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Creators/Authors contains: "Guigand, C"

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  1. A recent Maxey–Riley theory for Sargassum raft motion, which models a raft as a network of elastically interacting finite size, buoyant particles, predicts the carrying flow velocity to be given by the weighted sum of the water and air velocities (1−α)v+αw. The theory provides a closed formula for parameter α, referred to as windage, depending on the water-to-particle-density ratio or buoyancy (δ). From a series of laboratory experiments in an air–water stream flume facility under controlled conditions, we estimate α ranging from 0.02% to 0.96%. On average, our windage estimates can be up to nine times smaller than that considered in conventional Sargassum raft transport modeling, wherein it is customary to add a fraction of w to v chosen in an ad hoc piecemeal manner. Using the formula provided by the Maxey–Riley theory, we estimate δ ranging from 1.00 to 1.49. This is consistent with direct δ measurements, ranging from 0.9 to 1.25, which provide support for our α estimation. 
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