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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 15, 2024
  2. Research has shown that trigger-action programming (TAP) is an intuitive way to automate smart home IoT devices, but can also lead to undesirable behaviors. For instance, if two TAP rules have the same trigger condition, but one locks a door while the other unlocks it, the user may believe the door is locked when it is not. Researchers have developed tools to identify buggy or undesirable TAP programs, but little work investigates the usability of the different user-interaction approaches implemented by the various tools. This paper describes an exploratory study of the usability and utility of techniques proposed by TAP security analysis tools. We surveyed 447 Prolific users to evaluate their ability to write declarative policies, identify undesirable patterns in TAP rules (anti-patterns), and correct TAP program errors, as well as to understand whether proposed tools align with users’ needs. We find considerable variation in participants’ success rates writing policies and identifying anti-patterns. For some scenarios over 90% of participants wrote an appropriate policy, while for others nobody was successful. We also find that participants did not necessarily perceive the TAP anti-patterns flagged by tools as undesirable. Our work provides insight into real smart-home users’ goals, highlights the importance of more rigorous evaluation of users’ needs and usability issues when designing TAP security tools, and provides guidance to future tool development and TAP research. 
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  3. To prevent applications from leaking users' private data to attackers, researchers have developed runtime information flow control (IFC) mechanisms. Most existing approaches are either based on taint tracking or multi-execution, and the same technique is used to protect the entire application. However, today's applications are typically composed of multiple components from heterogenous and unequally trusted sources. The goal of this paper is to develop a framework to enable the flexible composition of IFC enforcement mechanisms. More concretely, we focus on reactive programs, which is an abstract model for event-driven programs including web and mobile applications. We formalize the semantics of existing IFC enforcement mechanisms with well-defined interfaces for composition, define knowledge-based security guarantees that can precisely quantify the effect of implicit leaks from taint tracking, and prove sound all composed systems that we instantiate the framework with. We identify requirements for future enforcement mechanisms to be securely composed in our framework. Finally, we implement a prototype in OCaml and compare the effects of different compositions. 
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  4. Information flow type systems enforce the security property of noninterference by detecting unauthorized data flows at compile-time. However, they require precise type annotations, making them difficult to use in practice as much of the legacy infrastructure is written in untyped or dynamically-typed languages. Gradual typing seamlessly integrates static and dynamic typing, providing the best of both approaches, and has been applied to information flow control, where information flow monitors are derived from gradual security types. Prior work on gradual information flow typing uncovered tensions between noninterference and the dynamic gradual guarantee- the property that less precise security type annotations in a program should not cause more runtime errors.This paper re-examines the connection between gradual information flow types and information flow monitors to identify the root cause of the tension between the gradual guarantees and noninterference. We develop runtime semantics for a simple imperative language with gradual information flow types that provides both noninterference and gradual guarantees. We leverage a proof technique developed for FlowML and reduce noninterference proofs to preservation proofs. 
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  5. Scripts on webpages could steal sensitive user data. Much work has been done, both in modeling and implementation, to enforce information flow control (IFC) of webpages to mitigate such attacks. It is common to model scripts running in an IFC mechanism as a reactive program. However, this model does not account for dynamic script behavior such as user action simulation, new DOM element generation, or new event handler registration, which could leak information. In this paper, we investigate how to secure sensitive user information, while maintaining the flexibility of declassification, even in the presence of active attackers-those who can perform the aforementioned actions. Our approach extends prior work on secure-multi-execution with stateful declassification by treating script-generated content specially to ensure that declassification policies cannot be manipulated by them. We use a knowledge-based progress-insensitive definition of security and prove that our enforcement mechanism is sound. We further prove that our enforcement mechanism is precise and has robust declassification (i.e. active attackers cannot learn more than their passive counterpart). 
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