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Creators/Authors contains: "Fezzaa, Kamel"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
  2. Binder jetting (BJ) is an additive manufacturing process that uses a powder feedstock in a layer wise process to print parts by selectively depositing a liquid binder into the powder bed using inkjet technology. This study presents findings from high-speed synchrotron imaging of binder droplet-interaction during the BJ printing process. A custom laboratory-scale BJ test platform was used for testing which enabled control of relevant process parameters including powder material, print geometry, spacing between droplets, powder bed density, and powder moisture content. Powder ejection was observed above the powder bed surface and powder relocation due to droplet impact was observed below the powder bed surface. Powder relocation was observed to be sensitive to powder material, powder bed density, powder bed moisture, droplet spacing, and print geometry. Increasing powder bed density was found to increase particle ejection velocity but reduce the total number of particles ejected. Process parameters that increase binder / moisture content in the powder bed were found to reduce powder ejection. The number of ejected powder particles was reduced for lower droplet spacings. Both powder ejection and powder relocation below the powder bed were reduced by treating the surface of the powder bed with a water/triethylene glycol (TEG) mixture before printing. Results from this study help to build understanding of the physical mechanisms in the BJ printing process that may contribute to formation of defects observed in final parts. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  3. Abstract The metal additive manufacturing industry is actively developing instruments and strategies to enable higher productivity, optimal build quality, and controllable as-built microstructure. A beam controlling technique, laser oscillation has shown potential in all these aspects in laser welding; however, few attempts have been made to understand the underlying physics of the oscillating keyholes/melt pools which are the prerequisites for these strategies to become a useful tool for laser-based additive manufacturing processes. Here, to address this gap, we utilized a synchrotron-based X-ray operando technique to image the dynamic keyhole oscillation in Ti-6Al-4V using a miniature powder bed fusion setup. We found good agreement between the experimental observations and simulations performed with a validated Lattice Boltzmann multiphysics model. The study revealed the continuous and periodic fluctuations in the characteristic keyhole parameters that are unique to the oscillating laser beam processing and responsible for the chevron pattern formation at solidification. In particular, despite the intrinsic longer-range fluctuation, the oscillating technique displayed potential for reducing keyhole instability, mitigating porosity formation, and altering surface topology. These insights on the oscillating keyhole dynamics can be useful for the future development and application of this technique. 
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  4. The Binder Jetting (BJ) process is capable of producing parts at high speeds from a variety of materials, but performance is limited by defects in the final parts. An improved understanding of fundamental phenomena in the printing process is needed to understand the source of these defects. This work presents initial findings from high-speed imaging of the BJ process using synchrotron X-rays. High-speed X-ray imaging allows for direct observation of key physical mechanisms in the printing process that may introduce defects including binder droplet impact on the powder bed, powder rearrangement below and above the powder bed surface, and balling formation. Testing was performed with multiple materials and droplet spacings to compare the effect on observed phenomena. Multiple lines were printed on packed and loose powder beds to further explore factors that affect defect formation and to better simulate industrially relevant conditions. 
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  5. Owing to the opaque nature of the laminated structures, traditional high-speed optical camera cannot be used to detect the dynamic process of sub-surface deformation. In this article, we report a study of using high speed X-ray imaging to study the high strain rate deformation in laminated Al structures. We used a Kolsky bar apparatus to apply dynamic compression and a high-speed synchrotron X-ray phase contrast imaging (PCI) setup to conduct the in situ X-ray imaging study. The in situ X-ray imaging captures the shock wave propagation in the laminated structures. After shock compression, we characterized the microstructures by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), which demonstrates an increase of dislocation density. The micro-pillar compression tests show that the yield strength at 0.2% offset of laminated Al-graphene composite has a significant increase of 67%, from 30 to 50 MPa, compared to laminate Al after shock loading. 
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