Metasomatized mantle xenoliths containing hydrous minerals, such as amphiboles, serpentine, and phlogopite, likely represent the potential mineralogical compositions of the metasomatized upper mantle, where low seismic velocities are commonly observed. This study presents the first experimentally determined single‐crystal elasticity model of an Fe‐free near Ca, Mg‐endmember amphibole tremolite at high pressure and/or temperature conditions (maximum pressure 7.3(1) GPa, maximum temperature 700 K) using Brillouin spectroscopy. We found that sound velocities of amphiboles strongly depend on the Fe content. We then calculated the sound velocities of 441 hydrous‐mineral‐bearing mantle xenoliths collected around the globe, and quantitatively evaluated the roles that amphiboles, phlogopite and serpentine played in producing the low velocity anomalies in the metasomatized upper mantle.
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The roles of unforgiving H 2 SO 4 solvent in CH 4 activation with molecular catalysts have not been experimentally well-illustrated despite computational predictions. Here, we provide experimental evidence that metal-bound bisulfate ligand introduced by H 2 SO 4 solvent is redox-active in vanadium-based electrocatalytic CH 4 activation discovered recently. Replacing one of the two terminal bisulfate ligands with redox-inert dihydrogen phosphate in the pre-catalyst vanadium (V)-oxo dimer completely quenches its activity towards CH 4 , which may inspire environmentally benign catalysis with minimal use of H 2 SO 4 .more » « less
Abstract As a major nominally anhydrous mineral (NAM) in the Earth’s upper mantle, orthopyroxene could host up to several hundred parts per million H2O in its crystal structure and transport the H2O to the deep Earth. To study the effect of structural H2O on the elasticity of orthopyroxene, we have measured the single-crystal elasticity of Mg1.991Al0.065Si1.951O6 with 842–900 ppm H2O and 1.64 ± 0.20 wt% Al2O3 at ambient conditions using Brillouin spectroscopy. The best-fit single-crystal elastic moduli (Cijs), bulk (KS0), and shear (G0) modulus of the hydrous Al-bearing orthopyroxene were determined as: C11 = 235(2) GPa, C22 = 173(2) GPa, C33 = 222(2) GPa, C44 = 86(1) GPa, C55 = 82(1) GPa, C66 = 82(1) GPa, C12 = 75(3) GPa, C13 = 67(2) GPa, and C23 = 49(2) GPa, KS0 = 111(2) GPa, and G0 = 78(1) GPa. Systematic analysis based on the results presented in this and previous studies suggests that the incorporation of 842–900 ppm H2O would increase C13 by 12.0(7)% and decrease C23 by 8.6(8)%. The effects on C11, C22, C33, C44, C66, KS0, and VP are subtle if not negligible when considering the uncertainties. The C55, C12, G0, and VS are not affected by the presence of structural H2O. Although laboratory experiments show that Fe,Al-bearing orthopyroxenes can host up to 0.8 wt% H2O in its structure, future high-pressure-temperature elasticity measurements on orthopyroxene with higher H2O content are needed to help better quantify this effect.more » « less
Abstract The mantle transition zone connects two major layers of Earth’s interior that may be compositionally distinct: the upper mantle and the lower mantle. Wadsleyite is a major mineral in the upper mantle transition zone. Here, we measure the single-crystal elastic properties of hydrous Fe-bearing wadsleyite at high pressure-temperature conditions by Brillouin spectroscopy. Our results are then used to model the global distribution of wadsleyite proportion, temperature, and water content in the upper mantle transition zone by integrating mineral physics data with global seismic observations. Our models show that the upper mantle transition zone near subducted slabs is relatively cold, enriched in wadsleyite, and slightly more hydrated compared to regions where plumes are expected. This study provides direct evidence for the thermochemical heterogeneities in the upper mantle transition zone which is important for understanding the material exchange processes between the upper and lower mantle.
