))$$ ( X i ( t ) ) , initialized from some $$\mu $$ μ independent of  $${\mathbf {J}}$$ J , are universal, i.e., only depend on the choice of the distribution $$\mathbf {J}$$ J through its first and second moments (assuming e.g., sub-exponential tails). We take a general combinatorial approach to proving universality for dynamical systems with random coefficients, combining a stochastic Taylor expansion with a moment matching-type argument. Concrete settings for which our results imply universality include aging in the spherical SK spin glass, and Langevin dynamics and gradient flows for symmetric and asymmetric Hopfield networks.  more » « less
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Date Published:
Journal Name:
Probability Theory and Related Fields
Page Range / eLocation ID:
1057 to 1097
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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