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Creators/Authors contains: "Ghanbari, Keyvan"

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  1. The effect of the turbulence that is associated with solar wind corotating interaction regions (CIRs) on transport of galactic cosmic rays remains an outstanding problem in space science. Observations show that the intensities of the plasma and magnetic fluctuations are enhanced within a CIR. The velocity shear layer between the slow and fast wind embedded in a CIR is thought to be responsible for this enhancement in turbulent energy. We perform physics-based magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the plasma background and turbulent fluctuations in the solar wind dominated by CIRs for radial distances between 0.3 and 5 au. A simple but effective approach is used to incorporate the inner boundary conditions for the solar wind and magnetic field for the periods 2007–2008 and 2017–2018. Legendre coefficients at the source surface obtained from the Wilcox Solar Observatory library are utilized for dynamic reconstructions of the current sheet and the fast and slow streams at the inner boundary. The dynamic inner boundary enables our simulations to generate CIRs that are reasonably comparable with observations near Earth. While the magnetic field structure is reasonably well reproduced, the enhancements in the turbulent energy at the stream interfaces are smaller than observed. A superposed epoch analysis is performed over several CIRs from the simulation and compared to the superposed epoch analysis of the observed CIRs. The results for the turbulent energy and correlation length are used to estimate the diffusion tensor of galactic cosmic rays. The derived diffusion coefficients could be used for more realistic modeling of cosmic rays in a dynamically evolving inner heliosphere. 
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  2. Turbulence is ubiquitous in space plasmas. It is one of the most important subjects in heliospheric physics, as it plays a fundamental role in the solar wind—local interstellar medium interaction and in controlling energetic particle transport and acceleration processes. Understanding the properties of turbulence in various regions of the heliosphere with vastly different conditions can lead to answers to many unsolved questions opened up by observations of the magnetic field, plasma, pickup ions, energetic particles, radio and UV emissions, and so on. Several space missions have helped us gain preliminary knowledge on turbulence in the outer heliosphere and the very local interstellar medium. Among the past few missions, the Voyagers have paved the way for such investigations. This paper summarizes the open challenges and voices our support for the development of future missions dedicated to the study of turbulence throughout the heliosphere and beyond. 
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