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Creators/Authors contains: "Moshayedi, Ata Jahangir"

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  1. NA (Ed.)
    In this paper, we investigate the operation of an aerial manipulator system, namely an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) equipped with a controllable arm with two degrees of freedom to carry out actuation tasks on the fly. Our solution is based on employing a Q-learning method to control the trajectory of the tip of the arm, also called end-effector. More specifically, we develop a motion planning model based on Time To Collision (TTC), which enables a quadrotor UAV to navigate around obstacles while ensuring the manipulator’s reachability. Additionally, we utilize a model-based Q-learning model to independently track and control the desired trajectory of the manipulator’s end-effector, given an arbitrary baseline trajectory for the UAV platform. Such a combination enables a variety of actuation tasks such as high-altitude welding, structural monitoring and repair, battery replacement, gutter cleaning, sky scrapper cleaning, and power line maintenance in hard-to-reach and risky environments while retaining compatibility with flight control firmware. Our RL-based control mechanism results in a robust control strategy that can handle uncertainties in the motion of the UAV, offering promising performance. Specifically, our method achieves 92% accuracy in terms of average displacement error (i.e. the mean distance between the target and obtained trajectory points) using Q-learning with 15,000 episodes. 
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