The mantle transition zone (MTZ) of Earth is demarcated by solid‐to‐solid phase changes of the mineral olivine that produce seismic discontinuities at 410 and 660‐km depths. Mineral physics experiments predict that wadsleyite can have strong single‐crystal anisotropy at the pressure and temperature conditions of the MTZ. Thus, significant seismic anisotropy is possible in the upper MTZ where lattice‐preferred orientation of wadsleyite is produced by mantle flow. Here, we use a body wave method, SS precursors, to study the topography change and seismic anisotropy near the MTZ discontinuities. We stack the data to explore the azimuthal dependence of travel‐times and amplitudes of SS precursors and constrain the azimuthal anisotropy in the MTZ. Beneath the central Pacific, we find evidence for ~4% anisotropy with a SE fast direction in the upper mantle and no significant anisotropy in the MTZ. In subduction zones, we observe ~4% anisotropy with a trench‐parallel fast direction in the upper mantle and ~3% anisotropy with a trench‐perpendicular fast direction in the MTZ. The transition of fast directions indicates that the lattice‐preferred orientation of wadsleyite induced by MTZ flow is organized separately from the flow in the upper mantle. Global azimuthal stacking reveals ~1% azimuthal anisotropy in the upper mantle but negligible anisotropy (<1%) in the MTZ. Finally, we correct for the upper mantle and MTZ anisotropy structures to obtain a new MTZ topography model. The anisotropy correction produces
The mantle transition zone connects two major layers of Earth’s interior that may be compositionally distinct: the upper mantle and the lower mantle. Wadsleyite is a major mineral in the upper mantle transition zone. Here, we measure the single-crystal elastic properties of hydrous Fe-bearing wadsleyite at high pressure-temperature conditions by Brillouin spectroscopy. Our results are then used to model the global distribution of wadsleyite proportion, temperature, and water content in the upper mantle transition zone by integrating mineral physics data with global seismic observations. Our models show that the upper mantle transition zone near subducted slabs is relatively cold, enriched in wadsleyite, and slightly more hydrated compared to regions where plumes are expected. This study provides direct evidence for the thermochemical heterogeneities in the upper mantle transition zone which is important for understanding the material exchange processes between the upper and lower mantle.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10363419
- Publisher / Repository:
- Nature Publishing Group
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Nature Communications
- Volume:
- 13
- Issue:
- 1
- 2041-1723
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract The upper boundary of the mantle transition zone, known as the “410-km discontinuity”, is attributed to the phase transformation of the mineral olivine (α) to wadsleyite (β olivine). Here we present observations of triplicated P-waves from dense seismic arrays that constrain the structure of the subducting Pacific slab near the 410-km discontinuity beneath the northern Sea of Japan. Our analysis of P-wave travel times and waveforms at periods as short as 2 s indicates the presence of an ultra-low-velocity layer within the cold slab, with a P-wave velocity that is at least ≈20% lower than in the ambient mantle and an apparent thickness of ≈20 km along the wave path. This ultra-low-velocity layer could contain unstable material (e.g., poirierite) with reduced grain size where diffusionless transformations are favored.
Abstract Measurement of anisotropy advances our understanding of mantle dynamics by linking remote seismic observations to local deformation state through constraints from mineral physics. The Pacific Northwest records the largest depth‐integrated anisotropic signals across the western United States but the depths contributing to the total signal are unclear. We used the amplitudes of orthogonally polarized P‐to‐S converted phases from the mantle transition zone boundaries to identify anisotropy within the ∼400–700 km deep layer. Significant anisotropy is found near slab gaps imaged by prior tomography. Focusing of mantle flow through slab gaps may lead to locally elevated stress that enhances lattice preferred orientation of anisotropic minerals within the transition zone, such as wadsleyite.
The distribution and transportation of water in Earth’s interior depends on the stability of water-bearing phases. The transition zone in Earth’s mantle is generally accepted as an important potential water reservoir because its main constituents, wadsleyite and ringwoodite, can incorporate weight percent levels of H2O in their structures at mantle temperatures. The extent to which water can be transported beyond the transition zone deeper into the mantle depends on the water carrying capacity of minerals stable in subducted lithosphere. Stishovite is one of the major mineral components in subducting oceanic crust, yet the capacity of stishovite to incorporate water beyond at lower mantle conditions remains speculative. In this study, we combine in situ laser heating with synchrotron X-ray diffraction to show that the unit cell volume of stishovite synthesized under hydrous conditions is ∼2.3 to 5.0% greater than that of anhydrous stishovite at pressures of ∼27 to 58 GPa and temperatures of 1,240 to 1,835 K. Our results indicate that stishovite, even at temperatures along a mantle geotherm, can potentially incorporate weight percent levels of H2O in its crystal structure and has the potential to be a key phase for transporting and storing water in the lower mantle.
SUMMARY We derive exact expressions for the thermal expansivity, heat capacity and bulk modulus for assemblages with arbitrarily large numbers of components and phases, including the influence of phase transformations and chemical exchange. We illustrate results in simple two-component, two-phase systems, including Mg–Fe olivine-wadsleyite and Ca–Mg clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene and for a multicompontent model of mantle composition in the form of pyrolite. For the latter we show results for the thermal expansivity and heat capacity over the entire mantle pressure–temperature regime to 40 GPa, or a depth of 1000 km. From the thermal expansivity, we derive a new expression for the phase buoyancy parameter that is valid for arbitrarily large numbers of phases and components and which is defined at every point in pressure–temperature space. Results reveal regions of the mantle where the magnitude of the phase buoyancy parameter is larger in magnitude than for those phase transitions that are most commonly included in mantle convection simulations. These regions include the wadsleyite to garnet and ferropericlase transition, which is encountered along hot isentropes (e.g. 2000 K potential temperature) in the transition zone, and the ferropericlase and stishovite to bridgmanite transition, which is encountered along cold isentropes (e.g. 1000 K potential temperature) in the shallow lower mantle. We also show the bulk modulus along a typical mantle isentrope and relate it to the Bullen inhomogeneity parameter. All results are computed with our code HeFESTo, updates and improvements to which we discuss, including the implementation of the exact expressions for the thermal expansivity, heat capacity and bulk modulus, generalization to allow for pressure dependence of non-ideal solution parameters and an improved numerical scheme for minimizing the Gibbs free energy. Finally, we present the results of a new global inversion of parameters updated to incorporate more recent results from experiment and first principles theory, as well as a new phase (nal phase), and new species: Na-majorite and the NaAlO2 end-member of ferropericlase.more » « less