In this work, we present the construction of two distinct finite element approaches to solve the porous medium equation (PME). In the first approach, we transform the PME to a log-density variable formulation and construct a continuous Galerkin method. In the second approach, we introduce additional potential and velocity variables to rewrite the PME into a system of equations, for which we construct a mixed finite element method. Both approaches are first-order accurate, mass conserving, and proved to be unconditionally energy stable for their respective energies. The mixed approach is shown to preserve positivity under a CFL condition, while a much stronger property of unconditional bound preservation is proved for the log-density approach. A novel feature of our schemes is that they can handle compactly supported initial data without the need for any perturbation techniques. Furthermore, the log-density method can handle unstructured grids in any number of dimensions, while the mixed method can handle unstructured grids in two dimensions. We present results from several numerical experiments to demonstrate these properties.
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Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
Abstract In this study, we present an
hp -multigrid preconditioner for a divergence-conforming HDG scheme for the generalized Stokes and the Navier–Stokes equations using an augmented Lagrangian formulation. Our method relies on conforming simplicial meshes in two- and three-dimensions. Thehp -multigrid algorithm is a multiplicative auxiliary space preconditioner that employs the lowest-order space as the auxiliary space, and we develop a geometric multigrid method as the auxiliary space solver. For the generalized Stokes problem, the crucial ingredient of the geometric multigrid method is the equivalence between the condensed lowest-order divergence-conforming HDG scheme and a Crouzeix–Raviart discretization with a pressure-robust treatment as introduced in Linke and Merdon (Comput Methods Appl Mech Engrg 311:304–326, 2022), which allows for the direct application of geometric multigrid theory on the Crouzeix–Raviart discretization. The numerical experiments demonstrate the robustness of the proposedhp -multigrid preconditioner with respect to mesh size and augmented Lagrangian parameter, with iteration counts insensitivity to polynomial order increase. Inspired by the works by Benzi and Olshanskii (SIAM J Sci Comput 28:2095–2113, 2006) and Farrell et al. (SIAM J Sci Comput 41:A3073–A3096, 2019), we further test the proposed preconditioner on the divergence-conforming HDG scheme for the Navier–Stokes equations. Numerical experiments show a mild increase in the iteration counts of the preconditioned GMRes solver with the rise in Reynolds number up to .$$10^3$$ -
We present the lowest-order hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin schemes with numerical integration (quadrature), denoted as HDG-P0 for the reaction-diffusion equation and the generalized Stokes equations on conforming simplicial meshes in two- and three-dimensions. Here by lowest order, we mean that the (hybrid) finite element space for the global HDG facet degrees of freedom (DOFs) is the space of piecewise constants on the mesh skeleton. A discontinuous piecewise linear space is used for the approximation of the local primal unknowns. We give the optimal a priori error analysis of the proposed HDG-P0 schemes, which hasn’t appeared in the literature yet for HDG discretizations as far as numerical integration is concerned. Moreover, we propose optimal geometric multigrid preconditioners for the statically condensed HDG-P0 linear systems on conforming simplicial meshes. In both cases, we first establish the equivalence of the statically condensed HDG system with a (slightly modified) nonconforming Crouzeix–Raviart (CR) discretization, where the global (piecewise-constant) HDG finite element space on the mesh skeleton has a natural one-to-one correspondence to the nonconforming CR (piecewise-linear) finite element space that live on the whole mesh. This equivalence then allows us to use the well-established nonconforming geometry multigrid theory to precondition the condensed HDG system. Numerical results in two- and three-dimensions are presented to verify our theoretical findings.more » « less