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  1. Thermoelectric (TE) nanostructures with dimensions of 100 nm can show substantially better TE properties compared to the same material in the bulk form due to charge and heat transport effects specific to the nanometer scale. However, TE physics in nanostructures is still described using the Kelvin relation (KR) P = aT, where P is the Peltier coefficient, a the thermopower, and T the absolute temperature, even though derivation of the KR uses a local equilibrium assumption (LEA) applicable to macroscopic systems. It is unclear whether nanostructures with nanostructures with dimensions on the order of an inelastic mean free path satisfy a LEA under any nonzero temperature gradient. Here, we present an experimental test of the KR on a TE system consisting of doped silicon-based nanostructures with dimensions comparable to the phonon–phonon and electron–phonon mean-free-paths. Such nanostructures are small enough that true local thermodynamic equilibrium may not exist when a thermal gradient is applied. The KR is tested by measuring the ratio P/a under various applied temperature differences and comparing it to the average T. Results show relative deviations from the KR of |(P/a)/T –1| ≤ 2.2%, within measurement uncertainty. This suggests that a complete local equilibrium among all degrees of freedom may be unnecessary for the KR to be valid but could be replaced by a weaker condition of local equilibrium among only charge carriers. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 14, 2025
  2. Advancements in electronic device fabrication with increasing integration levels have resulted in very high device densities. This has led to higher power dissipation and heat fluxes, increasing integrated circuit (IC) operating temperature. High and nonuniform heat generation degrades device and system performance. Therefore, thermal management to keep ICs within prescribed temperature limits is an important challenge for reliable and economic performance. Cooling techniques, including liquid coolants and air conditioning (AC), have been utilized to remove heat at the package and system level. However, these techniques must overcome high thermal impedances and require complex integration, while global cooling is generally wasteful, inefficient, and expensive. To improve thermal management, we have developed Si microthermoelectric coolers (μTECs) with areas as small 1E−5 cm^2 that can be integrated on -chip near local hot spots using the standard fabrication processes. While Si μTECs cannot achieve low base temperatures, they can actively pump relatively high heat fluxes directly to a heat sink, thus reducing local temperature increases and allowing targeted rather than global waste heat removal. We demonstrate μTECs that can pump up to 43 W/cm^2 of locally generated excess heat with no increase in chip temperature. 
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  3. Abstract

    Killer toxins are antifungal proteins produced by many species of “killer” yeasts, including the brewer's and baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Screening 1270 strains of S. cerevisiae for killer toxin production found that 50% are killer yeasts, with a higher prevalence of yeasts isolated from human clinical samples and winemaking processes. Since many killer toxins are encoded by satellite double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) associated with mycoviruses, S. cerevisiae strains were also assayed for the presence of dsRNAs. This screen identified that 51% of strains contained dsRNAs from the mycovirus families Totiviridae and Partitiviridae, as well as satellite dsRNAs. Killer toxin production was correlated with the presence of satellite dsRNAs but not mycoviruses. However, in most killer yeasts, whole genome analysis identified the killer toxin gene KHS1 as significantly associated with killer toxin production. Most killer yeasts had unique spectrums of antifungal activities compared to canonical killer toxins, and sequence analysis identified mutations that altered their antifungal activities. The prevalence of mycoviruses and killer toxins in S. cerevisiae is important because of their known impact on yeast fitness, with implications for academic research and industrial application of this yeast species.

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  4. The Kelvin relation (KR) connecting the Peltier coefficient Π, the thermopower α, and the absolute temperature T via Π = αT is a cornerstone of thermoelectric (TE) physics. It is also a widely recognized example of an Onsager reciprocal relation, a foundational principle in nonequilibrium irreversible thermodynamics. While the KR is routinely invoked to understand TE systems, it has surprisingly little rigorous empirical verification. Accurate experimental tests of the KR are complicated by several factors, including non-Peltier heat flows such as Joule heating or Fourier thermal conduction, uncharacterized thermal contact impedances, and the need for Peltier and thermopower effects to be measured on the same thermopile at the same temperatures. Most empirical assessments of the KR have either made questionable simplifications or been limited in accuracy to several percent. Here, we present a test of the KR that is free of the difficulties of prior experiments and relies only on conventional voltage, current, and temperature measurements, so that it could be performed on any thermopile. Conducting the test on a Bi 2 Te 3 thermopile, the empirical ratio Π/α is found to equal T within a relative deviation < 0.5% for T in the range of 320–340 K. This result is quantitatively consistent with the KR and justifies the use of the KR in TE applications to reasonably high accuracy. 
