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Creators/Authors contains: "Hu, Chunshan"

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  1. Abstract

    Manufacturing of ceramics is challenging due to their low toughness and high hardness. Additive Manufacturing (AM) has been explored to create complex ceramic structures, but current techniques face a tradeoff between precisely controlled feature sizes and high shrinkage at the microscales. Here, we introduce 3D‐AJP, a novel freeform ceramic fabrication method that enables highly complex microscale 3D ceramic architectures—such as micropillars, spirals, and lattices—with minimal shrinkage and no auxiliary support. Using a near‐binder‐free nanoparticle ink in an Aerosol Jet (AJ) 3D printer, our approach precisely controls feature sizes down to 20 µm with aspect ratios up to 30:1. The resulting structures exhibit exceptionally low linear shrinkage of 2‐6% upon sintering, spanning five orders of magnitude in length scale. Bi‐material 3D architectures (zinc oxide/zirconia, zinc oxide/titania, titania/zirconia) and hybrid ceramics further demonstrate the technique’s versatility. We showcase two key applications. First, 3D ceramic photocatalysts improve water purification performance, achieving a 400% increase in photocatalytic efficiency compared to bulk ceramics. Second, we develop a highly sensitive Her2 biomarker sensor for breast cancer detection, achieving a 22‐second response time and a record‐low detection limit of 0.0193 fm. Our technique will lead to high‐performance sensing, filtration, microelectronics packaging, catalysis, and tissue regeneration technologies.

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  2. Abstract

    Sensing of viral antigens has become a critical tool in combating infectious diseases. Current sensing techniques have a tradeoff between sensitivity and time of detection; with 10–30 min of detection time at a relatively low sensitivity and 6–12 h of detection at a high (picomolar) sensitivity. In this research, uniquely nanoengineered interfaces are demonstrated on 3D electrodes that enable the detection of spike antigens of SARS‐CoV‐2 and their variants in seconds at femtomolar concentrations with excellent specificity, thus, overcoming this tradeoff. The 3D electrodes, manufactured using a high‐resolution aerosol jet 3D nanoprinter, consist of a microelectrode array of sintered gold nanoparticles coated with graphene and antibodies specific to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus‐2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) spike antigens. An impedance‐based sensing modality is employed to sense several pseudoviruses of SARS‐CoV‐2 variants of concern (VOCs). This device is sensitive to most of the pseudoviruses of SARS‐CoV‐2 VOCs. A high sensitivity of 100 fm, along with a low limit‐of‐detection of 9.2 fmwithin a test range of 0.1–1000 pm, and a detection time of 43 s are shown. This work illustrates that effective nano‐bioengineering of interfaces can be used to create an ultrafast and ultrasensitive healthcare diagnostic tool for combating emerging infections.

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  3. Abstract Sensing of clinically relevant biomolecules such as neurotransmitters at low concentrations can enable an early detection and treatment of a range of diseases. Several nanostructures are being explored by researchers to detect biomolecules at sensitivities beyond the picomolar range. It is recognized, however, that nanostructuring of surfaces alone is not sufficient to enhance sensor sensitivities down to the femtomolar level. In this paper, we break this barrier/limit by introducing a sensing platform that uses a multi-length-scale electrode architecture consisting of 3D printed silver micropillars decorated with graphene nanoflakes and use it to demonstrate the detection of dopamine at a limit-of-detection of 500 attomoles. The graphene provides a high surface area at nanoscale, while micropillar array accelerates the interaction of diffusing analyte molecules with the electrode at low concentrations. The hierarchical electrode architecture introduced in this work opens the possibility of detecting biomolecules at ultralow concentrations. 
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