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Creators/Authors contains: "Liu, Yun"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
  2. This paper presents a study on the effectiveness of two turbulence models, the large eddy simulation (LES) model and the k-ε turbulence model, in predicting mixing time within a ladle furnace using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique. The CFD model was developed based on a downscaled water ladle from an industrial ladle. Corresponding experiments were conducted to provide insights into the flow field, which were used for the validation of CFD simulations. The correlation between the flow structure and turbulence kinetic energy in relation to mixing time was investigated. Flow field results indicated that both turbulence models aligned well with time-averaged velocity data from the experiments. However, the LES model not only offered a closer match in magnitude but also provided a more detailed representation of turbulence eddies. With respect to predicting mixing time, increased flow rates resulted in extended mixing times in both turbulence models. However, the LES model consistently projected longer mixing times due to its capability to capture a more intricate distribution of turbulence eddies.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 28, 2025
  4. Abstract

    Magnetic fields are uniquely valuable for creating colloidal nanostructured materials, not only providing a means for controlled synthesis but also guiding their self‐assembly into distinct superstructures. In this study, a magnetothermal process for synthesizing hybrid nanostructures comprising ferrimagnetic magnetite nanorods coated with fluorescent perovskite nanocrystals is reported and their magnetic assembly into superstructures capable of emitting linear and circularly polarized light are demonstrated. Under UV excitation, the superstructures assembled in a liner magnetic field produce linear polarized luminescence, and those assembled in a chiral magnetic field exhibit strong circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) with aglumvalue up to 0.44 (±0.004). The CPL is believed to originate from the dipolar interaction between neighboring perovskite nanocrystals attached to the chiral assemblies and the chiral‐selective absorption of the perovskite emission by the magnetite phase. The magnetic synthesis and assembly approaches and the resulting distinctive chiral superstructures are anticipated to open up new avenues for designing diverse functional chiroptical devices.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 11, 2025
  5. Ladle metallurgy serves as a crucial component of the steelmaking industry, where it plays a pivotal role in manipulating the molten steel to exercise precise control over its composition and properties. Turbulence in ladle metallurgy influences various important aspects of the steelmaking process, including mixing and distribution of additives, alongside the transport and removal of inclusions within the ladle. Consequently, gaining a clear understanding of the stirred flow field holds the potential of optimizing ladle design, improving control strategies, and enhancing the overall efficiency and steel quality. In this project, an advanced Particle-Tracking-Velocimetry system known as “Shake-the-Box” is implemented on a cylindrical water ladle model while compressed air injections through two circular plugs positioned at the bottom of the model are employed to actively stir the flow. To mitigate the particle images distortion caused by the cylindrical plexi-glass walls, the method of refractive matching is utilized with an outer polygon tank filled with a sodium iodide solution. The volumetric flow measurement is achieved on a 6 × 6 × 2 cm domain between the two plugs inside the cylindrical container while the flow rate of gas injection is set from 0.1 to 0.4 L per minute. The volumetric flow field result suggests double gas injection at low flow rate (0.1 L per minute) produce the least disturbed flow while highly disturbed and turbulent flow can be created at higher flow rate of gas injection.

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  6. Abstract

    The application of hardware‐based neural networks can be enhanced by integrating sensory neurons and synapses that enable direct input from external stimuli. This work reports direct optical control of an oscillatory neuron based on volatile threshold switching in V3O5. The devices exhibit electroforming‐free operation with switching parameters that can be tuned by optical illumination. Using temperature‐dependent electrical measurements, conductive atomic force microscopy (C‐AFM), in situ thermal imaging, and lumped element modelling, it is shown that the changes in switching parameters, including threshold and hold voltages, arise from overall conductivity increase of the oxide film due to the contribution of both photoconductive and bolometric characteristics of V3O5, which eventually affects the oscillation dynamics. Furthermore, V3O5is identified as a new bolometric material with a temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) as high as −4.6% K−1at 423 K. The utility of these devices is illustrated by demonstrating in‐sensor reservoir computing with reduced computational effort and an optical encoding layer for spiking neural network (SNN), respectively, using a simulated array of devices.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 12, 2025
  7. Abstract

    Polyploidy (genome duplication) is a pivotal force in evolution. However, the interactions between parental genomes in a polyploid nucleus, frequently involving subgenome dominance, are poorly understood. Here we showcase analyses of a bamboo system (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) comprising a series of lineages from diploid (herbaceous) to tetraploid and hexaploid (woody), with 11 chromosome-level de novo genome assemblies and 476 transcriptome samples. We find that woody bamboo subgenomes exhibit stunning karyotype stability, with parallel subgenome dominance in the two tetraploid clades and a gradual shift of dominance in the hexaploid clade. Allopolyploidization and subgenome dominance have shaped the evolution of tree-like lignified culms, rapid growth and synchronous flowering characteristic of woody bamboos as large grasses. Our work provides insights into genome dominance in a remarkable polyploid system, including its dependence on genomic context and its ability to switch which subgenomes are dominant over evolutionary time.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
  8. Earth’s inner core is predominantly composed of solid iron (Fe) and displays intriguing properties such as strong shear softening and an ultrahigh Poisson’s ratio. Insofar, physical mechanisms to explain these features coherently remain highly debated. Here, we have studied longitudinal and shear wave velocities of hcp-Fe (hexagonal close-packed iron) at relevant pressure–temperature conditions of the inner core using in situ shock experiments and machine learning molecular dynamics (MLMD) simulations. Our results demonstrate that the shear wave velocity of hcp-Fe along the Hugoniot in the premelting condition, defined asT/Tm(Tm: melting temperature of iron) above 0.96, is significantly reduced by ~30%, while Poisson’s ratio jumps to approximately 0.44. MLMD simulations at 230 to 330 GPa indicate that collective motion with fast diffusive atomic migration occurs in premelting hcp-Fe primarily along [100] or [010] crystallographic direction, contributing to its elastic softening and enhanced Poisson’s ratio. Our study reveals that hcp-Fe atoms can diffusively migrate to neighboring positions, forming open-loop and close-loop clusters in the inner core conditions. Hcp-Fe with collective motion at the inner core conditions is thus not an ideal solid previously believed. The premelting hcp-Fe with collective motion behaves like an extremely soft solid with an ultralow shear modulus and an ultrahigh Poisson’s ratio that are consistent with seismic observations of the region. Our findings indicate that premelting hcp-Fe with fast diffusive motion represents the underlying physical mechanism to help explain the unique seismic and geodynamic features of the inner core.

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