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Creators/Authors contains: "Lin, Yanping"

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  1. In this article, we consider a phase field model with different densities and viscosities for the coupled two-phase porous media flow and two-phase free flow, as well as the corresponding numerical simulation. This model consists of three parts: a Cahn–Hilliard–Darcy system with different densities/viscosities describing the porous media flow in matrix, a Cahn–Hilliard–Navier–Stokes system with different densities/viscosities describing the free fluid in conduit, and seven interface conditions coupling the flows in the matrix and the conduit. Based on the separate Cahn–Hilliard equations in the porous media region and the free flow region, a weak formulation is proposed to incorporate the two-phase systems of the two regions and the seven interface conditions between them, and the corresponding energy law is proved for the model. A fully decoupled numerical scheme, including the novel decoupling of the Cahn–Hilliard equations through the four phase interface conditions, is developed to solve this coupled nonlinear phase field model. An energy-law preservation is analyzed for the temporal semi-discretization scheme. Furthermore, a fully discretized Galerkin finite element method is proposed. Six numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the accuracy, discrete energy law, and applicability of the proposed fully decoupled scheme. 
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  2. Abstract Finite element methods developed for unfitted meshes have been widely applied to various interface problems. However, many of them resort to non-conforming spaces for approximation, which is a critical obstacle for the extension to $\textbf{H}(\text{curl})$ equations. This essential issue stems from the underlying Sobolev space $\textbf{H}^s(\text{curl};\,\Omega)$ , and even the widely used penalty methodology may not yield the optimal convergence rate. One promising approach to circumvent this issue is to use a conforming test function space, which motivates us to develop a Petrov–Galerkin immersed finite element (PG-IFE) method for $\textbf{H}(\text{curl})$ -elliptic interface problems. We establish the Nédélec-type IFE spaces and develop some important properties including their edge degrees of freedom, an exact sequence relating to the $H^1$ IFE space and optimal approximation capabilities. We analyse the inf-sup condition under certain assumptions and show the optimal convergence rate, which is also validated by numerical experiments. 
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