Abstract The 13 single-crystal adiabatic elastic moduli (Cij) of a C2/c jadeite sample close to the ideal composition (NaAlSi2O6) and a natural P2/n diopside-rich omphacite sample have been measured at ambient condition by Brillouin spectroscopy. The obtained Cij values for the jadeite sample are: C11 = 265.4(9) GPa, C22 = 247(1) GPa, C33 = 274(1) GPa, C44 = 85.8(7) GPa, C55 = 69.3(5) GPa, C66 = 93.0(7) GPa, C12 = 84(1) GPa, C13 = 66(1) GPa, C23 = 87(2) GPa, C15 = 5.4(7) GPa, C25 = 17(1) GPa, C35 = 28.7(6) GPa, C46 = 14.6(6) GPa. Voigt-Reuss-Hill averaging of the Cij values yields aggregate bulk modulus KS = 138(3) GPa and shear modulus G = 84(2) GPa for jadeite. Systematic analysis combing previous single-crystal elasticity measurements within the diopside-jadeite solid solution indicates that the linear trends are valid for most Cij values. The νp and νs of omphacite decrease with diopside content, though the velocity changes are small as diopside component exceeds 70%. We also found that both the isotropic νp and νs, as well as the seismic anisotropy of eclogite, changed strongly with the bulk-chemical composition. The relationship between the anisotropic velocities of eclogite and the chemical composition can be a useful tool to trace the origin of the eclogitic materials in the Earth's mantle.more » « less
Clinopyroxene (Cpx) is commonly believed to be the best structural water (hydrogen) carrier among all major upper mantle nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs). In this study, we have measured the single-crystal elastic properties of a Cpx, a natural omphacite with ~710 ppm water at ambient pressure (P) and temperature (T) conditions. Utilizing the single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron microprobe data, the unit cell parameters and density were determined as a = 9.603(9) Å, b = 8.774(3) Å, c = 5.250(2) Å, β = 106.76(5)o, V = 255.1(4) Å3, and ρ = 3.340(6) g/cm3. We performed Brillouin spectroscopy experiments on four single crystals along a total of 52 different crystallographic directions. The best-fit single-crystal elastic moduli (Cijs), bulk and shear moduli were determined as: C11 = 245(1) GPa, C22 = 210(2) GPa, C33 = 249.6(9) GPa, C44 = 75.7(9) GPa, C55 = 71.2(5) GPa, C66 = 76(1) GPa, C12 = 85(2) GPa, C13 = 70(1) GPa, C23 = 66(2) GPa, C15 = 8.0(6) GPa, C25 = 6(1) GPa, C35 = 34.7(6) GPa, and C46 = 8.7(7) GPa, KS0 = 125(3) GPa, and G0 = 75(2) GPa, respectively. Compared with the anticipated elastic properties of an anhydrous omphacite with the same chemical composition, our results indicate that the incorporation of ~710 ppm structural water has no resolvable effect on the aggregate elastic properties of omphacite, although small differences (up to ~9 GPa) were observed in C13, C25, C44, and C66.more » « less
Abstract Identifying and locating the geochemical and geophysical heterogeneities in the Earth’s interior is one of the most important and challenging tasks for the deep Earth scientists. Subducted oceanic crust metamorphizes into the dense eclogite in the upper mantle and is considered as a major cause of geochemical and geophysical heterogeneities in the deep Earth. In order to detect eclogitic materials inside the Earth, precise measurements of the high pressure‐temperature single‐crystal elasticity of major minerals in eclogite are thus exceedingly important. Omphacite, a Na,Al‐bearing clinopyroxene, constitutes up to 75 vol% of eclogite. In the present study, we performed the first high pressure‐temperature single‐crystal elasticity measurements of omphacite using Brillouin spectroscopy. Utilizing the finite‐strain approach, we obtained the following thermoelastic parameters for omphacite:
K S0’ = 4.5(1),G 0’ = 1.53(5), ∂KS0/∂T = −0.029(5) GPa/K, ∂G0/∂T = −0.013(5) GPa/K, withK S0 = 123(3) GPa,G 0 = 74(2) GPa, andρ 0 = 3.34(1) g/cm3. We found that the seismic velocities of undeformed eclogite are similar to pyrolite at the depths of 200–300 and 410–500 km, thus eclogite is seismically invisible at these depths. Combined with the lattice‐preferred orientations of the omphacite in naturally deformed eclogites, we also modeled seismic anisotropy of eclogite at various pressure‐temperature conditions. A 10 km thick subducted eclogitic crust can result in ∼0.2 s shear wave splitting in the Earth’s upper mantle.