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Highly siderophile element abundances and 182W/184W and 187Os/188Os were determined for a suite of Mauna Kea lavas from the Hawaiian Scientific Drilling Project phase 2 drill core. The new analyses, combined with previous measurements, compose the largest database for μ182W (the parts-per-million deviation of 182W/184W from a terrestrial standard) for a single volcano (n = 16). Although most lavas analyzed are characterized by negative μ182W values, lavas with values similar to the modern bulk silicate Earth are found throughout the entire stratigraphic column. This suggests that components with normal μ182W are collocated with components that host μ182W deficits in the plume. Negative μ182W values are associated with elevated 3He/4He, as well as elevated Ti and Nb. These correlations may link μ182W anomalies to ancient deep mantle crystal-liquid fractionation processes. Consistent with previously measured 3He/4He (R/RA) in the drill core, the magnitude of negative μ182W values was greatest when Mauna Kea was close to the plume axis then generally decreased over the ~400 kyr captured by the stratigraphic section. The component with anomalous μ182W was either concentrated near the plume axis, or was more effectively sampled by melting near the plume axis where the temperature excess was greatest, suggesting it was less fusible than the dominant plume components. The process leading to the generation of a mantle component with a negative μ182W anomaly could either be related to some form of core-mantle isotopic equilibration, or early-Earth fractionation within the silicate Earth. At present each possibility remains viable.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available January 1, 2025
The ca. 1.95-Ga Jormua Ophiolite Complex (JOC), Finland, is a rare Paleoproterozoic ophiolite that preserves a record of diverse upper mantle materials and melting processes. Meter-scale grid sampling of four JOC outcrops, as well as non-grid samples, permits evaluation of meter- to kilometer-scale mantle heterogeneity within the JOC. Significant heterogeneity is observed between the four grids, and also among a number of the non-grid samples examined. Variations in the concentrations of fluid-mobile elements are particularly large among different samples and locations. New whole-rock major, lithophile trace, and highly siderophile element data (HSE: Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, Pd, Re), including 187Re–187Os isotopic data, for serpentinized harzburgites indicate the presence of two distinct compositional types and probable modes of origin within the JOC. This is consistent with prior findings. Type 1 is similar to modern refractory abyssal-type mantle. Type 2 is more highly refractory than Type 1, and most likely represents samples from sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). Type 1 mantle is moderately heterogeneous with respect to major and trace element and Os isotopic compositions at both the meter and kilometer scales. By contrast, Type 2 mantle is considerably more homogeneous than Type 1 grids at the meter scale, but is more heterogeneous at the kilometer scale. The median initial γOs value for Type 1 mantle, calculated for 1.95 Ga, is ~ −2.0 (where γOs is the % deviation in 187Os/188Os relative to a chondritic reference calculated for a specified time). This isotopic composition is consistent with a moderate, long-term decrease in Re/Os relative to the estimate for primitive mantle, prior to JOC formation. The similarity in this γOs value to the value for the modern abyssal mantle, as well as the initial values for several Phanerozoic ophiolites, suggests that the upper mantle achieved a Re/Os ratio similar to the chondritic reference by ~2 Ga, then evolved along a subparallel trajectory to the chondritic reference since then. For this to occur, only limited Re could have been permanently removed from the upper mantle since at least the time the JOC formed. A localized secondary metasomatic event at ~2 Ga, concurrent with the estimated obduction age for the JOC and subsequent Svecofennian Orogeny, affected the HSE systematics of some Type 1 samples. By contrast, late Archean Os TRD model ages for Type 2 rocks indicate a depletion event superimposed upon the long-term Re depletion of the abyssal mantle. This event was established no later than ~2.6 Ga and may have occurred during a period of significant, well-documented crustal production in the Karelia craton at ~2.7 Ga.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2024
Abstract To deconvolve contributions from the four overlapping hotspots that form the “hotspot highway” on the Pacific plate—Samoa, Rarotonga, Arago-Rurutu, and Macdonald—we geochemically characterize and/or date (by the 40Ar/39Ar method) a suite of lavas sampled from the eastern region of the Samoan hotspot and the region “downstream” of the Samoan hotspot track. We find that Papatua seamount, located ~60 km south of the axis of the Samoan hotspot track, has lavas with both a HIMU (high μ = 238U/204Pb) composition (206Pb/204Pb = 20.0), previously linked to one of the Cook-Austral hotspots, and an enriched mantle I (EM1) composition, which we interpret to be rejuvenated and Samoan in origin. We show that these EM1 rejuvenated lavas at Papatua are geochemically similar to rejuvenated volcanism on Samoan volcanoes and suggest that flexural uplift, caused by tectonic forces associated with the nearby Tonga trench, triggered a new episode of melting of Samoan mantle material that had previously flattened and spread laterally along the base of the Pacific plate under Papatua, resulting in volcanism that capped the previous HIMU edifice. We argue that this process generated Samoan rejuvenated volcanism on the older Cook-Austral volcano of Papatua. We also study Waterwitch seamount, located ~820 km WNW of the Samoan hotspot, and provide an age (10.49 ± 0.09 Ma) that places it on the Samoan hotspot trend, showing that it is genetically Samoan and not related to the Cook-Austral hotspots as previously suggested. Consequently, with the possible exception of the HIMU stage of Papatua seamount, there are currently no known Arago-Rurutu plume-derived lava flows sampled along the swath of Pacific seafloor that stretches between Rose seamount (~25 Ma) and East Niulakita seamount (~45 Ma), located 1400 km to the west. The “missing” ~20-million-year segment of the Arago-Rurutu hotspot track may have been subducted into the northern Tonga trench, or perhaps was covered by subsequent volcanism from the overlapping Samoan hotspot, and has thus eluded sampling. Finally, we explore tectonic reactivation as a cause for anomalously young volcanism present within the western end of the Samoan hotspot track.more » « less