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Creators/Authors contains: "Lu, Jingwan"

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  1. We propose a new approach for high resolution semantic image synthesis. It consists of one base image generator and multiple class-specific generators. The base generator generates high quality images based on a segmentation map. To further improve the quality of different objects, we create a bank of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) by separately training class-specific models. This has several benefits including – dedicated weights for each class; centrally aligned data for each model; additional training data from other sources, potential of higher resolution and quality; and easy manipulation of a specific object in the scene. Experiments show that our approach can generate high quality images in high resolution while having flexibility of object-level control by using class-specific generators. Project page: 
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  2. Training generative models, such as GANs, on a target domain containing limited examples (e.g., 10) can easily result in overfitting. In this work, we seek to utilize a large source domain for pretraining and transfer the diversity information from source to target. We propose to preserve the relative similarities and differences between instances in the source via a novel cross-domain distance consistency loss. To further reduce overfitting, we present an anchor-based strategy to encourage different levels of realism over different regions in the latent space. With extensive results in both photorealistic and non-photorealistic domains, we demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively that our few-shot model automatically discovers correspondences between source and target domains and generates more diverse and realistic images than previous methods. 
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