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  5. Thermoelectric (TE) generators and coolers are one possible solution to energy autonomy for internet-of-things and biomedical electronics and to locally cool high-performance integrated circuits. The development of TE technology requires not only research into TE materials but also advancing TE device physics, which involves determining properties such as the thermopower ( α) and Peltier ( Π) coefficients at the device rather than material level. Although Π governs TE cooler operation, it is rarely measured because of difficulties isolating Π from larger non-Peltier heat effects such as Joule heating and Fourier thermal conduction. Instead, Π is almost always inferred from α via a theoretical Kelvin relation Π =  αT, where T is the absolute temperature. Here, we demonstrate a method for independently measuring Π on any TE device via the difference in heat flows between the thermopile held open-circuit vs short-circuit. This method determines Π solely from conventionally measured device performance parameters, corrects for non-Peltier heat effects, does not require separate knowledge of material property values, and does not assume the Kelvin relation. A measurement of Π is demonstrated on a commercial Bi 2 Te 3 TE generator. By measuring α and Π independently on the same device, the ratio ( Π/ α) is free of parasitic thermal impedances, allowing the Kelvin relation to be empirically verified to reasonable accuracy. 
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  6. Mycoviruses are widely distributed across fungi, including the yeasts of the Saccharomycotina subphylum. This manuscript reports the first double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) virus isolated from Pichia membranifaciens. This novel virus has been named Pichia membranifaciens virus L-A (PmV-L-A) and is a member of the Totiviridae. PmV-L-A is 4579 bp in length, with RNA secondary structures similar to the packaging, replication, and frameshift signals of totiviruses that infect Saccharomycotina yeasts. PmV-L-A was found to be part of a monophyletic group within the I-A totiviruses, implying a shared ancestry between mycoviruses isolated from the Pichiaceae and Saccharomycetaceae yeasts. Energy-minimized AlphaFold2 molecular models of the PmV-L-A Gag protein revealed structural conservation with the Gag protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus L-A (ScV-L-A). The predicted tertiary structure of the PmV-L-A Pol and other homologs provided a possible mechanism for totivirus RNA replication due to structural similarities with the RNA-dependent RNA polymerases of mammalian dsRNA viruses. Insights into the structure, function, and evolution of totiviruses gained from yeasts are essential because of their emerging role in animal disease and their parallels with mammalian viruses. 
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  7. null (Ed.)
    Abstract Lesions to DNA compromise chromosome integrity, posing a direct threat to cell survival. The bacterial SOS response is a widespread transcriptional regulatory mechanism to address DNA damage. This response is coordinated by the LexA transcriptional repressor, which controls genes involved in DNA repair, mutagenesis and cell-cycle control. To date, the SOS response has been characterized in most major bacterial groups, with the notable exception of the Bacteroidetes. No LexA homologs had been identified in this large, diverse and ecologically important phylum, suggesting that it lacked an inducible mechanism to address DNA damage. Here, we report the identification of a novel family of transcriptional repressors in the Bacteroidetes that orchestrate a canonical response to DNA damage in this phylum. These proteins belong to the S24 peptidase family, but are structurally different from LexA. Their N-terminal domain is most closely related to CI-type bacteriophage repressors, suggesting that they may have originated from phage lytic phase repressors. Given their role as SOS regulators, however, we propose to designate them as non-canonical LexA proteins. The identification of a new class of repressors orchestrating the SOS response illuminates long-standing questions regarding the origin and plasticity of this transcriptional network. 
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  8. null (Ed.)