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Creators/Authors contains: "Huang, Kejun"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 9, 2024
  2. In this paper we propose a quasi-Newton algorithm for the celebrated nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) problem. The proposed algorithm falls into the general framework of Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt methods. However, these methods were not able to handle constraints, which is present in NMF. One of the key contributions in this paper is to apply alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to obtain the iterative update from this Gauss-Newton-like algorithm. Furthermore, we carefully study the structure of the Jacobian Gramian matrix given by the Gauss-Newton updates, and designed a way of exactly inverting the matrix with complexity $\cO(mnk)$, which is a significant reduction compared to the naive implementation of complexity $\cO((m+n)^3k^3)$. The resulting algorithm, which we call NLS-ADMM, enjoys fast convergence rate brought by the quasi-Newton algorithmic framework, while maintaining low per-iteration complexity similar to that of alternating algorithms. Numerical experiments on synthetic data confirms the efficiency of our proposed algorithm. \end{abstract} 
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  3. In this paper we propose a quasi-Newton algorithm for the celebrated nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) problem. The proposed algorithm falls into the general framework of Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt methods. However, these methods were not able to handle constraints, which is present in NMF. One of the key contributions in this paper is to apply alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to obtain the iterative update from this Gauss-Newton-like algorithm. Furthermore, we carefully study the structure of the Jacobian Gramian matrix given by the Gauss-Newton updates, and designed a way of exactly inverting the matrix with complexity $\cO(mnk)$, which is a significant reduction compared to the naive implementation of complexity $\cO((m+n)^3k^3)$. The resulting algorithm, which we call NLS-ADMM, enjoys fast convergence rate brought by the quasi-Newton algorithmic framework, while maintaining low per-iteration complexity similar to that of alternating algorithms. Numerical experiments on synthetic data confirms the efficiency of our proposed algorithm. 
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  4. Many machine learning problems come in the form of networks with relational data between entities, and one of the key unsupervised learning tasks is to detect communities in such a network. We adopt the mixed-membership stochastic blockmodel as the underlying probabilistic model, and give conditions under which the memberships of a subset of nodes can be uniquely identified. Our method starts by constructing a second-order graph moment, which can be shown to converge to a specific product of the true parameters as the size of the network increases. To correctly recover the true membership parameters, we formulate an optimization problem using insights from convex geometry. We show that if the true memberships satisfy a so-called sufficiently scattered condition, then solving the proposed problem correctly identifies the ground truth. We also propose an efficient algorithm for detecting communities, which is significantly faster than prior work and with better convergence properties. Experiments on synthetic and real data justify the validity of the proposed learning framework for network data. 
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