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Creators/Authors contains: "Lin, Francesco"

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  1. Abstract

    We describe a relationship between the monopole Floer homology of three‐manifolds and the geometry of Riemann surfaces. For an automorphism of a compact Riemann surface with quotient , there is a natural correspondence between theta characteristics on which are invariant under and self‐conjugate structures on the mapping torus of . We show that the monopole Floer homology groups of are explicitly determined by the eigenvalues of the (lift of the) action of on , the space of holomorphic sections of , and discuss several consequences of this description. Our result is based on a detailed analysis of the transversality properties of the Seiberg–Witten equations for suitable small perturbations.

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  2. null (Ed.)
  3. null (Ed.)
    Abstract We show that the Seifert–Weber dodecahedral space $\textsf{SW}$ is a monopole Floer homology $L$-space. The proof relies on our approach to study Floer homology using hyperbolic geometry. Although $\textsf{SW}$ is significantly larger than previous manifolds studied with this technique, we overcome computational complexity issues inherent to our method by exploiting the many symmetries of $\textsf{SW}$. In particular, we prove that small eigenvalues on coexact $1$-forms on $\textsf{SW}$ have large multiplicity. 
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  4. null (Ed.)