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Creators/Authors contains: "Kim, Eugene"

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  1. Piezoresistive structures inspired by serpentines, auxetic, and kirigami arrangements have demonstrated good flexibility and sensitivity under tension. Piezoresistive structures display optimal performance when the characteristics entail reliable stretchability and repeatability. These structures can be implemented as wearable sensors by compressing and elongating the conductive nanocomposites to vary the flow of electrons and to provide resistance change. To guarantee the reliability of these structures for strain sensing, it is important that the resistance change in these structures remains constant under repeated loads. In this study, the performance of different piezoresistive structures under cyclic tensile load is investigated and compared. Based on the performance of different types of structures, novel hybrid structures have been also proposed to design for both high stretchability and sensitivity of piezoresistive sensors. All the structures were tested with position limits rather than a fixed force to avoid permanent deformation. First, small position limits were used to determine Young’s Modulus, then a 10-cycle tensile test with larger position limits was used to further study the electromechanical behavior of different piezoresistive structures under larger deformation and repetition. Finally, the gage factor was derived for all the studied structures, and they were re-categorized based on properties’ similarities. 
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  2. null (Ed.)
  3. null (Ed.)
  4. null (Ed.)
  5. Abstract

    Echinobase ( is a third generation web resource supporting genomic research on echinoderms. The new version was built by cloning the mature Xenopus model organism knowledgebase, Xenbase, refactoring data ingestion pipelines and modifying the user interface to adapt to multispecies echinoderm content. This approach leveraged over 15 years of previous database and web application development to generate a new fully featured informatics resource in a single year. In addition to the software stack, Echinobase uses the private cloud and physical hosts that support Xenbase. Echinobase currently supports six echinoderm species, focused on those used for genomics, developmental biology and gene regulatory network analyses. Over 38 000 gene pages, 18 000 publications, new improved genome assemblies, JBrowse genome browser and BLAST + services are available and supported by the development of a new echinoderm anatomical ontology, uniformly applied formal gene nomenclature, and consistent orthology predictions. A novel feature of Echinobase is integrating support for multiple, disparate species. New genomes from the diverse echinoderm phylum will be added and supported as data becomes available. The common code development design of the integrated knowledgebases ensures parallel improvements as each resource evolves. This approach is widely applicable for developing new model organism informatics resources.

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