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Creators/Authors contains: "Lissenden, Clifford"

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  1. Abstract

    In this article, we present a design methodology for resonant structures exhibiting particular dynamic responses by combining an eigenfrequency matching approach and a harmonic analysis-informed eigenmode identification strategy. This systematic design methodology, based on topology optimization, introduces a novel computationally efficient approach for 3D dynamic problems requiring antiresonances at specific target frequencies subject to specific harmonic loads. The optimization’s objective function minimizes the error between target antiresonance frequencies and the actual structure’s antiresonance eigenfrequencies, while the harmonic analysis-informed identification strategy compares harmonic displacement responses against eigenvectors using a modal assurance criterion, therefore ensuring an accurate recognition and selection of appropriate antiresonance eigenmodes used during the optimization process. At the same time, this method effectively prevents well-known problems in topology optimization of eigenfrequencies such as localized eigenmodes in low-density regions, eigenmodes switching order, and repeated eigenfrequencies. Additionally, our proposed localized eigenmode identification approach completely removes the spurious eigenmodes from the optimization problem by analyzing the eigenvectors’ response in low-density regions compared to high-density regions. The topology optimization problem is formulated with a density-based parametrization and solved with a gradient-based sequential linear programming method, including material interpolation models and topological filters. Two case studies demonstrate that the proposed design methodology successfully generates antiresonances at the desired target frequency subject to different harmonic loads, design domain dimensions, mesh discretization, or material properties.

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  2. Abstract

    We demonstrate the design of resonating structures using a density-based topology optimization approach, which requires the eigenfrequencies to match a set of target values. To develop a solution, several optimization modules are implemented, including material interpolation models, penalization schemes, filters, analytical sensitivities, and a solver. Moreover, common challenges in topology optimization for dynamic systems and their solutions are discussed. In this study, the objective function is to minimize the error between the target and actual eigenfrequency values. The finite element method is used to compute the eigenfrequencies at each iteration. To solve the optimization problem, we use the sequential linear programming algorithm with move limits, enhanced by a filtering technique. Finally, we present a resonator design as a case study and analyze the design process with different optimization parameters.

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