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Creators/Authors contains: "Mathews, Grant"

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  1. Abstract

    We report on the effects of strong magnetic fields on neutrino emission in the modified Urca process. We show that the effect of Landau levels on the various Urca pairs affects the neutrino emission spectrum and leads to an angular asymmetry in the neutrino emission. For low magnetic fields, the Landau levels have almost no effect on the cooling. However, as the field strength increases, the electron chemical potential increases resulting in a lower density at which Urca pairs can exist. For intermediate field strength, there is an interesting interference between the Landau level distribution and the Fermi distribution. For high enough field strength, the entire electron energy spectrum is eventually confined to a single Landau level producing dramatic spikes in the emission spectrum.

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  2. Abstract We study the evolution of rapid neutron-capture process (r-process) isotopes in the galaxy. We analyze relative contributions from core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe), neutron star mergers, and collapsars under a range of astrophysical conditions and nuclear input data. Here we show that, although the r-process in each of these sites can lead to a similar (universal) elemental distribution, the detailed isotopic abundances can differ from one site to another. These differences may allow for the identification of which sources contributed to the early evolution of r-process material in the galaxy. Our simulations suggest that the early evolution was dominated by CCSNe and collapsar r-process nucleosynthesis. This conclusion may be testable if the next generation of observatories can deduce isotopic r-process abundances. 
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