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Creators/Authors contains: "Jenkins, Michael"

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  1. This paper describes the numerical study of oscillating circular cylinders with rigid splitter plates of different lengths. These geometries may be used as disturbance generators for the study of unsteady airfoils and wings operating in highly vortical flowfields. It has been shown that cylinders undergoing forced rotational oscillations at their natural shedding frequency can produce wakes with minimal deviation in cycle-to-cycle vortex strength and position. Adding a splitter plate allows these deviations to be reduced even further. We present cases for oscillating cylinders having splitter-plate lengths up to [Formula: see text] at a Reynolds number of 7600. Frequencies are maintained at the natural shedding frequency, and a rotational amplitude of 45 deg is used. Numerical simulations are performed using a two-dimensional unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) code. Results are presented in the form of vorticity contours and cycle-averaged velocity profiles, as well as the dominant frequencies of cylinder lift force and downstream velocity angles. The results show that splitter-plate lengths shorter than [Formula: see text] adversely affect the ability to generate a coherent vortex wake due to shear layer roll-up near the trailing edge of the plate. Splitter plates longer than [Formula: see text] produced a reverse von Kármán wake with consistent cycle-to-cycle vortex shedding.

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  2. Abstract

    Haldane topological materials contain unique antiferromagnetic chains with symmetry-protected energy gaps. Such materials have potential applications in spintronics and future quantum computers. Haldane topological solids typically consist of spin-1 chains embedded in extended three-dimensional (3D) crystal structures. Here, we demonstrate that [Ni(μ−4,4′-bipyridine)(μ-oxalate)]n(NiBO) instead adopts a two-dimensional (2D) metal-organic framework (MOF) structure of Ni2+spin-1 chains weakly linked by 4,4′-bipyridine. NiBO exhibits Haldane topological properties with a gap between the singlet ground state and the triplet excited state. The latter is split by weak axial and rhombic anisotropies. Several experimental probes, including single-crystal X-ray diffraction, variable-temperature powder neutron diffraction (VT-PND), VT inelastic neutron scattering (VT-INS), DC susceptibility and specific heat measurements, high-field electron spin resonance, and unbiased quantum Monte Carlo simulations, provide a detailed, comprehensive characterization of NiBO. Vibrational (also known as phonon) properties of NiBO have been probed by INS and density-functional theory (DFT) calculations, indicating the absence of phonons near magnetic excitations in NiBO, suppressing spin-phonon coupling. The work here demonstrates that NiBO is indeed a rare 2D-MOF Haldane topological material.

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  3. The interaction between upstream flow disturbance generators and downstream aeroelastic structures has been the focus of several recent studies at North Carolina State University. Building on this work, which observed the modulation of limit cycle oscillations (LCOs) in the presence of vortex wakes, this study examines the design and validation of a novel disturbance generator consisting of an oscillating cylinder with an attached splitter plate. Analytical design of the bluff body was performed based on specific flow conditions which produced LCO annihilation in previous studies. Computational fluid dynamics simulations and experimental wind tunnel tests were used to validate the ability of the new disturbance generator to produce the desired wake region. Future work will see the implementation of this novel design in conjunction with aeroelastic structures in an effort to modulate and control LCOs, including the excitation and annihilation thereof. 
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  4. null (Ed.)