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Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
In this paper, we investigate the possibility of performing Gaussian elimination for arbitrary binary matrices on hardware. In particular, we presented a generic approach for hardware-based Gaussian elimination, which is able to process both non-singular and singular matrices. Previous works on hardware-based Gaussian elimination can only process non-singular ones. However, a plethora of cryptosystems, for instance, quantum-safe key encapsulation mechanisms based on rank-metric codes, ROLLO and RQC, which are among NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization round-2 candidates, require performing Gaussian elimination for random matrices regardless of the singularity. We accordingly implemented an optimized and parameterized Gaussian eliminator for (singular) matrices over binary fields, making the intense computation of linear algebra feasible and efficient on hardware. To the best of our knowledge, this work solves for the first time eliminating a singular matrix on reconfigurable hardware and also describes the a generic hardware architecture for rank-code based cryptographic schemes. The experimental results suggest hardware-based Gaussian elimination can be done in linear time regardless of the matrix type.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
In this paper, we investigate the practical performance of rank-code based cryptography on FPGA platforms by presenting a case study on the quantum-safe KEM scheme based on LRPC codes called ROLLO, which was among NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization round-2 candidates. Specifically, we present an FPGA implementation of the encapsulation and decapsulation operations of the ROLLO KEM scheme with some variations to the original specification. The design is fully parameterized, using code-generation scripts to support a wide range of parameter choices for security levels specified in ROLLO. At the core of the ROLLO hardware, we presented a generic approach for hardware-based Gaussian elimination, which can process both non-singular and singular matrices. Previous works on hardware-based Gaussian elimination can only process non-singular ones. However, a plethora of cryptosystems, for instance, quantum-safe key encapsulation mechanisms based on rank-metric codes, ROLLO and RQC, which are among NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization round-2 candidates, require performing Gaussian elimination for random matrices regardless of the singularity. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first hardware implementation for rank-code-based cryptographic schemes. The experimental results suggest rank-code-based schemes can be highly efficient.more » « less
Abstract In this work we introduce semi-implicit or implicit finite difference schemes for the continuity equation with a gradient flow structure. Examples of such equations include the linear Fokker–Planck equation and the Keller–Segel equations. The two proposed schemes are first-order accurate in time, explicitly solvable, and second-order and fourth-order accurate in space, which are obtained via finite difference implementation of the classical continuous finite element method. The fully discrete schemes are proved to be positivity preserving and energy dissipative: the second-order scheme can achieve so unconditionally while the fourth-order scheme only requires a mild time step and mesh size constraint. In particular, the fourth-order scheme is the first high order spatial discretization that can achieve both positivity and energy decay properties, which is suitable for long time simulation and to obtain accurate steady state solutions.more » « less