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  1. Abstract

    Global climate change has been shown to cause longer, more intense, and frequent heatwaves, of which anthropogenic stressors concentrated in urban areas are a critical contributor. In this study, we investigate the causal interactions during heatwaves across 520 urban sites in the U.S. combining complex network and causal analysis. The presence of regional mediators is manifest in the constructed causal networks, together with long-range teleconnections. More importantly, megacities, such as New York City and Chicago, are causally connected with most of other cities and mediate the structure of urban networks during heatwaves. We also identified a significantly positive correlation between the causality strength and the total populations in megacities. These findings corroborate the contribution of human activities e.g., anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases or waste heat, to urban heatwaves. The emergence of teleconnections and supernodes are informative for the prediction and adaptation to heatwaves under global climate change.

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  2. We articulate the design imperatives for machine learning based digital twins for nonlinear dynamical systems, which can be used to monitor the “health” of the system and anticipate future collapse. The fundamental requirement for digital twins of nonlinear dynamical systems is dynamical evolution: the digital twin must be able to evolve its dynamical state at the present time to the next time step without further state input—a requirement that reservoir computing naturally meets. We conduct extensive tests using prototypical systems from optics, ecology, and climate, where the respective specific examples are a chaotic CO2 laser system, a model of phytoplankton subject to seasonality, and the Lorenz-96 climate network. We demonstrate that, with a single or parallel reservoir computer, the digital twins are capable of a variety of challenging forecasting and monitoring tasks. Our digital twin has the following capabilities: (1) extrapolating the dynamics of the target system to predict how it may respond to a changing dynamical environment, e.g., a driving signal that it has never experienced before, (2) making continual forecasting and monitoring with sparse real-time updates under non-stationary external driving, (3) inferring hidden variables in the target system and accurately reproducing/predicting their dynamical evolution, (4) adapting to external driving of different waveform, and (5) extrapolating the global bifurcation behaviors to network systems of different sizes. These features make our digital twins appealing in applications, such as monitoring the health of critical systems and forecasting their potential collapse induced by environmental changes or perturbations. Such systems can be an infrastructure, an ecosystem, or a regional climate system.

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  3. Data-based detection and quantification of causation in complex, nonlinear dynamical systems is of paramount importance to science, engineering, and beyond. Inspired by the widely used methodology in recent years, the cross-map-based techniques, we develop a general framework to advance towards a comprehensive understanding of dynamical causal mechanisms, which is consistent with the natural interpretation of causality. In particular, instead of measuring the smoothness of the cross-map as conventionally implemented, we define causation through measuring the scaling law for the continuity of the investigated dynamical system directly. The uncovered scaling law enables accurate, reliable, and efficient detection of causation and assessment of its strength in general complex dynamical systems, outperforming those existing representative methods. The continuity scaling-based framework is rigorously established and demonstrated using datasets from model complex systems and the real world. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
    There is a growing recognition that ecological systems can spend extended periods of time far away from an asymptotic state, and that ecological understanding will therefore require a deeper appreciation for how long ecological transients arise. Recent work has defined classes of deterministic mechanisms that can lead to long transients. Given the ubiquity of stochasticity in ecological systems, a similar systematic treatment of transients that includes the influence of stochasticity is important. Stochasticity can of course promote the appearance of transient dynamics by preventing systems from settling permanently near their asymptotic state, but stochasticity also interacts with deterministic features to create qualitatively new dynamics. As such, stochasticity may shorten, extend or fundamentally change a system’s transient dynamics. Here, we describe a general framework that is developing for understanding the range of possible outcomes when random processes impact the dynamics of ecological systems over realistic time scales. We emphasize that we can understand the ways in which stochasticity can either extend or reduce the lifetime of transients by studying the interactions between the stochastic and deterministic processes present, and we summarize both the current state of knowledge and avenues for future advances. 
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  5. Abstract

    Identifying regions that mediate regional propagation of atmospheric perturbations is important to assessing the susceptibility and resilience of complex hydroclimate systems. Detecting the regional gateways through causal inference, can help unravel the interplay of physical processes and inform projections of future changes. In this study, we characterize the causal interactions among nine climate regions in the contiguous United States using long‐term (1901–2018) precipitation data. The constructed causal networks reveal the cross‐regional propagation of precipitation perturbations. Results show that the Ohio Valley region acts as an atmospheric gateway for precipitation and moisture transport in the U.S., which is largely regulated by the regional convective uplift. The findings have implications for improving predicative capacity of hydroclimate modeling of regional precipitation.

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  6. null (Ed.)