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Creators/Authors contains: "Kolkowitz, Shimon"

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  1. Abstract

    Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicts that a clock at a higher gravitational potential will tick faster than an otherwise identical clock at a lower potential, an effect known as the gravitational redshift. Here we perform a laboratory-based, blinded test of the gravitational redshift using differential clock comparisons within an evenly spaced array of 5 atomic ensembles spanning a height difference of 1 cm. We measure a fractional frequency gradient of [ − 12.4 ± 0. 7(stat) ± 2. 5(sys)] × 10−19/cm, consistent with the expected redshift gradient of − 10.9 × 10−19/cm. Our results can also be viewed as relativistic gravitational potential difference measurements with sensitivity to mm scale changes in height on the surface of the Earth. These results highlight the potential of local-oscillator-independent differential clock comparisons for emerging applications of optical atomic clocks including geodesy, searches for new physics, gravitational wave detection, and explorations of the interplay between quantum mechanics and gravity.

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  2. Simultaneous measurements of two nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond enables spatiotemporal magnetometry. 
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  3. Abstract

    Executing quantum algorithms on error-corrected logical qubits is a critical step for scalable quantum computing, but the requisite numbers of qubits and physical error rates are demanding for current experimental hardware. Recently, the development of error correcting codes tailored to particular physical noise models has helped relax these requirements. In this work, we propose a qubit encoding and gate protocol for171Yb neutral atom qubits that converts the dominant physical errors into erasures, that is, errors in known locations. The key idea is to encode qubits in a metastable electronic level, such that gate errors predominantly result in transitions to disjoint subspaces whose populations can be continuously monitored via fluorescence. We estimate that 98% of errors can be converted into erasures. We quantify the benefit of this approach via circuit-level simulations of the surface code, finding a threshold increase from 0.937% to 4.15%. We also observe a larger code distance near the threshold, leading to a faster decrease in the logical error rate for the same number of physical qubits, which is important for near-term implementations. Erasure conversion should benefit any error correcting code, and may also be applied to design new gates and encodings in other qubit platforms.

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  4. Abstract

    We present a concept for a high-precision optical atomic clock (OAC) operating on an Earth-orbiting space station. This pathfinder science mission will compare the space-based OAC with one or more ultra-stable terrestrial OACs to search for space-time-dependent signatures of dark scalar fields that manifest as anomalies in the relative frequencies of station-based and ground-based clocks. This opens the possibility of probing models of new physics that are inaccessible to purely ground-based OAC experiments where a dark scalar field may potentially be strongly screened near Earth’s surface. This unique enhancement of sensitivity to potential dark matter candidates harnesses the potential of space-based OACs.

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