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Creators/Authors contains: "Kaveh, Hojjat"

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    Seismic and aseismic slip events result from episodic slips on faults and are often chaotic due to stress heterogeneity. Their predictability in nature is a widely open question. In this study, we forecast extreme events in a numerical model. The model, which consists of a single fault governed by rate-and-state friction, produces realistic sequences of slow events with a wide range of magnitudes and interevent times. The complex dynamics of this system arise from partial ruptures. As the system self-organizes, the state of the system is confined to a chaotic attractor of a relatively small dimension. We identify the instability regions within this attractor where large events initiate. These regions correspond to the particular stress distributions that are favourable for near complete ruptures of the fault. We show that large events can be forecasted in time and space based on the determination of these instability regions in a low-dimensional space and the knowledge of the current slip rate on the fault.

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  2. Abstract

    Reservoir operations for gas extraction, fluid disposal, carbon dioxide storage, or geothermal energy production are capable of inducing seismicity. Modeling tools exist for seismicity forecasting using operational data, but the computational costs and uncertainty quantification (UQ) pose challenges. We address this issue in the context of seismicity induced by gas production from the Groningen gas field using an integrated modeling framework, which combines reservoir modeling, geomechanical modeling, and stress-based earthquake forecasting. The framework is computationally efficient thanks to a 2D finite-element reservoir model, which assumes vertical flow equilibrium, and the use of semianalytical solutions to calculate poroelastic stress changes and predict seismicity rate. The earthquake nucleation model is based on rate-and-state friction and allows for an initial strength excess so that the faults are not assumed initially critically stressed. We estimate uncertainties in the predicted number of earthquakes and magnitudes. To reduce the computational costs, we assume that the stress model is true, but our UQ algorithm is general enough that the uncertainties in reservoir and stress models could be incorporated. We explore how the selection of either a Poisson or a Gaussian likelihood influences the forecast. We also use a synthetic catalog to estimate the improved forecasting performance that would have resulted from a better seismicity detection threshold. Finally, we use tapered and nontapered Gutenberg–Richter distributions to evaluate the most probable maximum magnitude over time and account for uncertainties in its estimation. Although we did not formally account for uncertainties in the stress model, we tested several alternative stress models, and found negligible impact on the predicted temporal evolution of seismicity and forecast uncertainties. Our study shows that the proposed approach yields realistic estimates of the uncertainties of temporal seismicity and is applicable for operational forecasting or induced seismicity monitoring. It can also be used in probabilistic traffic light systems.

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  3. Abstract

    Deterministic earthquake prediction remains elusive, but time‐dependent probabilistic seismicity forecasting seems within reach thanks to the development of physics‐based models relating seismicity to stress changes. Difficulties include constraining the earthquake nucleation model and fault initial stress state. Here, we analyze induced earthquakes from the Groningen gas field, where production is strongly seasonal, and seismicity began 3 decades after production started. We use the seismicity response to stress variations to constrain the earthquake nucleation process and calibrate models for time‐dependent forecasting of induced earthquakes. Remarkable agreements of modeled and observed seismicity are obtained when we consider (a) the initial strength excess, (b) the finite duration of earthquake nucleation, and (c) the seasonal variations of gas production. We propose a novel metric to quantify the nucleation model's ability to capture the damped amplitude and the phase of the seismicity response to short‐timescale (seasonal) stress variations which allows further tightening the model's parameters.

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