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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
  2. Driven by the need for sustainable construction solutions, there is renewed interest in earth-based materials. Biopolymer stabilizers can enhance the rheological and structural properties of these materials to facilitate their use in 3D printing. This research examined the influence of sodium alginate on the stability, particle interaction, rheology, and 3D printability of kaolinite, a commonly found clay in soils deemed suitable for construction. Findings revealed that sodium alginate could boost electrostatic interactions to enhance the stability of kaolinite suspensions. This rise in repulsive potential energy could reduce storage modulus and yield stress by orders of magnitude. However, as the alginate content increased beyond its critical overlapping concentration (0.12 %–0.6 %), a reverse trend was observed, which was attributed to the formation of a three-dimensional polymer network. Furthermore, alginate addition shifted the “printability window” of kaolinite mixtures to higher solid contents, which has positive implications on the strength and shrinkage of the printable mixtures. 
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